‘Delivering the Creative Partnerships programme across Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire’
Invitations to tender
1 Introduction
2 Tendering Guidance
2.1 The process
2.2 The template
3 Summary of briefs
4 Invitations to tender
5 Appendix – Tendering template
1. Introduction
Cre8us, formerly known as Creative Partnerships Coventry, delivers the Creative Partnerships Programme in partnership with 52 schools across Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire. We are now based at CSWP Ltd in Coventry (Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Partnership Ltd)
Creative Partnerships programme
Creative Partnerships (CP) is the Government's flagship creative learning programme, funded by the DCMS and the DCSF and designed to develop the skills of young people across England, raising their aspirations and achievements, and opening up more opportunities for their futures. CP has worked with over 2,400 schools from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 4 in areas of deprivation across England. This world-leading programme is transforming teaching and learning across the curriculum. For more information please visit
What CP does
CP supports thousands of innovative partnerships, between schools and creative professionals - from architects to scientists to multimedia developers and artists. Young people, school staff and practitioners collaborate throughout, from developing ideas through to planning, delivery and evaluation. They develop the skills they need to perform well not only school settings, exams and extra-curricular activities, but also in the workplace and wider society. Working with Creative Partnerships, schools use creativity to solve problems and see real improvements in pupil behaviour and school performance.
What CP believes
CP believes that creativity is not a skill bound within the arts, but a wider ability to question, make connections, and take an innovative and imaginative approach to problem solving. These are skills that are demanded by today's employers.
What CP has achieved
• Schools that work with Creative Partnerships improve their GCSE results faster
• 7 out of 10 secondary head teachers say Creative Partnerships improves pupil behaviour in their school
• Creative Partnerships increases parental engagement in children's learning
2. Tendering Guidance
2.1. The process.
At Cre8us we believe in continually widening and diversifying our network of creative partners and practitioners. Schools have worked with freelance workers known as Creative Agents contracted by Cre8us to devise programmes of work and invitations to tender included in this document. We encourage you to review all projects as a way to inform your tender. Interested parties can tender for more than one opportunity.
Tendering for these opportunities for creative practitioners and any queries regarding them should be made directly to the school concerned. The process is timebound and the deadlines set by each individual school in our programme. Most projects will take place between Spring 2009 and Summer 2009. Projects will be completed and evaluated by June 2009.
Notes for all tender documents
• We strongly suggest you use the Expression of Interest Form attached as an appendix to this document as part of your application to schools. This has been designed to assist both you and the schools in the application process.
• Please provide a copy of your own CV and two references from education providers you have previously worked in partnership with.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million will be a condition of employment
2.2. The template
A template for interested parties to develop expressions of interest is provided as an appendix. The template format has been designed to provide a fair and consistent process to assist in the decision making process.
3. Summary of Briefs
Ref: Cre8us- 001 School: Abbey Church of England Infant & Nursery School
How can the use of animation inspire Year One boys’ literacy skills and encourage enthusiasm for reading and writing?
Ref: Cre8us- 002 School: Barrs Hill Secondary School, Coventry
How can we creatively facilitate and actively engage pupils in thinking about their learning as a process?
Ref: Cre8us- 003 School: Barrs Hill Secondary School, Coventry
How can we creatively facilitate and actively engage pupils in thinking about their learning as a process?
Ref: Cre8us- 004 School: Brooke School, Warwickshire
In what ways can facilitating pupil expression and identity through physical movement and media, instil pupil confidence in transition from year six to year seven?
Ref: Cre8us- 005 School: Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School, Coventry
Can we instil the belief in students, that they are the decision makers of tomorrow, and in order to take on that responsibility they must think, reflect and act accordingly?
Ref: Cre8us- 006 School: Castle Bromwich Junior School, North Solihull
What teaching methodologies can we use to motivate and inspire our children to be creative learners who are actively engaged in lessons?
Ref: Cre8us- 007 School: Castle Bromwich Infant School, North Solihull
How can we develop more creative learning opportunities to promote pupil independence, choice and resilience, and help to raise standards further?
Ref: Cre8us- 008 School: Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, Coventry
Does exploring language, using creative interventions, develop children’s speaking and listening skills and really impact on standards in writing?
Ref: Cre8us- 009 School: Damson Wood Infant School, Solihull
How can we design a thematic, integrated curriculum unit that is derived from pupils’ own interests, using music as a learning tool and stimulus to support the development of writing, particularly for boys?
Ref: Cre8us- 010 School: Haselor Primary School, Warwickshire
Which types of created and adapted spaces best engage and inspire pupils to write independently for a range of purposes?
Ref: Cre8us- 011 School: Hill Farm Primary School, Coventry
How can we improve pupils’ engagement and quality of learning, through the development of a creative curriculum that they have helped to develop?
Ref: Cre8us- 012 School: Kineton High School, Warwickshire
Can the Learning Experience of students be improved in traditionally-taught subjects, with students being at the forefront of change?
Ref: Cre8us- 013 School: Langley Primary School, Solihull
How can we use our outdoor environment more creatively to stimulate personal, interpersonal and cognitive skills in our learners
Ref: Cre8us- 014 School: Lyng Hall Secondary School, Coventry
How can creative approaches to teaching and learning in Humanities in year 9 contribute to attainment in Maths
Ref: Cre8us- 015 School: Lyng Hall Secondary School, Coventry
We want to explore how English may be taught creatively in relation to other languages and cultures, historical contexts, family and popular culture as part of an alternative curriculum developed for year 7 foundation students at Lyng Hall school
Ref: Cre8us- 016 School: Milverton Primary School, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
How can we adapt the school’s outdoor and indoor space to improve and inspire our children’s communication skills and have an impact on their learning?
Ref: Cre8us- 017 School: Marston Green Infants School, Solihull
Can enquiry based learning have an impact on the professional practice of teachers and consequently raise standards of attainment within boys writing?
Ref: Cre8us- 018 School: Oak Cottage, Solihull
Does a more creative approach to writing based activities improve and enhance the experience for boys, and therefore raise attainment?
Ref: Cre8us- 019 School: Shustoke Church of England Primary School, Solihull
How do we use creative approaches to inspire boys to improve their writing across the curriculum?
Ref: Cre8us- 020 School: Snitterfield Primary School, Warwickshire
How can we make adaptations to the learning environment to engage all pupils in their learning?
Ref: Cre8us- 021 School: St Patricks Catholic Primary School, Coventry
Does a creative approach to literacy engage boys more fully and result in higher aspirations and achievements?
Ref: Cre8us- 022 School: Tudor Grange School, Solihull
What is required to foster in young people creative skills that can be transferred - including collaboration, problem finding/solving and questioning skills - across the whole curriculum?
Ref: Cre8us- 023 School: Welford upon Avon Primary School, Warwickshire
In what ways can we facilitate and enable children’s imagination and creative writing?
Ref: Cre8us- 024 School: Wood End Primary School, Warwickshire
Can parental involvement have a positive impact on learning and improve communication between the school and local community?
Ref: Cre8us- 025 School: Woodlands Primary School, Solihull
What creative approaches and ways of learning in the outside environment will develop problem solving in Mathematical Development within Foundation Stage 2?
Ref: Cre8us- 026 School: Wyken Croft Primary School, Coventry
How can a pupil-led & cross curricular approach improve standards and enjoyment within the Humanities curriculum?
Ref: Cre8us- 027 School: Edgewick Community Primary School, Coventry
‘…. how a creative approach to the teaching of mathematics will stimulate more links to other subjects’.
Ref: Cre8us- 028 School: Bishops Ullathorne Catholic School, Coventry
We wish to know how we can develop more empathetic, analytical and socially active students, with the skills to scrutinise prevailing beliefs and viewpoints, whilst being able to articulate reasoned conclusions.
Ref: Cre8us- 029 School: Bishops Ullathorne Catholic School
We wish to know how we can develop more empathetic, analytical and socially active students, with the skills to scrutinise prevailing beliefs and viewpoints, whilst being able to articulate reasoned conclusions.
Ref: Cre8us- 030 School: Harris Secondary School & Sports College
What is the impact on student achievement when teaching and learning occurs in a multi-sensory environment?
4 Invitations to tender
Ref: Cre8us ITT 001
Name of school: Abbey Church of England Infant and Nursery School, Aston road, Abbey green, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5EL, Telephone/Fax: 024 76386101
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
Abbey C of E Infant and Nursery school is using its Creative Partnerships programme to explore the following research question:
How can the use of animation inspire year one boy’s literacy skills and encourage enthusiasm for reading and writing?
We recognise the importance of creative activity, teaching and learning, and specifically this project supports the following areas of our SDP :
• To raise boys’ achievement and attainment
• To raise standards in reading and writing throughout the school
• To further develop the inclusive nature of our school
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
We wish to build on the creativity inherent in our foundation stage and extend this approach into year one.
Boys reading and writing at this age is an area of concern for us, and we are keen to inspire them to want to, rather than feel they are being forced to. Having had a level of success with bringing text to life through an active approach, we are looking for two creative partners to help us use visual tools inventively to engage the boys’ imagination and enthusiasm for the written word.
Our chosen tool for the exploration of this project is animation, including role play.
By working closely with the artists, our two year one teachers hope to be able to acquire additional skills which they will then be able to develop and use in their practice, and to pass on to TAs and other teaching staff.
There is currently a high level of teamwork between staff and TAs, with continual planning communication and a scheduled PPA meeting every Thursday morning. These can be used to enhance our reflective learning, in addition to that embedded within the project with the children.
We intend this project to be truly collaborative and for pupils and staff to take ownership through shared exploration with our creative partners, along with time scheduled in for genuine constructive reflection.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
The school is looking for two exceptional creative partners with skills in one or more of the following areas:
• Animation
• Visual art
• Film / video
• Drama
In addition to this we are also looking for someone with the ability to:
• Communicate with young children – 5 to 6 years
• Work collaboratively and flexibly
• Apply his/her work in a variety of contexts
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
Abbey C of E Infant and Nursery School is looking for 2 practitioners to work with 52 year one children during the Spring term to explore how the use of animation/media can inspire children particularly boys to read and write. Our learning themes during that term are ‘the jobs people do’ (first half) and ‘myths and legends (second half). It is anticipated that the practitioner will draw on their own skills whilst consulting practically with the children and staff involved. We are flexible about the animation/media content as long as it links to the themes in some way.
The process by which the activity occurs is left open for discussion with the successful candidates however we would like all of the children to be involved in some way. We are expecting 16 days of input – to be shared between the 2 successful candidates and how this is used is also open for discussion.
The school is developing a more integrated and creative approach towards learning anfd through this aims to ease transition issues from the early years to key stage one.
The school is situated in an area of deprivation and we have a number of children with special educational needs. Within the year group in question with have 3 children with statements of special needs with a focus on behaviour and physical needs. One of the pupils in year one has no arms but he is extremely skilled with his feet and is able to access the curriculum fully with minimal support.
The school can offer 2 fairly large classrooms, a small resources area and considerable outdoor space for the activity. We also have a school hall which is also available.
The school has appointed the key stage 1 curriculum leader who is also a year 1 teacher has co-ordinator for the project and she will be your first point of contact.
The successful applicants will be contracted directly by the school who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to this we are also working with a creative agent, a freelance creative professional employed by cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
• Applications need to be into school by Monday 24th November 2008 and shortlisting will then take place over the week. Please return to:
Debbie Middleton, Abbey C of E Infant & Nursery, Aston road, Abbey green, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5EL, Telephone/Fax: 024 76386101
Available budget to pay external partners: A total budget of £3520 is available to spend on up to 2 external partners. We have set this on the basis of 16 days (to be shared) @ £220 per day.
Date of interview:
Wednesday 3rd December 2008 and possibly another day during the week beginning December 8th 2008 tbc
Estimated timescale of the project:
January 09 – April 09
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 002
Name of school: Barr’s Hill Secondary School, Radford Road, Coventry, CV11 4BU, Telephone/Fax 02476 234600
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
How can we creatively facilitate and actively engage pupils in thinking about their learning as a process?
Our enquiry question reflects our key school focus on both maintaining and developing learning and teaching and engaging pupils directly in understanding their own learning as a journey rather than as an outcome. We want to further develop the students’ learning capacities and competencies and see this as central to personalising learning.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
This project aims to explore how pupils view themselves as learners and to encourage teaching staff to further develop their approaches to learning and teaching with a focus upon using creativity to enhance pupils’ understanding about learning.
We want to:
• Increase opportunities for pupils and investigate – through our Creative Council - “ways of learning” creatively
• Improve understanding about learning as a process and a journey
• Gain insights into what pupils understand as being the most effective ways to learn and be taught.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
We require 3 exceptional creative practitioners from any art form who can demonstrate the following:
• Expertise in creative learning as a process
• Good knowledge of or an interest in how people learn
• Sound ability to understand the needs of participants / partners and be able to facilitate creative thinking about learning
• A commitment to genuine collaboration
• A highly developed and reflective practice
• An ability to communicate with a diverse range of people and to share her / his practice and process with a broad audience
• An ability to apply his / her practice in a variety of different contexts
We are looking for a creative practitioner who has an interest in:
• Learning as a process
• Co-development
• Creative thinking
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
Barr’s Hill Secondary School is looking for 3 exceptional Creative Practitioners who can deliver and lead workshops with a group of 21 pupils and staff (our Creative Council) to help them to explore how they learn and to facilitate their investigation into how they view themselves as learners. We wish the practitioner(s) to facilitate the dissemination of creative ideas about learning and to help develop the use of creative competencies.
It is anticipated that the practitioner(s) will draw on their own practise and expertise to not only consult practically with young people about the way they learn but also to generate new creative skills as part of the process. We wish to hear from people who are excited in working with young people and staff as co-professionals that can support a journey of learning.
The practitioner will be expected to work with pupils in the workshop style sessions designed to engage pupils thinking creatively about learning. We wish the practitioners to help pupils reflect on learning as a process throughout. Practitioners, therefore, will require knowledge about creative thinking and learning styles as well as some understanding of the changing nature of education at present with the emphasis upon skills and processes that are transferable and sustainable.
The practitioner would be expected to deliver workshop style session(s) to the whole Creative Council in order to facilitate their learning about learning.
The school can offer space for the agreed activities and the Creative Council will be available for the session(s) agreed with the successful applicant(s). There are 3 teachers involved in the project – with an appointed member of staff as the co-ordinator who will be the main point of contact for the project.
Barr’s Hill is an inner city secondary school and pupils come from diverse ethnic and socio-economic background with SEN (Specialist Educational Needs) and EAL (English as an Additional Language) higher than the national average.
The successful applicant(s) will be contracted directly by Barr’s Hill School who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to support provided by Cre8us, Barr’s Hill School is also working with a Creative Agent, a freelance creative professional employed by Cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
Please forward applications to Claire Hannis, Barrs Hill Secondary School, Radford Road, Coventry, CV11 4BU, Telephone/Fax 02476 234600
Applications deadline: 1st December 2008
Available budget to pay external partners: A total fee of £540 (i.e. £180 per session) is available to include appropriate materials / equipment required for the workshops.
Date of interview: Week beginning 8th December
Estimated timescale of the project: December 2008 – January 2009
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 003
Name of school: Barr’s Hill Secondary School, Radford Road, Coventry, CV11 4BU, Telephone/Fax 02476 234600
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
How can we creatively facilitate and actively engage pupils in thinking about their learning as a process?
Our enquiry question reflects our key school focus on both maintaining and developing learning and teaching and engaging pupils directly in understanding their own learning as a journey rather than as an outcome. We want to further develop the students’ learning capacities and competencies and see this as central to personalising learning.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
This project aims to explore how pupils view themselves as learners and to encourage teaching staff to further develop their approaches to learning and teaching with a focus upon using creativity to enhance pupils’ understanding about learning.
We want to:
• Increase opportunities for pupils and investigate – through our creative Council - “ways of learning” creatively
• Improve understanding about learning as a process and a journey
• Gain insights into what pupils understand as being the most effective ways to learn and be taught.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
We require an exceptional creative practitioner who can demonstrate the following:
• Expertise in the areas of film and media
• Good knowledge of or an interest in how people learn
• Sound ability to understand the needs of participants / partners and be able to facilitate the “production” as well as the “planning” of creative thinking about learning
• A commitment to genuine collaboration
• A highly developed and reflective practice
• An ability to communicate with a diverse range of people and to share her / his practice and process with a broad audience
• An ability to apply his / her practice in a variety of different contexts
We are looking for a creative practitioner who has an interest in:
• Learning as a process
• Co-delivery and co-development
• Creative thinking
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
Barr’s Hill Secondary School is looking for an exceptional Creative Practitioner who can work with a group of 21 pupils (our Creative Council) during the Spring Term to explore how they learn and to help them consider how they view themselves as learners. We wish the practitioner to facilitate the dissemination of creative ideas about learning and to help develop the use of creative competencies.
It is anticipated that the practitioner will draw on their own practise and expertise in film-making to not only consult practically with young people about the way they learn but also to generate new creative skills as part of the process. We wish to hear from people who are excited in working with young people and staff as co-professionals that can support a journey of learning.
The practitioner will be expected to work with pupils in the planning and production of a film about learning, helping pupils reflect on learning as a process throughout. The style and content of the film is left open for discussion with the successful applicant. Practitioners, therefore, will require knowledge about creative thinking and learning styles as well as some understanding of the changing nature of education at present with the emphasis upon skills and processes that are transferable and sustainable.
The practitioner would be expected to deliver workshop style sessions with the whole Creative Council in order to produce and edit the film as well as having an input into the dissemination of the learning process to staff, parents and other pupils. The timescale for the planning, production and editing work would be approximately 10-12 sessions in total (a session being 2 or 3 periods of intense activity) with 6 of these sessions working directly with the pupils.
The school can offer space for the agreed activities and the Creative Council will be available for the sessions agreed with the successful applicant. The practitioner would be required to have the necessary equipment for the production and editing of the film as well as the ability to assist the Creative Council in producing further copies of the film. There are 3 teachers involved in the project – with an appointed member of staff as the co-ordinator who will be the main point of contact for the project.
Barr’s Hill is an inner city secondary school and pupils come from diverse ethnic and socio-economic background with SEN (Specialist Educational Needs) and EAL (English as an Additional Language) higher than the national average.
The successful applicant will be contracted directly by Barr’s Hill School who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to support provided by Cre8us, Barr’s Hill School is also working with a Creative Agent, a freelance creative professional employed by Cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
Please forward applications to Claire Hannis, Barrs Hill Secondary School, Radford Road, Coventry, CV11 4BU, Telephone/Fax 02476 234600
Applications deadline: Monday 1st December 2008
Available budget to pay external partners: A total fee of £3,000 is available to include appropriate materials / equipment. The school anticipates the practitioner committing a minimum of 12 sessions to this project.
Date of interview: Week beginning Monday 8th December 2008
Estimated timescale of the project: December 2008 – March 2009
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 004
Name of school: Brooke School, Overslade Lane, Rugby, CV22 6DY
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
Our line of enquiry links to pupil transition from Primary to Secondary school and is linked to areas of school development planning (sec 3 standards/improving transition) Another section focuses on strengthening student voice and expression. Our enquiry question is:
In what ways can facilitating pupil expression and identity through physical movement and media, instil pupil confidence in transition from year six to year seven?
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
With our Creative Agent a core group of staff and children have been identified to lead this project, they include the Headteacher, two senior teachers, one class teacher and two T.A.’s. Through this project we are aiming to
• Increase the confidence of the children in their transition
• Minimise any loss of learning (dip in attainment) due to anxiety on entering the secondary department
• Make use of physical movement inspired by artists to increase a sense of identity and self expression
• Enable children to create profiles that will engender familiarity with their new environment
• Involve parents and wider community in the sharing of our work
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
Brooke School seeks to appoint two outstanding artist/practitioners with skills in one or more of the following areas :
• dance/movement
• film/video making
• ICT.
And who can demonstrate:
• An ability to work reflectively adapting ideas to meet a wide range of individual needs and learning styles
• An ability to demonstrate excellent communication skills with a range of children and professionals
• A commitment to collaborative working
• An ability to develop creative approaches to learning
• An ability to inspire and challenge children
• A commitment to the celebration and sharing of pupils work and achievements
• An ability to present work through film media
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
Brooke School is an all age special school catering for a wide range of children with statements of special educational needs.
The successful artists will work with 8 year 6 pupils and 20 year 7 pupils in the spring term. The aim will be to explore the facilitation of self expression through dance and or music. It is expected that the successful artists will work together and with a range of staff and pupils on creating profiles documented in film. The profiles may incorporate physical expression relating to anxieties and fears that children have expressed about starting secondary school. We expect the children to be involved in all stages of the project including planning and evaluating and some initial work has started on collating their ideas. It is therefore essential that the chosen artists show a commitment to pupil involvement in their own learning.
It is expected that the artists will, with school staff, facilitate a celebratory event at which children’s work can be seen and celebrated by parents and the wider community.
The successful applicants will be contracted directly by Brooke School who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. Brooke School is also working with a Creative Agent, a freelance creative professional employed by Cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
Please send applications to:
Sandra Wright, Brooke School, Overslade Lane, Rugby, CV22 6DY
Closing date – Thursday 20th November 2008 5pm
Available budget to pay external partners:
Eight days for each artist @ £200 per day totalling £3200
Date of interview:
1st December 2008
Estimated timescale of the project:
Jan 08 – March 09
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 005
Name of school: Cardinal Wiseman Catholic Secondary School, Potters Green Road, Coventry, CV2 2AJ, Telephone: 02476 617231, Fax: 02476 602572
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
‘Can we instil the belief in students, that they are the decision makers of tomorrow, and in order to take on that responsibility they must think, reflect and act accordingly’
We wish to explore this question with a creative practitioner specialising in drama/performance.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
The main aims of the enquiry are :
• to be able to develop the skills staff have to support student’s ability to express themselves.
• For students to gain confidence in their ability to speak openly.
• To find quick fix solutions to developing speech
• To develop medium term strategies to develop student voice.
• To share these experiences with the rest of the staff so that it becomes a whole school strategy to improve oral communication.
• To give students the skills needed to have a more active role in the life of the school, the wider community and wider society as active and global citizens.
• To have more student led discussion rather than teacher led questioning.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
The school is looking for creative practitioner with a specialism in drama/performance who has
• A highly developed and reflective practice
• Believes in a truly collaborative way of working
• Is willing to be guided and respond to staff and students.
• Can apply drama/performance techniques to the needs of staff and students in developing confidence.
• Has a flexible and understanding approach
• Understands how to effectively build relationships and instil confidence through activity
• To have the skills necessary to deal with students with very low self esteem
• To support and encourage students to take risks and to develop strategies to speak in different situations.
• To build a strong relationship of trust between staff and students.
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
As a Catholic school we aim to foster a love and care to students and hope that we provide them with the skills needed for adulthood (communication therefore being key). We recognise that students in our school lack confidence in their speaking and listening skills and as a result it is hindering their academic success.
We want our students to take a more active role in the life of the school, the wider community and wider society as active and global citizens. This is not going to be successful unless we address the speaking and listening capability of our students.
We want to work with a Creative Practitioner to deliver a project where students are given the opportunity to find their student voice, increase their confidence and express it. The use of drama techniques will be used as a tool to explore relevant issues for the students. They may be directly related to young people and therefore incorporates PSHE issues that they may have been covered at school in a classroom. We hope for some of these sessions to occur off site from school, venues to be negotiated with staff, students and the Creative Practitioner. Space outside of the classrooms for session delivery within the school is limited, but negotiable with staff during the project.
The school day runs from 9.20 until 3.20, and it is anticipated that duration of sessions will be a mixture of full and half day.
The Year 9 group was chosen as representative of the typical middle ability students. They represent the main cohort of students that need support socially and academically in the school. The Creative practitioner will work with 5 members of staff that teach the group citizenship (through Geography and History) or RE who were asked to join the venture and commit to taking risks to benefit the students.
A small materials allowance is available for the project.
The Creative Partnerships programme at Cardinal Wiseman School is supported by a Creative Agent, a freelance creative professional employed by Cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor, who will also deliver some sessions to support the enquiry.
Applications to be received by 7th December. To be sent for attention of Louise Henderson, Cardinal Wiseman Catholic Secondary School, Potters Green Road, Coventry, CV2 2AJ, Telephone: 02476 617231, Fax: 02476 602572
Available budget to pay external partners: £2000, We anticipate practitioners working for a minimum of 10 days during the project, including planning and evaluation time.
Date of interview:
Anticipated interview date 11 December 2008
Estimated timescale of the project: January to May
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 006
Name of school: Castle Bromwich Junior School, Hurst Lane North, Castle Bromwich, B36 0HD
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
What teaching methodologies can we use to motivate and inspire our children to be creative learners who are actively engaged in lessons?
We have found that our children are not always ready for learning or motivated to participate. This can result in a lack of listening and hinder their understanding.
Developing strategies for engaging our pupils in active and meaningful learning is our first priority.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
We want our pupils to want to learn and to be able to work collaboratively - discussing with each other to build their understanding.
Year 4 leader, Ruth Johnson and Head teacher, Ian Backhouse have identified that our children are often ‘going through the motions’ of learning rather than actively engaging in it. Our project will involve a practitioner (or practitioners) developing an active, enjoyable approach to learning in one Year 4 class.
The context for our project will be Invasion and the Romans and we hope to make links between Literacy and History. Through a variety of activities we want to engage our children in learning, encourage independence, develop meaningful conversations and hopefully inspire some writing.
This will be the first time we have worked with a practitioner to develop a creative approach to learning and teaching.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
• Expertise in an art form and the ability to share this and use it creatively.
• Your proposal may involve practitioners with different areas of expertise. We would be interested in including some drama-based activity.
• An ability to inspire us all with great ideas and enthusiasm.
• An understanding and interest in how children learn.
• An ability to communicate effectively with children in the 8 – 9 age range.
• Willingness to work with school staff who are enthusiastic and motivated but new to this type of project
• Commitment to real collaborative working.
• Commitment to reflective practice.
• Ability to be flexible.
• An interest in working within a large school, we have four classes per year group.
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
The project will take place in one Year 4 class with teacher Ruth Johnson. We have a large classroom with direct access to a shared area. We have a hall to which access can be arranged, an ICT area, ‘quad’, music room, library and spare classroom if required. We also have a large playground that is split into different areas.
There are 29 children in the class with a Teaching Assistant, who works during the morning. There is also a Teaching Assistant who works with all four classes in Year 4.
At the outset we expect the practitioner to spend time meeting our children and to have time for joint planning with our teacher. We anticipate the practitioner then spending two or three days per week in school over a six week period but this can be flexible.
Our school day is from 9:00 to 3:30 but we would like the practitioner to be with us from 8:30 at the latest. We would also value the opportunity for a short discussion at the end of our sessions. We would like our practitioner to contribute to one staff meeting.
We are well resourced and have set aside a small budget for materials if required.
We have a large school car park.
The successful applicants will be contracted directly by the school who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to this we are also working with a creative agent, a freelance creative professional employed by cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
To apply:
By email: Ruth Johnson
By post: Ruth Johnson (Creative Arts Leader), Castle Bromwich Junior School, Hurst Lane North, Castle Bromwich, B36 0HD
For more information 0121 747 2247 or email
Deadline for submissions: Monday 24th November 2008
Available budget to pay external partners: £3,600 (of which up to £300 can be spent on materials). We anticipate that approximately 15 - 16 days will be spent in school at a daily rate of approx £200 depending on experience, this will include planning time with teachers and pupils.
Date of interview: Date to be confirmed at the end of November or beginning of December.
A visit to the school can also be arranged.
Estimated timescale of the project: January 09 – March 09
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 007
Name of school: Castle Bromwich Infants School Green Lane, Castle Bromwich, B36 0BX
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
Our question is:
How can we develop more creative learning opportunities to promote pupil independence, choice and resilience, and help to raise standards further?
We are developing an integrated and creative curriculum and in our excellent Ofsted inspection last year we were challenged to build on this. We have found that working with a Creative Practitioner pushes our thinking and encourages us to take risks. This will help us engage our pupils’ learning even further.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
We are a four-form entry infant school and our project will be based in Year One (120 children aged 5 -6). Our Spring theme will be ‘Larger than Life’ and we want to explore this new idea through creative practice.
Teachers (led by Pat Sufrin, our Lead teacher and Creativity Manager) have identified that pupils need to -
• Lead more of their learning
• Develop more effective communication skills (also within our SIP).
We want this project to capture the imagination of all our pupils and broaden their creative thinking. The theme and starting point will be the same for all classes but it is possible that the process and outcomes will differ.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
We want our practitioner (or practitioners) to excite, inspire and impress both children and staff with something different and special. We are open to new ideas and very flexible in our thinking.
We see drama and role play as our starting point. We want to work with the practitioner and children on the final shape of the project. The children in each class may wish to take the ideas in slightly different directions.
We expect the practitioner to have empathy with and understanding of young children and experience and/or enthusiasm for working with Year 1 (ages 5 – 6) pupils. The ability to work with staff of varied experience is also important. A commitment to reflective practice is essential.
We would welcome interest from individuals or groups of up to four practitioners who, whilst working together, may individually take the lead in a single class.
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
The project may take place in our Year 1 classrooms as well as the main school hall and playground. We also have a small additional classroom. Space is tight but we can accommodate most things with planning.
We have an ICT suite.
Our pupils begin school at 8:45 with lunch from 12:15 to 1:25. Home time is 3:15. The school is open from 7:00 am until 5:30 pm. We would expect our practitioner to be on site from 8:00 to meet with teachers and to be willing to stay after school to reflect with staff and plan as necessary.
We have a small car park and could make arrangements for a van.
We have arranged for all teaching and non teaching staff to observe and join in the sessions where appropriate. We see this as part of our staff development.
The successful applicants will be contracted directly by the school who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to this we are also working with a creative agent, a freelance creative professional employed by cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
To apply:
By email: Pat Sufrin
By post: Pat Sufrin (Creativity Manager), Castle Bromwich Infants School, Green Lane, Castle Bromwich, B36 0BX
For more information 0121 747 3369
Deadline for submissions: Monday 24th November 2008
Available budget to pay external partners: up to £3,600 (of which up to £350 can be spent on materials). A minimum of 15 days to be spent in school at a daily rate of approx £200 depending on experience, this will include planning time with teachers and pupils.
Date of interview: Monday 1st December a.m. or Friday 5th December a.m. There will also be the opportunity to visit the school during Wednesday 26th November by arrangement. Please speak with us if you are interested but unable to make these dates.
Estimated timescale of the project: Spring Term 2009
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 008
Name of School: Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, Langbank Avenue, Coventry, CV3 2QP
1. Please define your line of enquiry, how you arrived at it explaining the thinking and school context behind it.
Corpus Christi is using it’s Creative Partnerships programme to explore the following research question:
‘Does exploring language, using creative interventions, develop children’s speaking and listening skills and really impact on standards in writing?’
This project will support the school in the exploration of this question
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form:
This is our first year as a Creative Partnership Enquiry School and we would like to support a particularly vulnerable group of year 2 children to help develop their emotional and literacy skills. At the moment these issues are creating a barrier to their learning. It is envisaged that by creating an enriching learning environment which is different and stimulating, and offering creative learning experiences, it will develop the children’s speaking and listening skills.
Many of our children enter foundation key stage well below national average with very poor language skills, challenging home circumstances and limited personal experiences. This paucity of language soon becomes a barrier to learning and can limit the amount of learning taking place.
This project aims to:
• Enable pupils to explore spoken language within a creative context
• Develop our understanding of creative teaching and learning
• Improve overall standards in writing, with a particular focus on descriptive language
• To support a particularly vulnerable YR 2 class to develop their emotional skills
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership?
• Broad knowledge and expertise in the creative use of Visual Arts to support learning and teaching
• A highly developed and reflective practice
• Ability to think creatively in the application of this knowledge
• To be committed to true partnership working with other practitioners, teachers and outside agencies involved in the life of the school
• An enthusiasm for working with young people
• An understanding of the requirements of working in a professional school environment
• An ability to communicate clearly
• A capacity to develop teacher’s skills and understanding
• An ability to present pupil’s work in creative and meaningful ways
4. Please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking. Please include anything that you feel may constitute a risk
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School is looking for a highly motivated and capable practitioner who can work in Year 2 in Spring Term 2009 to explore the creative use of visual arts within learning and teaching. The practitioner will be expected to work along side a storyteller and the class teacher contributing ideas and activity involving themselves in the development of the curriculum and supporting the delivery of the project with the pupils. Ongoing reflection will be an integral part of the process and practitioners must be prepared to meet with staff after school if necessary. Formal evaluation will take place with the schools Creative Agent at the end of the project.
The school has recently taken on board the International Primary Curriculum which involves a thematic approach to teaching and learning. We envisage that the project will support us in the development of a more creative approach to teaching practices and the learning environment.
At Corpus Christi we have access to open spaces with mature trees and a developing conservation area with an outdoor classroom. We have a warm and friendly ethos with a high priority based on children’s personal and social development. Children enter the school with below average communication skill. By Year 2 their reading attainment is roughly in line with national expectations. However over the past few years the attainment is writing has fallen and we feel there is a need to address this.
The practitioner will be expected to be at the school from 8.30 a.m. in order to meet with staff and prepare resources. School finishes at 3.30 p.m. Parking spaces are available at the school.
Planning will take place in January for activities in the Spring.
The successful applicant will be contracted directly by Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this work. In addition to support provided by Cre8tus, Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School is also working with a Creative Agent, a freelance creative professional employed by Cre8us.
To apply, please send a CV plus some examples of recent work and an artist’s statement ( no longer than 1 A4 page) that addresses the above criteria to :
Andrea Friswell, Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, Langbank Avenue, Coventry, CV3 2QP
By 26 November 08
Available budget to pay external partners:
A total fee of £1800 is available for the project.
7 days working in school
2 days for planning, evaluation and presentation of work within school.
There is an additional sum available for resources
Date of interview: Wednesday 10th December 2008
Estimated timescale of the project: Spring 2009
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 009
Name of school: Damson Wood Infant School, Stockwell Rise, Solihull, B92 9LX
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
How can we design a thematic, integrated curriculum unit that is derived from pupils’ own interests, using music as a learning tool and stimulus to support the development of writing, particularly for boys?
At present we do not have a music subject leader and would really value this support.
We looked at school data which identified that boys regularly under-perform in reading and writing compared with girls. A priority is to engage boys by developing further our integrated curriculum.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
We know from national research that there is a strong link between music and words, and offering learning opportunities linked across both areas can provide exciting and motivating experiences for children. So, we would like to explore a range of musical activities that explore strategies for successful writing.
Our practitioner will be based in one Year 2 class where we hope to create a brand new integrated theme, chosen in consultation with the children. The children’s preparation work will begin in December 2008. Laura Bold their Y2 teacher and KS1 Phase Leader will support this.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
• An ability to inspire us all with great ideas and enthusiasm.
• Expertise in music and the ability to share this and use it creatively
• An understanding and/or interest in how young children learn.
• An ability to communicate effectively with children in the 5-7 age range and staff who are non-music specialists.
• A commitment to real collaborative working.
• Commitment to reflective practice.
• Ability to be flexible.
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
The project will take place during the Spring Term in Year 2 primarily with our lead teacher Laura Bold and her class of 28 children.
We anticipate the practitioner working with Laura before the project actually starts in order to plan. Ideally we would like this to take place in December 2008 or the very beginning of January 2009. We hope that the practitioner will then work with us for 3 days a week over a period of 4 weeks at the beginning of the Spring term and also spend 2 days in other classes across school in order to share their expertise and enthusiasm. We will also have one whole staff meeting on a Monday evening that we would like the practitioner to lead. We will work together with our practitioner to agree convenient dates.
The project will take place mainly in a large Year 2 classroom but we have access to a hall, ICT suite, library and an outdoor space. There is a woodland area within walking distance of school and we have close links with our local secondary school where there is a music studio and performance space. We are a well-resourced school and have a good selection of tuned and untuned percussion; we have a small budget set aside for resources.
In the Y2 class there are 28 children, one of whom has a full time support assistant working with him to support his additional learning needs. The class has part-time teaching assistant support.
We would expect our practitioner to be in school from 8.30 am. The teaching day finishes at 3.15 but we would like our practitioner to meet with the teacher for some reflection time until around 3.45 pm.
Parking on site is very limited but there is a public house car park across the road from school.
The successful applicants will be contracted directly by the school who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to this we are also working with a creative agent, a freelance creative professional employed by cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
To apply:
Deadline for submissions: Monday 24th November 2008
Please send to
By email:
By post: Marilyn Phipps, Head-teacher, Damson Wood Infant School, Stockwell Rise, B92 9LX
For more information: 0121 711 8652
Available budget to pay external partners: up to £3,600 (of which up to £300 can be spent on materials). A minimum of 15 days to be spent in school at a daily rate of approx £200 depending on experience.
Date of interview: Monday 1st December 2008 in the morning. Visits to the school are welcome. If you are interested in our project but unable to make our interview date, please talk with us.
Estimated timescale of the project: Spring Term 2009. Ideally 4 consecutive weeks commencing Monday 12th January. Exact days to be agreed.
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 010
Name of school: Haselor Primary School, Haselor, Alcester, Warwickshire, B49 6LU
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
Haselor Primary School is using its Creative Partnerships programme to explore the following research question:
Which types of created and adapted spaces best engage and inspire pupils to write independently for a range of purposes?
• We want to include pupil voice in this project to generate ideas.
• The main focus of work is to enable writing for purpose.
• We want to explore how to use space in creative ways as well as trying different starting points to fascinate and engage pupils when they are writing for different purposes
The project will support the school to start to explore this question rather than to answer it.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
(Identified by the Headteacher and the Yr1 teacher through discussion with the other teachers in the school)
Which types of created and adapted spaces best engage and inspire pupils to write independently for a range of purposes?
Through this project we would like to gain a greater insight and understanding of how pupils’ motivation to write independently might be developed and increased by the use of different or adapted spaces. We want to find out if the pupils’ own ideas for inspirational writing spaces vary from our own perception of what they might like.
We have found that the limited space in a cramped classroom makes it difficult for teachers to provide what they consider to be exciting and suitable areas where pupils can be inspired to think and write creatively.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
The school is looking for an exceptional Creative Practitioner who can demonstrate the following,
• A commitment to partnerships and enthusiasm for working in schools
• The ability to work flexibility
• Previous experience of changing / adapting spaces to facilitate creative learning behaviours
• The ability to share how to create / generate ideas for writing
• A commitment to genuine collaboration
• An ability to communicate with a diverse range of people and the ability to share their practice and process with pupils and staff
• An understanding of and an interest in how people learn
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
The appointed practitioner will work with a group of 14 Year 2 pupils, their Class Teacher (Lead Teacher) during the Spring term 2009. The process by which staff and pupils are engaged in activity is left open for discussion with the successful applicant, Lead Teacher and pupils. There will also be time when the Year 2 class of 12 pupils and their class teacher will be involved as Years 1 and 2 share a classroom space.
As we have identified writing for purpose as the area of focus, as well as the investigation of space and activities that could take place in these spaces, we would like the appointed practitioner to draw on their own practice in order to enable us to explore the creation of ‘environments’ which will in turn facilitate and enable the children’s creative thinking skills and how this can be applied to their writing.
It is anticipated that part of the work will take place in the classroom as well as investigate the use of other areas inside and outside. Haselor Primary School is situated in a rural location within a conservation area.
School hours are from 9am to 3.15pm and we envisage the working day to be between 8.30 and 4.00 to allow for set up and/or discussions with staff before or after school.
The successful applicant will be contracted directly by Haselor Primary School who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this project. In addition to support provided by Cre8us, Haselor Primary School is also working with a Creative Agent, a freelance creative professional employed by Cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and advisor.
Please send applications, a CV and no more than 3 images/examples of work to:-
Jill Norton – Head; Haselor Primary School, Haselor, Alcester, Warwickshire, B49 6LU
Deadline for application – 28th November 2008
Available budget to pay external partners:
A total fee of £3,200 is available for the successful applicant, and an additional £800 can be spent on appropriate materials. The school anticipates the practitioner committing between 14 to 16 days to the project dependent on daily fee in relation to previous experience inclusive of travel expenses, planning, resourcing and evaluation time.
Date of interview:
11th December 2008
Estimated timescale of the project:
Jan 09 – April 09
• Please provide a CV and two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 011
Name of school: Hill Farm Primary School Foster Road, Radford, Coventry, CV6 3BL
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
How can we improve pupils’ engagement and quality of learning, through the development of a creative curriculum that they have helped to develop?
This academic year, the school has introduced the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), an enquiry based curriculum, based on pupils undertaking research and the combining of subjects as topic based activities.
Introducing IPC was an element in our School Development Plan from September 2007 as a pilot project for years 3 & 4, where it was very successful in engaging the pupils in learning and enthusing pupils, parents and teaching staff. We want in the next academic year to build on this initial successful trial and develop the creative aspects of the curriculum further with increasing responsibility for their learning being placed on the children themselves, supported by teaching staff. Our drama policy states that our aim in drama is to enable children to be inspired to learn, to take ownership of their own learning and to value themselves and other people. We wish to extend that to the whole curriculum.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
We want to investigate how we engage children in the planning of the curriculum and change the balance of teacher input and children’s ideas in establishing the direction of the work. We want years 4 & 5 (the pupils who were part of the pilot last year) to take the next step in developing our IPC curriculum, increasing their involvement in the planning of the curriculum that they experience within the topic theme.
We also hope to encourage the involvement of parents in the classroom as we build up to the presentation, catching their interest by requesting support for the variety of creative opportunities that are developed with the children. Generally our parents are difficult to engage and we hope that they will find this sort of involvement less threatening than they appear to do with the more formal curriculum. Whilst we acknowledge that, within the scope of this enquiry project, we cannot explore the area of parental engagement in depth, we nonetheless wish to make and capitalise on opportunities where possible.
These activities will then be developed to form the basis of the presentation of the topic to parents, as the last stage of the learning within each topic (the nature of the presentation is not pre-determined, and should come from the children’s ideas).
We are looking for the expertise of professionals within the creative arts, to support us in involving pupils in the planning, and then developing the activities that the children want to set up.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
We are seeking an experienced and flexible creative practitioner, whose practice in a school context is pupil-led. The successful practitioner will be someone who:
• has significant experience of working in a child-led way, and brings lots of ideas about how to
• can communicate effectively with a wide range of people, including pupils, staff and parents
• can work collaboratively with staff and pupils
• is good at making connections across the curriculum
• can mentor, empower and excite staff, helping them to develop their own ideas, and building their confidence, enabling greater risk-taking in the way they deliver the curriculum
• is reflective, and able to support pupils and staff in reflecting on their learning within the enquiry
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
Hill Farm Primary is a friendly and welcoming three-form entry school, set in substantial grounds in Radford, Coventry. The intake comes largely from the immediate catchment area, which consists of primarily council and rented accommodation. Employment was traditionally in the automotive industry, which has been declining, and unemployment amongst parents is relatively high. In the last two years, there has been an increase in transience of the pupil population, due to the temporary housing of asylum seekers in the local area.
Over the past three years, our head, Tricia Ham, has brought many changes to the school such as a more cross curricular approach to the curriculum, involving staff in the school development plan, giving TLR points to members of staff to support others to create a more creative approach. There has also been investment into developing the school grounds in KS 1 and 2. The foundation stage has been developed and created a more vibrant and exciting place for our pupils to be. Outside practitioners have been asked to come to support the curriculum such as drama companies, musicians, artists and dance. We would like to develop this further to encourage our staff to see that a dance lesson does not need music or to take place in the hall or see music lesson being taught in the classroom with instruments. Tricia has endeavoured to make her staff and pupils alike feel valued and excited about learning for the future.
We now want to appoint a creative practitioner to work with teachers in years 4 and 5, to help them develop an approach to teaching and learning which is child-led. This will involve pupils in the planning and evaluation of topic work as part of the IPC. We also anticipate the practitioner supporting teachers in year 5 with some classroom delivery.
In year 4, the teachers were all part of the pilot last year, and have developed confidence in planning in this way, and adapting the IPC topics to suit the children. However, although the approach to planning takes into account pupils’ responses and interests, it does not yet begin with the children. We therefore want the creative practitioner to work with the teachers to find ways to enable children to be fully involved in the planning from the outset. The emphasis of this work is supporting staff in their planning time, as the teachers feel confident to deliver in the classroom, but seek ideas for a pupil-led approach.
The topic chosen for the Spring term is Fashion, linking art, technology, science, ICT, music and international tasks. The staff involved would also like to work with the practitioner to support them in creative planning of a cross-curricular approach. They have to some extent reverted this year to following the IPC units, rather than developing these according to their own expertise, ideas, and knowledge of the children, as they did last year, when they were team planning with Linda Fitzsimmons. They have many ideas for the fashion topic, but need the confidence to take this forward, whilst at the same time enabling children to be fully involved. The expectation is that this enquiry would build their confidence so that they will be more confident to deviate from IPC units in the following half term with the next topic, making it more owned by pupils and staff alike. We anticipate 3 days of creative practitioner time with this teaching team, in half day units.
In year 5, the teachers are all new to this way of planning, and the enquiry-based approach to teaching and learning. Since starting with IPC in September, they have been planning across the year group, but as with Year 4, have not yet done this from a pupil-led perspective. In addition, they have each tended to take separate topics to plan, rather than planning collaboratively. They are still building confidence in this new way of working, and as such would like to work with a practitioner in both planning (as a team) and some classroom delivery where the practitioner would collaborate in child-led approaches. The year 5 topics for the first half of Spring term is Migration, linking geography, history, society, science and international tasks. We anticipate 10.5 days practitioner time with year 5 (21 half day sessions). We would begin with planning in Dec/early Jan - due to the nature of planning time / cover arrangements, initial planning would be collective with further planning being with individual teachers. There would then be time in the classroom in Jan/Feb, to be spread across each of the three classes (22 in each class). We have discussed the possibility of merging the three classes into two groups of c. 30 pupils each for this work, to enable more contact time and team teaching. This would also enable one teacher to be observing at some points in the process, to support collection of evidence. This spread of activity would be reviewed with the appointed practitioner.
We also plan to hold an all-school INSET in January looking at creativity. We anticipate this being delivered collaboratively by Linda Fitzsimons (TLR for Creative Curriculum/Middle Phase Leader), Philippa Cross (our creative agent) and the appointed practitioner. (details to be developed once creative practitioner appointed)
There will also be opportunities to share findings from the enquiry across the whole-school work through staff meetings in the second half of the spring term or the summer term. We are keen to learn as widely as possible from the work carried out in yrs 4 and 5. Four half days of practitioner time would also be expected for evaluation across the work with both year groups, and for sharing of learning with the wider staff – this would be largely in March/April (with some mid term evaluation at the end of January)
The precise spread of activity would be reviewed with the practitioner on appointment.
The school has substantial grounds, and we are keen to see creative use of the wider school environment rather than limiting activity to the classrooms.
There is parking at the school and ample on-street parking.
The successful applicants will be contracted directly by the school who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to this we are also working with a creative agent, a freelance creative professional employed by cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
Please send applications by 24 November to:
Linda Fitzsimons
Creative Partnerships Application
Hill Farm Primary
Foster Road
Coventry CV6 3BL
Available budget to pay external partners:
Total budget for external partner fees, including travel costs and materials/resources is £3800. This includes a half day for planning and one day delivery for the INSET.
Date of interview: We would really appreciate the interviews to take place on Monday 1st December 2008 from 12 o’clock.
Estimated timescale of the project:
• Initial Planning – December 2008 (essential to start in December as the topic begins in January)
• INSET planning – December 2008
• INSET for whole school - 5th January 2009
• Ongoing planning and classroom delivery Jan – Feb 2009 (first half of Spring term)
• Evaluation / Sharing learning – March-April 2009
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 012
Name of school: Kineton High School, Banbury Road, Kineton, Warwickshire, CV35 0JX, Telephone: 01926 640465, Fax: 01926 640872
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
The enquiry question is: “Can the Learning Experience of students be improved in traditionally-taught subjects, with students being at the forefront of change?” This was chosen for two reasons. Firstly, the subjects in which outcomes are worst at Kineton are taught in very traditional ways, with the teacher solely leading the learning. Secondly, we are aware that the student voice has not yet had any impact on learning and teaching.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
The project aims to:
• Increase opportunities for students to have an input into teaching and learning strategies. A Student Committee will lead on the planning and evaluation of the project.
• Improve understanding amongst staff about how creativity can boost learning outcomes. Our Creative Partner will meet with the Subject Leader for Maths and the Students to plan out the content and structure of a creative learning experience for a group of Year 8 High Ability students, with music or drama being used to stimulate thinking.
• Increase the variety and depth of learning reviews. Following this project, it is expected that students and teachers will form a long lasting partnership to continually review and improve learning.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
The school is looking for an exceptional creative practitioner who can demonstrate the following:
• A highly developed and reflective practice
• A commitment to genuine collaboration
• An ability to negotiate with a range of diverse participants / partners
• An ability to communicate with a diverse range of people and to share his / her practice / process with a broad audience
• An understanding of or an interest in how people learn
• An ability to apply his / her practice in a variety of different contexts
• A commitment to empowering students as leaders in learning
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
The project will begin with the formation of a committee of students who will lead on the planning, preparation and evaluation of the project.
The next stage of the plan is for our Creative Partner to hold a series of meetings with the Subject Leader for Maths and the Students to plan out the content and structure of a planned learning experience for a group of Year 8 High Ability students. The initial meeting would take place in the school’s Conference Room, but subsequent meetings could take place here or in one of the available learning spaces. The class is timetabled to learn in a room that seats 32 students comfortably, and has high quality technology available, including an interactive whiteboard. There are also numerous outdoor spaces available, if required. A computer suite with 28 stations could also be booked. The learning is expected to differ from traditional lines, with music or drama being used to stimulate thinking and interest.
In January, the final plans will be ironed out. Then, the project will be launched to the Year 8 students by the Partner, the teacher and the leaders of the student committee. The learning experience will culminate in a flexible curriculum day in March involving the whole of Year 8. A number of facilities will be available that day, and it is envisaged that up to 8 rooms will be available for use by individuals, small groups, or classes.
A series of reflection exercises will then take place in the Summer Term, with the assistance of the Creative Agent.
Catering facilities will be available throughout the project. The school’s lessons are all one hour long, and the school operates between 8.30 and 2.45, although meetings with students can take place between 2.45 and 3.45 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The Student Committee will be available at most times. Precise timings could be agreed at the initial meeting. Parking is freely available.
The successful applicant will be contracted directly by Kineton High School who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this project. In addition to support provided by Cre8us, Kineton High School is also working with a Creative Agent, a freelance creative professional employed by Cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and advisor.
Please apply directly to the school: John Leahy, Kineton High School, Banbury Road, Kineton, Warwickshire, CV35 0JX, Telephone: 01926 640465, Fax: 01926 640872
Applications deadline: 24 November 2008
Available budget to pay external partners: £3400
Date of interview: 2nd or 3rd Dec 2008 (TBC)
Estimated timescale of the project: Between November 08 and End March 09, with reviews taking place between April and May. A presentation to students will take place in July.
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 013
Name of school: Langley Primary School, St Bernard’s Road, Solihull, B92 7DJ
Tel: 0121 706 3932 email:
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
How can we use our outdoor environment more creatively to stimulate personal, interpersonal and cognitive skills in our learners?
The focus group will be Year 1 who experience difficulties in building and maintaining good/suitable relationships within and outside the classroom. At present they are very self-centred and find it difficult to share and engage with each other. Playtimes are a particular problem and have a knock on effect in the classroom.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
Through the project we hope to see the following:-
• Improved relationships and greater harmony between children in the playground and the classroom.
• Appropriate behaviour.
• Responsibility and self-regulation
• More imaginative and collaborative learners
• Better observation and self-reflection skills
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
We would like the following:
• Someone who is flexible and who incorporates a range of strategies to engage and inspire children
• Someone who understands young children
• Someone who can analyse the children’s needs and adapt their skills accordingly
• Someone who can work within a team and see children as partners
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
Langley Primary School is located on the border of Solihull and Birmingham which gives us a mixed catchment area. There are approximately 450 on roll from Nursery to Year 6. It is a multi-cultural school. As a BLP school we are interested in developing the whole child and addressing individual learning styles through areas of personal interest. We see this project following on from our involvement in a previous creativity project.
We are looking for an exceptional practitioner who can work with a group of 60 Year 1 pupils during the Spring term to explore how they can develop and manage their behaviours in an outdoor space (particularly at playtime). It is anticipated that the practitioner will draw on their own practice to consult practically with young people about the way in which they use different spaces within the outdoor area.
It is anticipated that the practitioner will initiate a range of activities to encourage appropriate group cohesion and individual behaviour. Interventions can be in any form (e.g. physical activities, singing, dancing, playground games, and quiet zones).
We envisage two year one classes being involved. This may mean teaching one class in the morning and one in the afternoon. Teaching the whole year group at once is also a possibility. Some involvement with Year 2 pupils will be necessary to help with the process of self-evaluation and observation.
At present our outside space consists of :- a large playground, a barked play area with climbing pencils, a house, stepping logs and a bridge – none of which can be used when wet, a weathered nought and crosses frame, garden area and a tyre park which can be only used under supervision. Children have been observed using different areas for a variety of activities i.e. use of a stepped area as a stage, door areas as quiet reading spaces and as conversation areas. Suggestions for using the outside spaces are: - treasure chest containing materials and objects to provoke creative play, story chair, puppets, performing space, running zone, quiet corner, friendship corner/bench, secret garden, drawing/musical area. We would like the creative partner to consider using kinetic activities and build on the children’s personal interests.
Support will always be available from all adults involved - teachers, teaching assistants, midday supervisors.
The successful applicant will be contracted directly by Langley Primary School who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this project. In addition to support provided by Cre8us, Langley Primary School is also working with a Creative Agent, a freelance creative professional employed by Cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and advisor.
Please apply direct to: Langley Primary School, St Bernard’s Road, Solihull, B92 7DJ
Tel: 0121 706 3932 email:
Contact name: Mrs Libby Murphy
Application deadline: 21st November 2008
Available budget to pay external partners: A total budget of £4,000 is available, of which up to £3400 we anticipate going to the practitioner. We anticipate the practitioner committing a minimum of 17 days to this project to include planning with teachers and pupils, delivery of the project and evaluation. There is a further £450 available for materials and resources.
Date of interview: Friday 28th November (NB children will be present on the interview panel and will be involved in the selection)
Estimated timescale of the project: A planning session/s with the adults in December, the delivery of the project in the Spring Term, 5th January to 3rd April 2009, an evaluation session in the Summer Term and also a sharing event on 25th June if appropriate.
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview on the given date please contact us to rearrange a suitable time, or submit your portfolio or ideas
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 014
Name of school: Lyng Hall Secondary School, Blackberry Lane Wyken Coventry, CV2 3JS
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it.
We want to explore “How can creative approaches to teaching and learning in Humanities in year 9 contribute to attainment in Maths.”
We want to work cross curricular with Maths and Humanities to respond to our question/statement. This has been arrived at following meetings with the Head teacher, the school SLT and the school’s Challenge steering group.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form:
We wish a practitioner(s) to lead a collaborative process with staff and students to design a creative project exploring the theme outlined above. We envisage planning to take place during the late stages of the autumn term 2008 with the main body of the project taking place between January and April 2009.
The school’s current achievement level of 24% of students achieving 5 A* to C GCSE’s including Maths and English currently falls short of the target of 30% Lyng Hall are keen to meet as a national challenge school. Project monitoring and evaluation shall assess the project’s contribution to this goal as well as comment on the potential to trial or pilot techniques in other curriculum areas towards the same goal
Consultation with staff and students provided focus for this brief and the intended project. We are open to tenders from individuals and companies and have allocated a budget of £8,000 for around 30 days to include project work, occasional monitoring/evaluation meetings with the potential to include additional inset/sharing days with staff.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership?
We expect the practitioner to be able to demonstrate good thinking and planning skills, the ability to collaborate in educational environments supported by an understanding of Maths and Humanities.
We envisage the practitioner leading a collaborative planning phase with students and staff, exploring links between the two curriculum areas before embarking on an extended project phase which the practitioner shall lead
The practitioner must be able to create and work to clear plans and schemes of work and must be able to attend meetings as agreed. We also expect the practitioner to take part in monitoring and evaluation exercises as directed.
A knowledge of schools, the creativity agenda and research principles will be an advantage.
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk.
The project will be developed at Lyng Hall school, in classroom time, although the potential for out of school visits can be explored. The school is a specialist sports community college and aspires to develop as a family-learning centre. The school also aims to develop its SEAL work, which focuses on emotional well being. We would wish for these elements to be explored in the project work.
The school is friendly and accessible built on 2 levels. We aim to explore potential use of sports facilities, for example video conferencing, in keeping with the school’s sports specialist status
Our focus is year 9 students whose predicted grades shall assist in the development of a baseline against which progress shall be measured. We envisage a total of around 40 working days to be required.
The successful applicants will be contracted directly by the school who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to this we are also working with a creative agent, a freelance creative professional employed by Cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
Please apply to the school directly: Lyng Hall Secondary School, Blackberry Lane Wyken Coventry, CV2 3JS
Deadline for receipt of invitation to tender: 26.11.08
Available budget to pay external partners: £8,000
Date of interview: 05.12.08
Estimated timescale of the project: Nov 2008-March end 2009
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 015
Name of school: Lyng Hall Secondary School, Blackberry Lane Wyken Coventry, CV2 3JS
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it.
We want to explore how English may be taught creatively in relation to other languages and cultures, historical contexts, family and popular culture as part of an alternative curriculum developed for year 7 foundation students at Lyng Hall school.
Our enquiry has been arrived at through a collaborative process involving staff and students
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form:
We wish a practitioner(s) to lead a collaborative process with staff, students and families to design a creative project exploring the theme outlined above. We envisage planning to take place during the later stages of the autumn term 2008 and the main body of the project taking place between January and April 2009
Year 7 foundation students are from a range of backgrounds and cultures including new arrivals and take part in foundation learning as a step into mainstream school and classes.
To date, led by teacher Debbie Henman, the school has modelled a modified curriculum for this student group. Consultation with staff and students provided focus for this brief and the intended project. We are open to tenders from individuals and companies and have allocated a budget of £8,000 to include project work, occasional monitoring/evaluation meetings with the potential to include additional inset/sharing days with staff
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership?
We expect the practitioner to be able to demonstrate good thinking and planning skills coupled with language skills, imagination and a sound knowledge of contemporary, historical and cultural contexts. We also expect the practitioner to be able to demonstrate the ability to work with diverse groups and adults (staff and families) in a flexible and empathic way.
The practitioner must be able to create and work to clear plans and schemes of work and must be able to attend meetings as agreed. We also expect the practitioner to take part in monitoring and evaluation exercises as directed
A knowledge of schools, the creativity agenda and research principles will be an advantage.
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk.
The project will be developed at Lyng Hall school, in classroom time, although the potential for out of school visits can be explored. The foundation group is on the first floor and adjacent to the schools arts facilities. The school is lively and friendly with a strong committed staff team. The school is a specialist sports community college and aspires to develop as a family-learning centre. The school also aims to develop its SEAL work, which focuses on emotional well-being. The expectation is that these elements will be reflected in the project work.
The group itself is rewarding to work with, although some of the young people do occasionally require support of different means, principally around language.
The staff group working with the young people is very supportive and learner centred and have worked hard to develop and modify existing curriculum to meet their learners needs
The successful applicants will be contracted directly by the school who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to this we are also working with a creative agent, a freelance creative professional employed by cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
Please apply to the school directly: Lyng Hall Secondary School, Blackberry Lane Wyken Coventry, CV2 3JS
Deadline for receipt of invitation to tender: 26.11.08
Available budget to pay external partners: £8,000
Date of interview: 05.12.08
Estimated timescale of the project: Nov 2008-March end 2009
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 016
Name of school: Milverton Primary School, Greatheed Road, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV31 1JP
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it.
Milverton Primary School is using its Creative Partnerships programme to explore the following research question:
How can we adapt the school’s outdoor and indoor space to improve and inspire our children’s communication skills and have an impact on their learning?
This project will support the school in the exploration of this question.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
We believe that by taking a creative and sensory approach as a starting point, the project will inspire imagination and vocabulary with the children in Year Two.
Our project planning began by taking a child-led approach which is a focus for the whole school. We asked:
• what the children enjoy learning;
• when learning is fun;
• environments that the children would like to work in.
We have developed some interesting and contrasting environments within our school and it felt important to incorporate these places to create a physical space for the children to think in; to feel; to provoke thoughts; words; dialogue and questions - environments in which the children can foster and grow their imaginations, their language and vocabulary.
This project aims to:
• Enable pupils to improve their communication skills and feel inspired to write through a creative approach to learning.
• Improve understanding amongst staff about how a creative approach to planning and teaching can inspire and improve children’s learning.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
• Broad knowledge and expertise in the creative use of indoor and outdoor space to support learning and teaching through communication and words
• Ability to think creatively in the application of this knowledge
• A highly developed and reflective practice
• A commitment to partnerships and an enthusiasm for working with pupils
• An ability to communicate clearly with a diverse range of people
• A capacity to work flexibly
• An understanding of the requirements of working in a professional school environment
• An ability to present pupil’s work in creative and meaningful ways
• A capacity to develop teacher’s skills and understanding
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
Milverton Primary School is looking for a highly motivated and capable practitioner who can work throughout Year 2 (ages 6-7) in the Spring Term to explore and adapt outdoor and indoor space to improve and inspire our children’s communication skills and have an impact on their learning. The practitioner will be expected to work with groups of teachers, contributing ideas and actively involving themselves in the development of the project and supporting the delivery of the project with pupils. Ongoing reflection will be an integral part of the process and practitioners must be prepared to meet with staff after school if necessary. Formal evaluations will take place with the schools Creative Agent both mid term and end term.
The activities within the ‘spaces’ might involve performance; children using their voices creatively, exploring vocal sounds and making music; construction and painting; using their senses, feeling surfaces and textures and running freely. It is anticipated that the project will support a range of ICT media, including possible focus on the use of sound and film to inspire and develop ideas and record and present outcomes.
Milverton is housed in both a Victorian building and a newer main building; we have two large playgrounds which are well used for a range of activities but we have no large open green space attached to the school. We have an amphitheatre, pagoda, school garden and quiet area and an adventure ‘trim trail’. Some areas of the playground are also covered. The school vision focuses on both ‘a creative school’ and ‘a Milverton curriculum’ which are at the heart of this project. We fully embrace the idea of investigating different ways of doing things and taking risks and aim to provide appropriate support to allow the project to happen and ensure that the positive outcomes of the project are sustainable for future years through the school.
The school is currently working on developing a ‘coaching culture’ within the school – this could provide effective support for those practitioners/teachers involved directly in shaping the journey of the project.
The school has a dedicated ICT suite and a flexible approach to the use of space. The confines of the building do create some difficulties, but staff has developed a creative approach to space management.
Practitioners will be expected to be at the school from 8.30am in order to meet with staff and prepare resources. School finishes at 3.20pm. Parking is available in Greatheed Road and Rugby Road.
Planning will take place at the beginning of the Spring Term.
The School is willing to accept a joint application for the project if appropriate
The successful applicant will be contracted directly by Milverton Primary School who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this work. In addition to support provided by Cre8us, Milverton Primary School is also working with a Creative Agent, a freelance creative professional employed by Cre8us.
Please apply to Katie Gane (CP Coordinator), Milverton Primary School, Greatheed Road, Leamington Spa, CV31 1JP and/or (please send a CV and no more than 3 images/examples of work)
Tel: 01926 424043
Deadline for application – Monday 8th December at 5pm
Available budget to pay external partners: £200 per day , with an additional sum for materials
Date of interview: 16th December 2008
Estimated timescale of the project: A maximum of 34 sessions (each session = ½ day, 3.5 hrs) to include planning, resourcing and evaluation.
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 017
Name of school: Marston Green Infant School, Elm Farm Avenue, Birmingham B37 7AA
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
‘Can enquiry based learning have an impact on the professional practice of teachers and consequently raise standards of attainment within boys writing?’
• Down ward trend identified in boys writing over the last 5 years when analysing data using Raise on line.
• Identified boys writing in SEF and SIP as a priority.
• Lack of risk taking in the planning of lessons due to the constraints imposed upon teachers by the Literacy Strategy.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
This research aims to:
• Develop a culture of enquiry within the classroom to make children more independent and self motivated learners to encourage life long learning. (ECM Agenda).
• To look at different ways of inspiring young writers with a particular focus on boys.
• To provide professional development opportunities for the staff to reflect upon their current classroom practice and feel confident enough to take risks.
• To be able to have fun, take risks, be innovative and develop teaching and learning in order to raise standards of attainment in writing.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
The school is looking for an exceptional creative practitioner who can demonstrate the following:
An innovative approach to teaching young children.
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills to deal with a diverse range of both adults and young children.
Patience and a great deal of energy.
Knowledge and understanding about how young children learn and develop.
Highly developed and reflective practice.
The ability to inspire and motivate others.
An ability to apply his/her practices in a variety of different contexts.
Knowledge of National Curriculum objectives.
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
Marston Green Infant School is an outstanding school with excellent levels of attainment which are consistently above both national and local averages. Although our attainment is high we are never complacent and are aware that over the last 5 years there has been a down ward trend in boys writing. Although as a school we have addressed this through various interventions, restructuring the topics, modifying the literacy modules and promoting drama techniques as a teaching tool we feel that we now need to look for other ways to inspire not just our learners but also to motivate and inspire our teachers to take risks and look at developing literacy in a more innovative way. Since the introduction of the Literacy Strategy many teachers have lost their creative element within their teaching and I would like to get this back into the classroom. For many of them it will be a real challenge to let go of something that they are secure with and take on a new way of teaching. Our school logo is a Ferdinand the frog who is ‘leaping into a brighter future’ I have called this research A leap of faith into a creative pool because that is what our creative practitioner has got to provide us with – the ability to take a risk within a creative learning environment and be confident to let an enquiry lead the focus of a lesson.
The practitioner would be based within a year 1 class for 4 ½ day sessions or 2 full day sessions (this could be decided upon during the planning meeting) and work with a group of 30 children with the support of a teacher and teaching assistant. The school is well placed for resources and certainly an allocation in the budget has been made for materials and resources. The lessons could be conducted within the classroom setting or can be timetabled for sessions in the hall if needed.
The staff, children and parents within the school are very welcoming and I feel sure that a creative practitioner working with us would feel well supported and very quickly feel part of the team. Parking is available, although is limited and lunch can be provided.
The successful applicant will be contracted by Marston Green Infant School who has secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to support provided by Cre8us, MGIS is also working with a creative agent, a freelance creative professional employed by Cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
Please apply directly to:
Beverley Elliott, Marston Green Infant School, Elm Farm Avenue, Birmingham B37 7AA
Applications deadline: 24th November 2008
Available budget to pay external partners:
A total fee of £4,000.00 is available, of which up to £750.00 can be spent of materials/resources.
Date of interview: January 2009 (tbc)
Estimated timescale of the project: February 2009 – May 2009
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 018
Name of school: Oak Cottage Primary School, Greswolde Road, Solihull, B91 1DY
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
Does a more creative approach to writing based activities improve and enhance the experience for boys, and therefore raise attainment?
The attainment of boys in writing has always been weaker in our school. We face the challenge of maintaining interest in the writing process and extending attainment. We hope that this project will help us to explore more creative approaches to teaching and learning so that the children do not ‘switch off’.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
The project aims to:
• Take place within the Year Three classroom with the class teacher, lead teacher (Literacy leader, Head of Key Stage and member of SLT), creative practitioner and thirty children involved.
• Develop a language of creativity and encourage discussion, collaboration and higher order thinking and problem solving skills within the children.
• Inspire the children to develop their writer voice and become enthused about the writing process.
• Involve the children throughout the entire process and project, from the interview process to the development of the activities.
• Encourage the staff to explore the notion of creativity and refine and develop a more creative approach to teaching and learning across the curriculum.
• Educate the teachers, governors and local authority on creative approaches towards writing.
• Involve the parents and school community wherever possible.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
• They will bring with them a language and new vocabulary related to creativity and lifelong learning
• They will be confident in a range of situations, articulate work collaboratively and be good at solving problems.
• They will help the staff to develop their own practice, helping them identify and encourage creativity and reflection.
• They will have the skills to liaise with and enthuse the whole school community
• A reflective and skilful practitioner who can directly utilise their knowledge and experience to engage the children in the writing process
• An understanding of how children learn and the skills necessary to create lifelong learners who are not afraid to fail
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
Oak Cottage Primary School is looking for an exceptional practitioner who can work with a group of 30 Year 3 pupils during the Spring term to explore creative approaches with which to enthuse and develop their enjoyment and skills with regard to writing. It is anticipated that the practitioner will work collaboratively with the class teacher to plan and deliver a project that will inspire the children to write, challenge their fear of failure and enhance their skills as learners. The environment in which the partner would work could be within the classroom, in the school hall, ICT suite, outdoor areas, wildlife area etc and could take any form that would capture the children’s imaginations and spark discussion and involvement. The project could be shared through a display of work, a sharing event with the school community or perhaps the publication of the children’s writing in some form.
The process by which pupils are engaged in activity is left open for discussion with the successful applicant – for example, the practitioner may wish to work with the whole group during a set session each week or alternatively, may wish to schedule whole days or in fact a week of intensive activity with the group.
Oak Cottage is a high achieving, friendly community school with strengths in many areas of the curriculum and an Artsmark Gold award. The school has supportive parents and an active governing body and members of the school community like to be involved in the day to day activities of the children. There are a small number of SEN children within each class and the current Year Three class has a group of children with specific difficulties who find learning and writing in particular, a real challenge. We have a school council with representation from all classes from Year One to Year Six and are particularly keen to give the pupils a voice wherever possible. The Year Three teacher is in his second year of teaching and the Lead teacher has been teaching for twelve years and has led her schools on Literacy, the Arts, BLP and Creativity.
The successful applicant will be contracted directly by Oak Cottage Primary School who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to support provided by Cre8us, Oak Cottage Primary School is working with a Creative Agent, a freelance creative professional employed by Cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
Please apply direct to the school by Monday 24th November 2008:
Debbie Goodman
Oak Cottage Primary School
Greswolde Road
B91 1DY
Tel: 0121 7049123
Fax: 0121 7112749
Available budget to pay external partners: A budget of £4000 is available for this project and we would anticipate that £500 be available from that to purchase resources.
Date of interview: Week beginning December 1st, 2008
Estimated timescale of the project: January – May 2009
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 019
Name of school: Shustoke C of E Primary School, Shustoke, Coleshill, Birmingham, B46 2AU, Telephone/Fax: 01675 481319
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
Shustoke C of E Primary School is using the enquiry programme to explore the following research question:
“How do we use creative approaches to inspire boys to improve their writing across the curriculum?”
Our aim at the end of the project activity is to have developed some form of ‘toolkit’ for future use across the schools curriculum in all key stages.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
The aims of the project are to:
• To extend our thematic approach to pupil lead curriculum development
• Improve and increase the quantity and quality of boy’s writing
• Extend our integrated methods of creative curriculum design and delivery
• Provide a platform for our enthusiastic teaching team and pupils to take more risks in the internal and external learning environments.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
The school is looking for an exceptional creative practitioner who can demonstrate the following:
• A real commitment to collaboration with teachers and pupils
• A well developed reflective practice and an ability to share that practice in a primary school setting
• An understanding of or interest in how people learn (particularly how boy’s learn)
• Able to apply his/her practice in a range of contexts
• Highly developed communication and negotiation skills
• Be able to motivate and inspire others
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
Shustoke is a small school with an enthusiastic team. We have identified 2 year groups as having the largest number of boys with weaker writing abilities. Through the enquiry school programme we would like to explore this further by developing creative approaches for teachers and pupils to explore methods that will inspire boys to be motivated to improve the quality of their writing.
The successful candidate would be expected to work primarily with the Science Coordinator (also Year 4 teacher) and RE coordinator (also the Year 2 teacher) to develop tools and resources that will enable them to extend our integrated approach to curriculum development.
We are particularly interested in using forms of Drama, Writing and/or Music as creative processes to explore our line of enquiry and hope to disseminate/share this with parents and other stakeholders through a special event where representative boys and their year groups can present their work.
The successful applicants will be contracted directly by the school who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to this we are also working with a creative agent, a freelance creative professional employed by cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
Please forward tender to the Creative Partnerships Coordinator Craig Garfield, Shustoke C of E Primary School, Shustoke, Coleshill, Birmingham, B46 2AU, Telephone/Fax: 01675 481319
Applications deadline: Monday 15th December 2008
Available budget to pay external partners:
The creative partner/s will be expected to work in the school for up to 6 days (12 sessions between 2 creative partners or arts organisation) in total, There is a budget of £1950 for partners fees (to include planning, material resources, documentation and evaluation time etc) and the successful candidate will be contracted directly by Shustoke Primary School.
Date of interview:
Interviews will commence after holidays on Thursday 8th January 2009
Estimated timescale of the project:
Project planning, delivery and evaluation during the Spring/beginning of Summer term .
• Please also provide a CV and two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 020
Name of school: Snitterfield Primary School, School Road, Snitterfield, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 0JL. T: 01789 731301
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
Snitterfield Primary is using its creative partnerships programme to explore the following enquiry:
How can we make adaptations to the learning environment to engage all pupils in their learning?
This relates directly to the SIP, looking at creative learning behaviours of both staff and pupils. We have been using the International Primary Curriculum as a resource to support a thematic approach to learning. As a school we wish to focus more on creativity as a learning behaviour. This is also a direct response to the behaviours/ dispositions of a significant number of boys within the school, who enjoy active learning.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
The thinking behind this enquiry relates to a desire to explore different learning styles within the classroom; create an environment where there is a balance between free flow and structure; to explore innovative ways of delivering the curriculum; fully engage the children in the learning process.
Our enquiry question focuses on the learning process, where reflection will be used as a mechanism for developing purpose, adding value to their own work.
This is a priority for all staff working within the school and it is intended for the work to have an impact across the school. However, for the purpose of the enquiry the focus will be within a mixed Year 1/ 2 class.
The project will focus primarily on developing higher order skills in writing
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
• A commitment to partnership and an enthusiasm for working with younger pupils
• An interest in the development of children’s learning through creative approaches
• The ability to model and facilitate reflective practice
• Has an excellent knowledge and understanding of the challenges faced in Year 1 in relation to transition, as pupils move from the Early Years Framework to the National Primary Strategy
• A capacity to develop teachers skills, confidence and understanding
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
Snitterfield Primary School is looking for 2 highly motivated practitioners who can work within Key Stage 1 in the Spring Term to explore the creative use of story-telling and 3D artworks, to engage children in active learning. The school is willing to accept a joint application for the project.
Practitioners will be expected to work with a group of staff, contributing ideas and actively involving themselves in the development of the curriculum, and supporting the delivery of the projects with pupils.
Formal evaluations will take place with the schools Creative Agent.
Snitterfield is a small, rural school. We have a small playground, but a large playing field which cannot always be easily accessed. We have a significant number of boys within each year group that enjoy the outside environment.
The confines of the building do create some difficulties and the staff are developing a creative approach to utilising space around the school.
We are a very warm and friendly school promoting positive relationships between staff and pupils. Our academic standards are high and we work hard to meet the needs of all individuals.
Practitioners will be expected to be at school from 8.30am in order to meet staff and prepare resources. School finishes at 3.15pm.
The successful applicant will be contacted directly by Snitterfield Primary School who has already secured funding to support this work. Planning will take place in the Spring Term, supported by a Creative Agent working on a freelance basis for Cre8us.
Please send applications, a CV and no more than 3 images/examples of work to:-
Sue Ogden – Head,
Snitterfield Primary School,
School Road,
CV37 0JL
Deadline for application – 3.30pm Friday 5th December
Available budget to pay external partners:
We have £3000 budget allocated to engage two practitioners at £200 per day, inclusive of planning, delivery, evaluation and travel. A minimum of 5 days/ maximum of 10 days for each practitioner is anticipated, and will be confirmed on appointment. £600 has been allocated for materials.
Date of interview: Shortlisting will take place 8th December with interviews held week beginning 15th December.
Estimated timescale of the project: Spring term 2009
Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 021
Name of School:
Saint Patricks Catholic Primary School, Deedmore Road, Wood End, Coventry, CV2 1EQ
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
Saint Patricks using it’s Creative Partnerships programme to explore the following research question:
‘Does a creative approach to literacy engage boys more fully and result in higher aspirations and achievements?’
This project will support the school in the exploration of this question
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form:
This is our second year as a Creative Partnership Enquiry School and we would like to support a class of year 5 children (with a specific emphasis on boys) to help develop their writing and literacy skills.
Due to many criteria - possibly related to the socio-economic problems in the area - boys’ achievement in reading, writing and general literacy skills is below par and the school has identified this as a major cause for concern and is developing strategies to address this.
Many of our children enter school well below national average with very poor language skills, challenging home circumstances and limited personal experiences. This paucity of language soon becomes a barrier to learning.
This project aims to:
• Enable pupils, especially boys, to explore literacy within a creative context to improve overall standards in writing, with a particular focus on descriptive language.
• Develop our understanding of creative teaching and learning
What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership?
• Broad knowledge and expertise in the creative use of music to support learning and teaching
• A highly developed and reflective practice
• Ability to think creatively in the application of this knowledge
• To be committed to true partnership working with other practitioners, teachers and outside agencies involved in the life of the school
• An enthusiasm for working with young people
• An understanding of the requirements of working in a professional school environment
• An ability to communicate clearly
• An ability to present pupil’s work in creative and meaningful ways
3. Please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking. Please include anything that you feel may constitute a risk
Saint Patricks Catholic Primary School is looking for a highly motivated and capable practitioner with an understanding of popular, urban music genres, particularly vocal techniques such as rapping, MCing and performance poetry. You will be required to work in Year 4 in Spring Term 2009 alongside a sound artist and would need to have experience in how these techniques can be used creatively within approaches to literacy.
This would require the teaching of prose and poetry writing skills such as lyric writing and editing, meter and rhymes and the development of appropriate musical performance techniques e.g. rapping, MCing, rhythm and timing, vocal/breath control etc. Working with the sound artist, further computer based development of the material will be explored; using production techniques such as editing, looping, digital effects and manipulation, field recordings, multi-track mixing and the creation of backing tracks.
It is hoped that a visit to a recording studio will form part of the project, with the pupils getting the opportunity to see the professional application of the work they are doing in school and connecting them to the wider field of work.
The practitioner appointed will work along side the sound artist (who has worked with the school before) and the class teacher, contributing ideas and activity involving themselves in the development of the curriculum and supporting the delivery of the project with the pupils. It is anticipated that there will be some form of final presentation/sharing including parents and other teachers in the school, the format evolving in consultation with the pupils as the project progresses.
Ongoing reflection will be an integral part of the process and practitioners must be prepared to meet with staff after school if necessary. Formal evaluation will take place with the schools Creative Agent at the end of the project.
Over the past few years we have been looking at developing the creative experiences that are offered to children, to improve the quality of our teaching and learning. The school has participated in numerous initiatives and these have been a success in aiding the pupil’s personal and academic development but this is a little different. This project will help to address boys’ achievements in literacy in a more focused way.
The use of ICT features highly within the Saint Patricks curriculum and we have a dedicated computer suite, interactive whiteboards in each classroom and numerous laptops that will go towards supporting work in IT. We also have access to lovely open spaces with mature trees and a developing conservation area. We have a warm and friendly ethos with a high priority based on children’s personal and social development. Children enter the school with below average communication skills and by Year 4 their reading attainment is roughly in line with national expectations. However over the past few years boy’s attainment has been targeted as an area for development.
The practitioner will be expected to be at the school from 8.30 a.m. in order to meet with staff and prepare resources. School finishes at 3.00 p.m. Parking spaces are available at the school.
Planning will take place in January for activities in the Spring.
The successful applicant will be contracted directly by Saint Patricks Catholic Primary School who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this work. In addition to support provided by Cre8tus, Saint Patricks Catholic Primary School is also working with a Creative Agent, a freelance creative professional employed by Cre8us.
To apply, please send a CV, plus some examples of recent work and an artist’s statement (no longer than 1 A4 page) that addresses the above criteria to:
Kevin Cantillon
Saint Patricks Catholic Primary School
Deedmore Road
Wood End
Deadline: Thursday 18th December 2008
Available budget to pay external partners:
A total fee of £1800 is available for the project (9 days including planning, evaluation and presentation of work within school)
There is an additional sum available for resources
Date of interview: Tuesday 13 January 2009
Estimated timescale of the project: Spring 2009
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• Please indicate if you are not available for interview on the date specified as failure to do so may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 022
Name of school: Tudor Grange School, Dingle Lane, Solihull, B91 3PD
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
Our enquiry is:
What is required to foster in young people creative skills that can be transferred - including collaboration, problem finding/solving and questioning skills - across the whole curriculum?
A priority on our School Development Plan is to look at the implications of the new secondary curriculum and to create a more holistic curriculum, with natural links between subject disciplines made explicit. We believe that students can drive their own learning forward in each subject discipline by using the above skills.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
• Will focus on Year 7 students who have chosen a ‘Performing Arts’ enrichment to follow each Wednesday’s for 2 hours as part of our ‘Service Award’. The focus is to teach students ‘learning to learn’ skills, which are transferable across the whole curriculum.
Under title of ‘Change and Challenge’, we are intending to focus on transition issues from Key Stage 2 – 3 through an exploration of the following themes;
• Status
• Belonging
• Environment
We want students to explore each theme through dance/movement, drama, music, art, or a combination of some or all of these disciplines. Students will drive the learning forward using their preferred learning style and artform through collaboration, problem finding and solving and questioning skills - culminating in a performance and workshops to a local junior school.
Identified by Claire Maclean – Leadership Team; Michelle Sanders – Curriculum Leader for Performing Arts; Jeanette Pickard and Nicola Brown – Overall responsibility for Yr. 7 Service Award.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
The school is looking for 2 exceptional creative practitioners who can demonstrate the following,
• Ability to collaborate and communicate successfully with a range of students, teachers and parents
• Ability to work across the ‘Performing Arts’ in dance, music, drama and art in order to facilitate students learning
• Ability to challenge and motivate students to take risks in their thinking and be more experimental and expressive in their work in order to help them become more independent learners
• Flexibility and adaptability to facilitate students in steering their own learning forward
• Ability to be a reflective practitioner
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
The project would involve Year 7 students who are divided into ‘X’ and ‘Y’ band. Students in each band follow the ‘Service Award’* every other Wednesday for 2 hours a week (from 1 – 3pm). This will require the practitioners to be available every Wednesday for the Spring Term. There will be no more than 30 students in each band – with 2 members of teaching staff each week working with the creative practitioners.
We are looking for 2 creative practitioners who will either work together with the 30 pupils and 2 staff or divide into sub-groups. This to be developed with artists appointed.
Due to the limited time had with these students there will be two parts to our project
Spring – working with creative practitioners as part of the Enquiry project
Summer – students continue with staff to create performance piece and workshops for feeder schools tour
The Spring will see the 2 artists in every week for 12 weeks (6 sessions per group) working with the students in smaller groups of approx 12 students each. In addition there is time built in for the staff to plan and evaluate with the creative practitioners. The practitioners will have skills between them in at least 2 art forms but we hope they can bring a range of skills and experiences.
The summer will see the pupils take their experiences and learning to put together a final multi-artform performance including set, costumes and props. Students will perform to at least one local junior school and will then deliver workshops based on one of the transition themes that they have explored. This will encourage students to collaborate and to negotiate with students from a different year group. In the process, students will develop problem solving and leadership skills. Artists will not be involved in this aspect but must bear this in mind in planning and delivering of the Spring programme.
The project would take place in the Lead Learning Suite and one of the Music Rooms. The Lead Learning Suite is a large area the equivalent of the size of a gym. The Music Room is a standard classroom. Facilities available include keyboards, percussion, CD player, projector, whiteboard, digital camcorder. Props, art materials and materials for creating a set would need to be purchased. ICT rooms can be booked so that students can create e-portfolios of their experiences.
Through our ‘Change and Challenge’ project, we expect students to work in small groups to explore themes through their chosen art discipline. The groups might be split so that half the students work in the Lead Learning Suite and half work in the Music Room.
The Creative Practitioners will need to monitor and facilitate each group with the help of the teachers and be creative in encouraging learning to develop in different directions.
Parking is at the front of the school and all visitors need to sign in and out at reception.
* Students have chosen an enrichment activity to follow from the Autumn half-term for the remainder of the year.
Students chose from the following enrichment activities;
• Sport
• Performing Arts
• Allotment
• Expedition
60 students have elected to follow the Performing Arts enrichment - this will be the focus group for our enquiry.
The successful applicants will be contracted directly by the school who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to this we are also working with a creative agent, a freelance creative professional employed by cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
Please send application to Michelle Sanders at Tudor Grange school or at copied to Creative Agent Claire Marshall at
Deadline: 24th November 2008
Available budget to pay external partners: £1500 per artist x 2 artists plus resources budget
Date of interview: To be arranged
Estimated timescale of the project: December planning Jan-March delivery & evaluation
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 023
Name of school: Welford Primary School, Headland Road, Welford On Avon, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 8ER
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
Welford Primary School is using its Creative Partnerships programme to explore the following research question:
In what ways can we facilitate and enable children’s imagination and creative writing?
• We used pupil voice to generate initial project ideas.
• The main focus of work is to improve Literacy skills, especially ideas generation.
• Pupils expressed a strong desire to work with a carpenter; we therefore plan to include this skill set into the project work.
The project will support the school to start to explore this question rather than to answer it.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
The focus of the project activity as identified by the Head and Lead Teacher working with Cre8us is to improve ideas generation for Literacy across the whole of Year 5, especially extending the identified Gifted & Talented writers within the class. The project aims to:
• Develop further confidence in writing.
• Enable the pupils to become self-directed learners
• Develop staff and pupil understanding of the use of indoor, outdoor and mini environments as starting points or part of stories
• Increase opportunities for pupils to explore how they currently use different spaces inside and outside of the school grounds in order to facilitate their creative writing
• extend staff knowledge of the use of different approaches to inspire pupils thoughts and ideas for creative writing
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
The school is looking for an exceptional creative Installation / 3D Visual Arts based practitioner who can demonstrate the following,
• A commitment to partnerships and enthusiasm for working in schools
• The ability to work flexibility
• The ability to share how to create / generate ideas for writing
• A commitment to genuine collaboration
• An ability to communicate with a diverse range of people and the ability to share their practice and process with pupils and staff
• An understanding of and an interest in how people learn
• Exceptional construction and woodwork skills
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
The appointed practitioner will work with a group of 33 Year 5 pupils, their Class Teacher (Lead Teacher) and Teaching Assistant during the Spring term 2009. The process by which pupils are engaged in activity is left open for discussion with the successful applicant, Lead Teacher and pupils.
It is anticipated that part of the work will take place in the Key Stage 2 corridor as there is an area which has already been identified within this space that can be changed as part of the project. As Welford Primary School is situated in a rural location we feel that this project will also allow us to further utilise the outdoor environment and so may possibly include sessions outside of the school grounds, exploring nearby areas, to see if this also has an impact on the pupils’ ability to generate ideas and then apply this to their writing.
As the school has identified writing as the curriculum area of focus and the pupils wish to work with a practitioner who has strong skills in woodwork we would like the appointed practitioner to draw on their own practice in order to enable us to explore the creation of ‘environments’ which will in turn facilitate and enable the children’s creative thinking skills and how this can be applied to their writing.
School hours are from 8.55 to 3.15 and we envisage the working day to be between 8.30 and 4.00 to allow for set up and/or discussions with staff before or after school.
The successful applicant will be contracted directly by Welford Primary School who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this project. In addition to support provided by Cre8us, Welford Primary School is also working with a Creative Agent, a freelance creative professional employed by Cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and advisor.
Please send applications - a CV and no more than 3 images/examples of work to:-
Kathy Copley – Head; Welford Primary School, Headland Road, Welford On Avon, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 8ER
Deadline for application – 24th November 2008
Available budget to pay external partners:
A total fee of £4,000 is available, of which £600 can be spent on appropriate materials / equipment. The school anticipates the practitioner committing a minimum of 17 days to this project, including planning, resourcing and evaluation time.
Date of interview:
3rd December 2008
Estimated timescale of the project:
Jan 09 – March 09
• Please provide a CV and two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 024
Name of school: Wood End Primary School, Wood Street, Wood End, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 2QL, Tel: 01827 872237, Fax: 01827 875437
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
Wood End Primary School aims to use the enquiry programme to find out if:
“ Can parental involvement have a positive impact on learning and improve communication between the school and local community?”
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
The projects aims are to:
• Improve communication between the school, Parents and the wider community
• Improve and increase pupil lead learning
• Improve knowledge and understanding of other communities and the wider world
• Explore local history and some of the areas traditional practices
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
Wood End Primary wish to engage an experienced creative partner who can demonstrate the following:
• A well developed reflective practice and the ability to share this with others
• Good negotiation skills and experience of working with a range of partners
• A real commitment to working collaboratively, especially with pupil and parental involvement
• Experience of working in a primary school setting with pupils as collaborators in shaping their learning
• A commitment and experience of process lead and solution focused methods of working
• Extensive experience of practical approaches to cultural diversity within an education setting.
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
Wood End Primary School is located in an ex mining village, and although we have always benefited from the strong support of our parents both as fundraisers and enthusiastic audience members for school events, we now wish to improve communication with parents and the local community and increase their active involvement in shaping the curriculum.
We are committed to helping our pupils become global citizens and become a school that is more outward looking. The successful candidate would therefore be required to work with Teachers, Parents and Pupils to explore approaches to address diversity and develop ways to make connections between our local heritage and that of other communities. We are interested in utilising Storytelling, Media Production and more creative use of ICT and seeking a candidate who can inspire us to develop more creative and inclusive curriculum that will improve communications, knowledge and understanding of the wider world.
The project activities will involve working across all key stages in the school; however Key Stage 2 and ICT are currently particular priorities for creative curriculum development. The successful candidate can expect to present to pupils from our school council and we anticipate the project activities will require 12 sessions during the Spring term which includes planning, evaluation and reflection time. We also expect to organise a sharing event on completion of the project which is to be designed through collaboration between all stakeholders.
The successful applicants will be contracted directly by the school who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to this we are also working with a creative agent, a freelance creative professional employed by cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
Please send to the Deputy Head Teacher/Creative Partnerships Coordinator: Lynn Somerfield, Wood End Primary School, Wood Street, Wood End, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 2QL, Tel: 01827 872237, Fax: 01827 875437
Applications deadline: Monday 1st December 2008
Available budget to pay external partners: There is a budget of £2640 with separate funds for materials and resources.
Date of interview: Week commencing Monday 8th December 2008
Estimated timescale of the project: January – March 2009
• Please also provide a CV and two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 025
Name of school: Woodlands Infant School, Woodlands Lane, Shirley, Solihull, B90 2PX
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
Our enquiry is:
What creative approaches and ways of learning in the outside environment will develop problem solving in Mathematical Development within Foundation Stage 2?
Through this enquiry project we want to find out how we can make problem solving more relevant to children. We want to engage them in the problem solving process using creative approaches and help them to develop their own lines of enquiry – solving mathematical problems they really want to find the answer to!
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
The focus throughout the school at the moment is Mathematics and how to develop children’s learning and thinking skills within this. We have previously focused on writing through creative approaches and have seen the impact writing for a purpose has had. Now we want children to see the purpose of mathematics and how they can apply the skills they have learnt, giving children ownership of their learning.
The use of the outside environment has a real emphasis in the Early Years Curriculum. We have seen that certain children are engaged more when they are applying their skills in the outside learning environment. This is something we want to build upon.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
The school is looking for 2 creative practitioners - a Storyteller and Visual Artist - who can demonstrate the following:
• A highly developed and reflective practice
• A commitment to genuine collaboration
• An ability to negotiate with a range of diverse participants / partners
• An ability to communicate with a diverse range of people and to share his / her practice / process with a broad audience
• An understanding of or an interest in how people learn
• An ability to apply his / her practice in a variety of different contexts
Creative Practitioners must have knowledge and be experienced at working with Early Years children and experienced at working creatively within school and learning environments.
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
The project will take place in the Spring Term and will run for approximately 6 weeks (19th Jan 09 – 6th March 09). The activity will involve all the children within the Reception Cohort (58 in total).
During that time the children will work with creative practitioners on activities that look at mathematical problem solving and towards the end develop a line of enquiry for the parents to solve with them as part of a joint activity. This “Problem Solving Day” will take place towards the end of the project.
In the first half term we will be setting up problems for the children to solve through the use or a story teller and visual artist. In the second half term we will be developing children’s own lines of enquiry. By the end of the project we expect the children to be able to think of questions they want to find the answer to having been inspired by creative approaches and the use of outside.
We particularly want to use the outside as a learning environment and look at what developments can be made in activities and space to make learning exciting and relevant for the children.
The children are one class and split into three colour groups for learning activities. We have one large space that has different areas plus an outdoor space that is also split into different smaller spaces/foci.
We are open to ideas about whether the two creative practitioners work at the same time or have separate half days over the 6 weeks. We wish practitioners to work closer with 2 staff and 3 Teaching Assistants in planning, delivering and monitoring the project.
The successful applicants will be contracted directly by the school who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to this we are also working with a creative agent, a freelance creative professional employed by cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
Please send application to Sarah Cole at Woodlands Infant School on and copied to Creative Agent Claire Marshall at
Applications deadline: 24th November
Available budget to pay external partners: £1,000 per artist x 2 artists plus resources and travel budget on top
Date of interview: To be arranged
Estimated timescale of the project: late December early January planning and January-March delivery & evaluation
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 026
Name of school: Wyken Croft Primary School, Wyken Croft Primary School, Wyken Croft, Coventry, CV2 3AA
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
Enquiry question: How can a pupil-led & cross curricular approach improve standards and enjoyment within the Humanities curriculum?
As a school we have spent a lot of time focussing on our Numeracy and Literacy teaching to a high degree of success. We now want to offer more than this, and develop other crucial skills in our children. We are looking at using cross-curricular links within all subjects and using creative teaching and learning styles to increase enjoyment of foundation subjects. In particular we want to challenge more able children with a broader curriculum, and increase the independence and problem solving abilities of all children.
We want to use a variety of teaching and learning styles, with children as active agents in their own learning.
We envisage a flexible project encouraging children to work together utilising a wide range of skills, and drawing on the natural interest they show in Humanities subjects such as History and Geography. The Year 5 teacher (Helen Aspell) who has chosen to work on this project also leads the Humanities team along with Christine Watkins. Chris Watkins leads the Foundation Stage, and with her experience working in a more open-ended way, and as TLR for Creative Curriculum as well as jointly leading the Humanities team with Helen, will act in a supporting role.
Increasing the creativity of our Humanities subjects is part of our School Development Plan. We also have a whole school Literacy target for improvement in writing and are interested to explore ways in which this might also link in to the project.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
We want to work with a creative practitioner to see how we can develop a pupil-led approach to curriculum development, exploring best practice in creating cross curricular links in year 5, with a focus on Humanities with links to literacy. The focus is on supporting the teacher and pupils to work together, to develop ways of co-constructing learning in a cross-curricular way.
The enquiry is to be located in Year 5 with a teacher who has a lead responsibility for Humanities, and is therefore in a position to share learning more widely in terms of developing approaches to humanities. We want to be able to learn from the enquiry to inform ongoing curriculum development in the school.
We are open to different Art forms.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
We are want our creative partner to be someone who:
• Has a commitment to and experience of pupil-led approaches, able to identify needs of children and be responsive to them.
• Is a natural collaborator, who has the ability to relate work to children and adults, and develop it with them
• Can make connections across the curriculum
• Will bring enthusiasm and new ideas
• Has a flexible way of working – with an open ended approach.
• can model and support the taking of risks for staff
• can make the children feel more confident.
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
Wyken Croft is a very large Primary school with a 3 form entry. There are 696 pupils on roll, We are situated on the outskirts of Coventry, on a site with substantial grounds. The school is popular and more than half of the pupils come from outside the school's catchment area.
The practitioner would work on planning with Helen Aspell (Year 5 teacher and Year 5 Team Leader) within the wider yr 5 teaching team within PPA time, with activity concentrated in the class led by Helen Aspell who also has a TLR responsibility for Humanities.
We envisage the project being half day sessions over a more extended period, perhaps once or twice a week (if manageable) – in the Spring term. This would be negotiable with the creative practitioner appointed. Other Year 5 teachers would be given the opportunity to observe the creative practitioner at work, with cover arranged to enable release from teaching time. We envisage they will have a role in evaluating, supporting the tracking of individual pupils’ progress and reflecting with Helen and the practitioner.
There will be opportunities to share learning more widely, perhaps through a presentation to other staff and pupils within school during assembly time to enable other members of staff around school to observe what has been learnt. We hope to hold and inset at the end of the project to share learning. We would expect to work with the creative practitioner to develop ideas for these.
There may be opportunities for parents to support and see this different approach to learning – we would like to explore this with the appointed practitioner. We also envisage opportunities for staff and children to use the school website to share what they have learnt. The website also links back to parents and staff.
The successful applicants will be contracted directly by the school who has already secured Creative Partnerships funding to support this commission. In addition to this we are also working with a creative agent, a freelance creative professional employed by cre8us to act as a critical friend, broker and creative advisor.
Please send applications by Friday 21st November to:
Christine Watkins
Creative Partnerships application
Wyken Croft Primary School
Wyken Croft
Available budget to pay external partners: £3,600 including fees, travel and materials/resources and to include one half day planning and one half day delivery for the INSET, and two half days evaluation time (minimum).
Date of interview: TBC – likely week beginning 24 November or week beginning 1 December
Estimated timescale of the project:
• Recruitment (November)
• Appointment (early December)
• Initial planning (early December)
• Main Activity(Spring term)
• INSET sharing learning May 09
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 027
Name of school: Edgewick Community Primary School, Cross Road, Coventry, CV6 5GP
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it. (50-70 words)
We are keen to embrace a line of enquiry that explores:
‘…. how a creative approach to the teaching of mathematics will stimulate more links to other subjects’. We hope to explore how this line of enquiry will increase pupil engagement and challenge in this area, improve staff confidence and understanding of creative curriculum planning and delivery, and ultimately raise attainment.
We are also keen to develop a creative method of assessment which reflects our integrated style of delivery. Utilising reflective tools such as audio, visual and annotated documentation, we believe our assessment methods will become more personalised, relevant and accurate.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form: (100-130 words)
The delivery of a fully cross curricula, creative curriculum, which is highly stimulating and engaging, improving experience and attainment for all pupils is the main aim of our school; and we are keen to extend further staff member’s understanding of how to explore specific learning through creativity.
We are also keen to develop a creative method of assessment which reflects our integrated style of delivery. Utilising reflective tools such as audio, visual and annotated documentation, we believe our assessment methods will become more personalised, relevant and accurate.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership? (100-130 words)
We expect the successful candidate/s to have the following qualities:
• A commitment to collaborative and reflective practice
• Knowledge and well developed experience in creative methods of evaluation
• Experience in working with pupils as co contributors and valuing the pupil voice
• Skills and experience in working with diverse groups/communities
• Some knowledge of creative curriculum development
• An ability to work flexibly within the school environment (in/outside spaces)
• Skilled in sharing their creative processes in a primary school setting
• Skills and experience in influencing and inspiring others
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk. (300-400 words)
Our project will involve a series of activities which focus specifically on staff CPD and their understanding of how harnessing ones own creativity can facilitate approaches to developing creative behaviours in others, more specifically in the context of mathematics; whilst simultaneously exploring creative, spontaneous approaches to assessment. The main activity will involve a facilitator/mentor working collectively and individually with the team, to provide provocation, innovation, insight and expertise to developing collective and individual creative ‘toolkits’ for a more sustainable, cross curricula planning. We have identified a need for our team to develop resources which will increase confidence in our ability to apply creative approaches to curriculum planning and delivery; the main criteria for our facilitator therefore, will be the ability to inspire, change perceptions and provoke change.
We are currently developing a topic based, half term, model of planning, to incorporate flexibility, creative practise and the needs of the individual pupil. Activities will also include facilitation by other arts and leading education specialists to empower and affirm the drive and importance of developing creative learning and teaching behaviours. Tendering, consultation and target setting for our project, will take place during November and December, with delivery beginning in January. The mid project evaluation will take place after the February half term and end of project evaluation, end of Spring Term. Planning will involve all teachers and facilitators, pupils and some parents.
The successful candidate will be expected to commit 42 days and be able to work across all key stages.
Please apply to Debra Cleeland, Edgewick Community Primary School, Cross Road, Coventry, CV6 5GP. Tel: 02476 686893
Closing date for application: Tuesday 25th November 2008
Available budget to pay external partners: £10750
Date of interview: November TBC
Estimated timescale of the project: January - March 09
• Please also provide a CV and two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 028
Name of school: Bishop Ullathorne Catholic School, Leasowes Avenue, Coventry, CV3 6BH
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it.
We wish to know how we can develop more empathetic, analytical and socially active students,with the skills to scrutinise prevailing beliefs and viewpoints, whilst being able to articulate reasoned conclusions.
We wish to focus on these areas of skill to compliment the high academic standards being achieved by a group of KS3 students. It builds on previous work and places students at the centre of designing their own learning. Given the project’s emotional literacy theme we shall involve our SEAL staff lead in the planning, monitoring, evaluation and sharing of the projects.
We reworked our initial idea through a workshop session with pupils and followed up through consultation with staff from drama, English and humanities.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form:
We wish a practitioner(s) to lead a collaborative process with staff and students to design a creative project working to the theme outlined above. We envisage planning to take place during the late stages of the autumn term 2008 with the main body of the project taking place between January and April 2009.
The students involved were audience for a play earlier in the term performed by a visiting Rwandan theatre company. The practitioner will work with identified staff, from Art, Drama, Humanities and English and students from KS3 to develop ideas responding to this work to explore the theme of empathy and how it may relate to their learning environment and the specific KS3 curriculum areas above. These ideas will form the basis for the creation of an outdoor ‘memorial space’ designed to allow for and promote reflection and empathy for future years..
The proposal responds to a number of areas in the school improvement plan. The school wishes to form joint staff and pupil teams to work together to research projects as well as extending project, which would extend other creative activity undertaken to date with this group.
From the outset we envisage students leading the sharing of findings across the school and potentially with feeder schools (SIP-p9) making a tangible contribution to our specialist school status and responsibilities through sharing of the project and findings.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership?
We wish to recruit a practitioner(s) with experience across different styles and perspectives in the development and animation of outdoor spaces, including possibly through sculpture/installation.
We are also interested to hear from practitioners who can demonstrate ways where regular reflection sessions can be embedded as part of the project with participants through journaling.
We expect to receive details of practitioner’s experience in this field, ideally in a learning environment. Practitioners must demonstrate experience of and a commitment and ability to working with children and staff as equal partners.
Practitioners must also demonstrate the ability to lead a structured collaborative process, working to budget and on time.
We are open to tenders from individuals and companies and have allocated a budget of approx. £8.5 or 3.5 K (tbc) dependants on the scale of the project still in discussion. The fee is to include project work, occasional monitoring/evaluation meetings with the potential to include additional inset/sharing days with staff
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk.
Whilst practicalities are open to negotiation to a degree we expect the activity to take place in an outdoor setting and additional arts based classroom space. We envisage the activity taking place on a regular basis between January and late March 2009 facilities, on a weekly basis, culminating in the creation of an outdoor space designed to be a place for reflection and contemplation. We envisage different staff taking part at different times throughout the project both in terms of direct involvement monitoring and observing.
On site facilities are available for parking and there is some availability for storage
Please apply direct to the school: Bishops Ullathorne Catholic School, Leasowes Avenue, Coventry, CV3 6BH, Tel: 02476 414515
Deadline for submissions: 26.11.08
Available budget to pay external partners: £8.5 or 3.5K tbc (dependant on scale of project)
Date of interview: week commencing Dec1st
Estimated timescale of the project: Dec 2008-March/May 2009 (dependant on scale of project)
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 029
Name of school: Bishop Ullathorne Catholic School, Leasowes Avenue, Coventry, CV3 6BH
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it.
We wish to know how we can develop more empathetic, analytical and socially active students, with the skills to scrutinise prevailing beliefs and viewpoints, whilst being able to articulate reasoned conclusions.
We wish to focus on these areas of skill to compliment the high academic standards being achieved by a group of KS3 students. It builds on previous work and places students at the centre of designing their own learning. Given the project’s emotional literacy theme we shall involve our SEAL staff lead in the planning, monitoring, evaluation and sharing of the projects.
We developed our initial idea through a workshop session with pupils and followed up through consultation with staff from drama, English and humanities.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form:
We wish to recruit a practitioner(s) to lead a collaborative process with staff and students to design a creative project working to the theme outlined above. We envisage planning to take place during the late stages of the autumn term 2008 with the main body of the project taking place between January and April 2009.
The students involved were audience for a play earlier in the term performed by a visiting Rwandan theatre company. The practitioner will work with identified staff, from Drama, Humanities and English alongside students from KS3 to develop ideas responding to this work to explore the theme of empathy and how it may relate to their learning environment and the specific KS3 curriculum areas above. These ideas will form the basis for the creation and performance of a new dramatic work.
The proposal builds on the development of drama as a specialism and responds to a number of areas in the school improvement plan. The school wishes to form joint staff and pupil teams to work together to research projects as well as extending project, which would extend other creative activity undertaken to date with this group.
From the outset we envisage students leading the sharing of findings across the school and potentially with feeder schools (SIP-p9) making a tangible contribution to our specialist school status and responsibilities through sharing of the project and findings.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership?
We wish to recruit a practitioner(s) with a background in writing and performance and who has the skills necessary to staging a new piece.
We also expect the practitioner to lead regular reflection sessions as part of their creative work with participants and to promote journaling as part of the staff and students building up their own personal story
We expect to receive details of practitioner’s experience in this field, ideally in a learning environment. Practitioners must demonstrate experience of and a commitment and ability to working with children and staff as equal partners.
Practitioners must also demonstrate the ability to lead a structured collaborative process, working to budget and on time.
We are open to tenders from individuals and companies and have allocated a budget of between £8.5 or 3.5K (tbc) to include project work, occasional monitoring/evaluation meetings with the potential to include additional inset/sharing days with staff
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk.
Whilst practicalities are open to negotiation to a degree we expect the activity to take place in drama facilities, on a weekly basis, culminating in an end performance. We envisage different staff taking part at different times throughout the project both in terms of direct involvement monitoring and observing.
On site facilities are available for parking and there is some availability for storage
Please apply direct to the school: Bishops Ullathorne Catholic School, Leasowes Avenue, Coventry, CV3 6BH, Tel: 02476 414515
Deadline for submissions: 26.11.08
Available budget to pay external partners: £ 8.5 or 3.5K tbc (dependant on scale of project)
Date of interview: week commencing Dec1st
Estimated timescale of the project: Dec 2008-March/May 2009 (dependant on scale of project)
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
Ref: Cre8us ITT 030
Name of school: Harris Secondary School & Sports College, Overslade Lane, Rugby, CV22 6EA
1. Please define your line of enquiry and how you arrived at it.
We want to explore ‘What is the impact on student achievement when teaching and learning occurs in a multi-sensory environment?’
Our proposal was developed in collaboration with Cre8us following admission to the change programme, a structured consultative planning process led by the creative agent (involving co-ordinator Catherine Barnett, lead teacher Chris Browning, existing head teacher Sue Simms, incoming head teacher Steven Dobson and deputy head teacher Judith Edwards) and a comprehensive review of surveys submitted by students in response to the earlier stages of the school’s emerging professional development programme ‘The playful teacher’.
2. Please describe the focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, as identified by teachers (state post/level/responsibility), children and young people and Creative Agent and outlined in Project Planning Form:
We wish a practitioner(s) to lead a collaborative process with staff and students to design a creative project working to the theme outlined above. We envisage planning to take place during the late stages of the autumn term 2008 with the main body of the project taking place between January and April 2009.
The practitioner will work with a small number of identified staff, from Maths and English and students from KS4 classes in Maths and English to create a temporary multi sensory environment in a school class room designed to enable us to test new and creative approaches to teaching and learning.
3. What knowledge, skills, expertise and values would you expect an external partner to bring to the partnership?
We wish to recruit a practitioner(s) who can work to create a multi-sensory environment. We recognise this is a specialist project and wish any expression of interest to outline methods of student and school collaboration to identify, equip/create and animate such a space.
We expect to receive details of practitioner’s experience in this field, ideally in a learning environment. Practitioners must demonstrate experience of and a commitment and ability to working with children and staff as equal partners.
Practitioners must also demonstrate the ability to lead a structured collaborative process, working to budget and on time.
We are open to tenders from individuals and companies and have allocated a budget of around £6000 to cover principally project work, occasional monitoring/evaluation meetings with the potential to include additional inset/sharing days with staff. We hold additional resource for materials
4. Expanding on question 1, please describe the working environment where the project would take place and where the external partner would be required to work. What would the working situation be in terms of space, access to facilities, young people, teacher and staff participation, working hours, parking? Please also include anything that you feel may constitute a risk.
We envisage class room spaces being the space where by different multi sensory activities are tested through the introduction of materials, sounds, light, objects and more which allow us to introduce a multi-sensory nature to teaching and learning
The school has larger classroom spaces including a drama studio/class, which can be used potentially to prepare and store materials.
The project will take place in the main during school hours. There is parking and loading space on-site.
Please apply directly to the school:
Creative Partnerships Application, Harris Secondary School & Sports College, Overslade Lane, Rugby, CV22 6EA
Application deadline: 24th November 2008
Available budget to pay external partners: £ 6000
Date of interview: week commencing December 1st 2008
Estimated timescale of the project: Dec 2008-March end 2009
• Please also provide two references from education providers you have worked in partnership with before.
• If you are not available for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview.
• A current Enhanced CRB Disclosure and public liability insurance of at least £2million is a condition for application.
4. Appendix
Name of School:
Please submit to ……………………………………………….... by ………………
Name: Organisation:
Contact details (telephone/mobile/email):
In overview, please respond to the ‘line of enquiry’ and focus of the Enquiry or Change School programme, within the fee stated in the ‘Invitation to Tender’? (200-300 words)
As an external partner, how would you add value to teaching and learning for creativity? (Please reference knowledge, skills, learning and experience (70-50 words)
How would you place pupil voice at the heart of the programme? (50-70 words)
Outline an example of partnership working you were involved in, stating how it supported the creativity of other people (100 words):
SECTION 3: OTHER DETAILS. How would you respond to the information under ‘working environment’ in the invitation to tender (100-200 words).
Please tick boxes (CRB/public liability insurance must be CURRENT)
CRB Enhanced Disclosure? Public liability insurance of at least £2 million? Do you charge VAT?
Referee 1 Referee 2:
Name: Name:
Role: Role:
Address, phone & email details:
Address, phone and email details:
• Please note interview date from invitation to tender. If unavailable for interview if/when called this may invalidate your tender.
• If you tender as an organisation then the person who will work directly with teachers, children and young people must be the person attending interview
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