Tuesday 27 November 2007

Van Trustees Meeting at the Cornhouse 7.00pm,12th November 2007

Van Trustees Meeting at the Cornhouse 7.00pm,12th November 2007


Present: David Collingwood, Mike Hatch, Andrew Howe, Pat Jones, Anne McCay, Martin Smith, Dave West.
Apologies: Carola Fielden, Chris Dean, Neil Walker.
Dave West chaired in the absence of Carola.
1. The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
2. From Matters Arising 15/10/07:
In the light of plans for the Questionaire & planned meeting with Shropshire groups Carola suggested that it was not necessary for Sheila Jeavons to become more involved in Van at present.

3. Update on discussions at 15/10/07 meeting
(a)Questionaire & Mailout.
13 local Art Groups had been identified. Carola had emailed the questionnaire to six leaders of these groups with a covering letter explaining what she was expecting them to do. Explaining that we are doing a survey of Artists around Shropshire and wish to go through their group and the information will be shared when we host a group meeting. It was decided to move this meeting from December to January as the Cornhouse may be booked in December.
ACTION ITEM: Carola needs to estimate how many are coming, so that a budget for nibbles can be assessed. She also needs to book the night at the Cornhouse and send out invites.
ACTION ITEM We need to list an Agenda. These are some of the proposals:
(i). This is a good opportunity for networking.
(ii). Artists Directory
(iii). Studios
(iv). Music Hall
(v). Theatre Severn
(vi). Sales Opportunities for Arts.
(vii). The use of Van Website.
(viii). How the groups,'together' would have more impact when dealing with S.A.B.C. and S.C.C.
(ix). S.A.A.D.A. restarting the Shropshire Open and will display at Rowley's Mansion. They are planning to do touring shows around venues in Shropshire. There is a need to find out where to exhibit in Shropshire. There is a study by Shropshire County Council.
Pat was going to look up Merrythought factory which Mike Hatch had exhibited in for the Heritage World Festival Jenny Gunning was in charge of it.
(x). Anne McCay pointed out that there isn't anything equivalent to the,' 31 days' for the Visual Arts and it would include advertising.

(b). Art About Town. We need to act upon this pretty quick as it needs organising. Carola has spoken to Jill Leventon about the future organising of Art about Town Chris Griffin (Art Photographer, member of Made in Shropshire).
ACTION ITEM Carola to ask Julia to contact Chris Griffin.
Made in Shropshire were going to do the Art about Town in the shops. Sarah Lean was proposing a Fringe for the Open around town as she organises the showing venues in the Bars and was considering the possibility of including some of the entries from the Open which did not get in as an alternative venue.
(c) New Theatre
David Collingwood urged that it was imperative that we deal with the new theatre before the plans are finalised to find out where there will be a space to display Art. We need a policy to discuss with the Council. The people to see are Geraint Morgan and Lezley Picton? David collingwood wants Public Art incorporated in the Theatre plans. He would like John Weaver to be recognised for his work as a brilliant choreographer. (Notes distributed to interested parties.)
(d) Membership
We would like these groups who attend the meeting to involve themselves with Van and find a mechanism to build it up, to find a way of linking up as some may not want to join Van.
Dave West emphasised our need to address and discuss membership problems. A membership form had been agreed but had not been done. David Collingwood proposes an individual meeting to work out what we need to say about us as a group to potential members. Our membership is very important. We need to take immediate action about membership.
ACTION ITEM Make membership an agenda item at next meeting.
ACTION ITEM Andrew Howe and Martin Smith will meet on Thursday 15th November to get a clear paragraph or two around what do Artists want and what do we van want. Dave West brought up the visual image of a 70's poster where little fish make up the final picture of the big fish.
(e) SABC Grant In our last meeting Carola had said she would approach Maggie Love about £500 available from S.A.B.C. for development work for Van. Maggie Love has explained that we have missed last year's money but we need to put in for next year before the April deadline.
(f) SAADA.
Anne McCay reported on S.A.A.D.A. meeting on the 17th about restarting the Open. They may be using space at Rowley's House. They will be no theme, as previous Shrops. Opens. It may be widened nationally in subsequent years. John Wragg is believed to have identified a sponsor for a prize.
It was a positive meeting. In 2009 there are plans for a touring Shropshire Open.
VAN may be looking at a funding application linked to the Open.. Andrew has written a business plan based on a previous one done by Martin that can be developed for use with funding applications. Costing need to be added.
Anne McCay is deputising for Carola at S.A.A.D.A meeting
(g) Insurance for Public Liability.
If people want to be covered by our policy there will need to be a record of it in the meeting minutes. People should use our logo on their publicity. They will need to give 3 month's advance notice.
We need to see the Insurance Policy.
ACTION ITEM Ask Chris Dean if he has it.
Dave West suggested that to be covered by insurance artists would need to be members. Is Open Studios Event covered by VAN insurance?
(h)Open Studios.
Is it a part of Van? Do the entrants to the Open Studio's, Art about Town need to be a member of Van?
(i) VAN Meetings
David Collingwood wants to look at policy and not the administration.
Do we need to have a shorter business time with a social bit at the end? Networking basically having a drink . We were thinking of linking it with Sarah Lean's Art in the bar venues. The Art Cafe only happens every 3 months.
(j)Committee Members Roles & Meeting structure
Carola was hoping Maggie Caley would consider being Membership Secretary. She was not at meeting.
And proposed that Dave West act as Meeting Chairperson, to free her from the conflict of presenting information & controlling the agenda & its progress. Dave is considering the suggestion. It would help the flow of the meetings.
Dave suggested that meetings should have regular agenda items such as Membership, Event plans, etc tied to VAN’s activities. And that minutes should indicate Actions required & those responsible for them, which should then be reported on at the subsequent meeting. This should help turn discussion into action & help move things on.
Dave to consult with Carola about agenda for next meeting. May include Membership discussion. Discuss David Collingwood's discussion paper The Role Of Van, and does the constitution need a revue?
(k) Blue Chairs
We have a cheque for £100 for the Blue Chairs, Jules to present it to Giles, Andrew will try to arrange photo for Publicity.
Next Meeting; Monday.7.00pm. Dec. 17th 2007. (Bring a bottle if at Anne McCay's)

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