Minutes of the meeting of the Trustees of the Visual Art Network, Sept 17, 2007 at the Cornhouse
Present:- Carola Felden (chair), Neil walker, Dave West, Andrew Howe, David Collingwood, Chris Dean
Apologies from:- Pat Jones, Ann McCay, Julia Pim, Wren Miller, Martin Smith
1 Notice was given of the next Arts Café at Belmont on Oct 15 at 7.00pm. Carola encouraged all members of VAN to attend if possible, because there will be a presentations by Mary White on how the plans for the new museum and visitor centre fit into the “overall cultural aspirations” for town and county; and by Adrian Plant on visual arts exhibition programming past and future. We assume this includes discussion of the proposed gallery space. And possibly some more concrete information on what will be available in the Theatre.
2 Carola repeated our agreed view that there should be a strong voice for Visual Arts, intervening now; and suggested that therefore we should be encouraging all relevant organisations of “artistic makers” to “affiliate” themselves to VAN in some way, so that VAN can be a representative channel of opinion to SABC and SCC.
A long list of such organisations was accumulated, and a letter to be sent to them all was approved by vote. The letter will suggest co-operation and invite opinions so that we can speak with some collective authority.
3 A covering letter to be sent out with the questionnaire (see minutes July 2) was also approved by vote.
4 The chair proposed, and the meeting approved, that Sheila Jeavons should be invited to be co-opted on to the committee, as a highly rated artist and leading organiser locally; and that Maggie Caley should also be invited to be co-opted as administrative secretary of VAN because she is a “maker” and has huge administrative experience. (Chris Dean to continue being minuting secretary).
5 It was decided that Maggie Love and Adrian Plant of SABC should always be informed of our meetings, invited to attend if they wish, and sent copies of the minutes.
6 The final form of the questionnaire was approved subject to changes to be made after consultation with Sheila Jeavons of Secret Hills Arts Café, and Chris Griffin of “Made in Shropshire”.
7 Next meeting:- Monday Oct 8, the Cornhouse, 7.00 pm
Agenda to include
Preparations for mailout of questionnaire by SCC
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Thursday, 13 September 2007
big Big draw
Claire Cartlidge based at Oswestry Library is involved in organising a big Big draw event in Ellesmere on Saturday, 27th Oct.
The event is backed by the Royal Inst of Engineering and takes it theme from Shaping the Future and sustainable science.
Claire is interested in hearing from artisits who are interested in being involved for the day.
Please let me know if you are interested asap.
The event is backed by the Royal Inst of Engineering and takes it theme from Shaping the Future and sustainable science.
Claire is interested in hearing from artisits who are interested in being involved for the day.
Please let me know if you are interested asap.
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Culturing Connections Newsletter
Culturing Connections Newsletter.
September issue
2012 Roadshow
The L2012 Roadshow made two stops in the West Midlands region earlier this month. The first was on 16 August at the Main Event in Stafford with world record holder and Olympic gold medalist, Jonathan Edwards and Commonwealth Gold medal winner Adam Whitehead both in attendance. The second stop was at the UK School Games in Coventry on Sunday 26 August, where Olympics Minister, Tessa Jowell, made an appearance. This year, the Roadshow was based on a Join In theme which aims to encourage participation in sport and showcase the nationwide value of the Games. Further information on L2012 from: www. london2012.com
UK School Games and 2012 Coventry & Warwickshire
Coventry hosted a hugely successful 2007 UK School Games from the 23 to the 26 August. 1300 competitors, 8 sports and 5 venues across the City took part in the event now in its second year since the inaugural games in 2006 in Glasgow. In addition to this major sporting event a huge cultural celebration of the City called Celebrating Coventry was developed and ran alongside the UK School Games. Led by Imagineer Productions and Kinetika Art Links International, 200 performers from both the City and Nationally brought alive key open spaces with free music, dance and performance. The event also saw the Coventry and Warwickshire 2012 Partnership launch its cultural journey as the countdown towards the 2012 Cultural Olympiad which starts on August 24 2008. Coventry City Council was delighted to stage the games and be part of this unique opportunity as one of only six cities in the UK to host the event in the lead up to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Coventry and Warwickshire 2012 Partnership would like to thank all partners above and especially the event managers Fasttrack, in delivering a fantastic event that showcased the best of what the City can offer and enhances our reputation as a place for staging successful major sporting and cultural events. Further information from culture@performancefromtheheart.com.
Regional Cultural Forum Equality and Diversity Action Group (RCF-EDAG)
Leading on from the Regional Equality & Diversity Review undertaken by the West Midlands Regional Assembly in 2005, the Regional Cultural Forum set up an Action Group to aid better cooperation and knowledge transfer across the cultural sector in relation to Equality & Diversity issues. Made up of a range of partners and equality specialists, this group has just completed the first phase of a review of equality and diversity evidence. Over 100 reports and resources have been identified and submitted to the West Midlands Regional Observatory online catalogue. To be kept informed of similar research projects you can subscribe to the Cultural Research & Intelligence Network (CRAIN). All enquiries should be forwarded to Laura Venn at laura.venn@wmro.org.
Culture and Climate Change.
The West Midlands Regional Assembly is seeking feedback on a regional action plan for tackling climate change. The deadline for comments is 14 September. Culture West Midlands is working with the Regional Assembly on a response. If you would like to contribute please contact s.stephens@culturewm.org.uk.
Meanwhile, the Cultural Observatory is developing support for the cultural sector on climate change issues and has recently published a call for expressions of interest from suitably qualified organisations to produce a discussion paper. The discussion paper is intended to act as a catalyst for engaging partners in the region in a meaningful dialogue about culture and climate change and will be followed by an event to discuss the paper in November 2007. For further information contact Laura Venn at laura.venn@wmro.org
West Midlands Regional Observatory Annual Conference 2007.
Friday 19 August, from 9.15am, Chesford Grange Hotel, Warwickshire. This year the conference is based on the changing face of the West Midlands region and provides a focus on population changes and the implications this has for policy makers and the region as a whole. As well as the launch of the State of the Region 2007 update report, the conference will include a number of workshops on subjects ranging from the economic impact of migrant workers to planning for new economic futures. Further information and detail on remaining sponsorship and promotion opportunities from www.wmro.org or Vanessa.latty@wmro.org/ 0121 202 3329.
Screen West Midlands Announces New CEO
Screen West Midlands has appointed Suzie Norton, former founding director of Film Birmingham, as the new Chief Executive of Screen West Midlands. As part of her role at Film Birmingham, Suzie has led the proposal to establish an international digital film event for Birmingham and the region in 2008 that has received support from Screen WM, AWM, ACEWM, BCC, Business Link WM, Marketing Birmingham, DCMS and UKFC. Suzie takes up her role at SWM from 10 September. For further information visit www.screenwm.co.uk
Culture On Demand
DCMS commissioned a six month investigation to answer a single question - what drives demand for culture among disabled people, Black and Minority Ethnic groups and lower socio-economic groups? The research aimed to move from thinking about barriers and ultimately to help identify ways of stimulating demand in the future. The research indicated that there are six themes that drive demand
- children and families
- socialising and social networks
- identity
- place
- experience
- trust
Detail of the full findings have now been publishied in a report called Culture On Demand. Further information from www.culture.gov.uk
Physical Activity Network West Midlands (PAN WM) Coordinator Opportunity.
PAN WM, the independent network for physical activity in the West Midlands region, is recruiting for a part time coordinator to oversee and manage the day to day business of the Physical Activity Network in the West Midlands. The post is a 21 hour per week secondment opportunity and the closing date for applications is Friday 7 September 2007. Further information from Suzanne Gardner on 07875 684834 or Suzanne.gardner@sportengland.org.
Play England supports Charter for Children
Compass, the influential left-of-centre think tank, has proposed a Charter for Children, which contains strong new measures to promote play. The Charter, launched by Helen Goodman MP in June, calls for government mechanisms to promote play as a priority, including national performance indicators and funding streams. Further information from www.compassonline.org.uk
Play England Birmingham Seminar
Play England is holding a series of free regional events to promote innovation in play with one in Birmingham on the 13 September. As well as promoting innovative play provision and design, these events will support voluntary organisations to make the most of the Big Lottery Fund Playful Ideas funding stream before it closes at the end of the year. These informal seminars are for individuals involved in the voluntary and community sector that are interesting in providing innovative play services or spaces. Further information and booking www.playengland.org.uk/events or call Paul Taylor at NCB conference on 020 7843 6041 or email conferences@ncb.org.uk.
Playday 2007
The organisers of the 20th annual Playday welcomed a record attendance of more than 100,000 children at nearly 300 free play events up and down the UK. Childrens Secretary Ed Balls also attended saying that the government is ready for a serious debate about the need to balance concerns for childrens safety with their need for freedom to play outside. To find out more about the Playday campaign, including research and events, visit the Playday website at www.playday.org.uk
Big Lottery Fund Equality Matters guidance.
The Big Lottery Fund is pleased to announce the arrival of Equality Matters, a good practice guide for small to medium sized voluntary or community sector organisations. The guide is designed to help applicants think about equality issues and incorporate them into the planning of their projects, whether they are applying to BIG (or another funder) for a grant. It also sets out the equality standards BIG expects from grant-holders. www.biglotteryfund.org.uk The guide will be formally launched this autumn when it will also become available in printed format. For further information please call the West Midlands Regional Office on 0121 345 7700.
EUCLID European Culture Programme 2008.
The detailed specifications, application form and related documentation for the 2008 Calls have been published on the official EC Culture website at www.culturefund.eu. In addition, EUCLID is looking to organise some half-day workshops for interested applicants to go through the application form. These will be held in London (probably morning of 18 Sept), Manchester (probably morning of 3 Sept), Edinburgh and Cardiff (also in September). Further information from www.culturefund.eu.
EUCLID Guidance for Culture Programme
EUCLID has prepared two guidance notes, available in PDF, to help you apply for the latest call for Culture Programme 2007-2013 including a general Guidance Note on the criteria and application process, and a Tips Sheet to help you complete the application form. Forthcoming deadlines under the Culture Programme are
Strand 1.1 - Multiannual projects (3-5 years, minimum 6 partners) - 31 October
Strand 1.2.1 - Co-operation projects (1-2 years, minimum 3 partners) - 31 October
Strand 1.2.2 - Literary translation projects - 1 October (and 1 April 2008)
Strand 1.3 - Co-operation with China or India - 1 October
Strand 2 - networks, festivals, "ambassadors" - 5 November
Strand 3 - research studies on networks - 1 October
Further information and links to all the relevant pages to download forms are on www.culturefund.eu.
VeloDream Competition Registration
As excitement around London 2012 continues to build, the VeloDream competition is a unique opportunity for schools to capture the spirit of the Olmypic and Paralympic Games. As part of L2012 commitment to inspire young people across the UK, L2012 is asking pupils up to the age of 16 to think big and creatively and design their dream VeloPark to host the cycling sports of a future Games. Winning pupils will get the chance to see the designers of the 2012 VeloPark at work and lear how to create a world class venue. To register your school and receive a free information pack with resources that complement the curriculum see www.london2012.com
Belgrade Theatre Reopening
The Belgrade Theatre in Coventry will reopen on 3 September. With a completely new fully flexible second auditorium known as B2, new rehearsal rooms and facilities and a rejuvenated commitment to exciting and originally-produced theatre, the Belgrade is set to become a thrilling new cultural presence in the West Midlands, and the UK. People will be able to get a first glimpse inside the Belgrade from 3 September with the official opening Gala Night following on 7 September. The Gala Night will be a ticketed event featuring jazz legend Humphrey Lyttelton on the main stage and the Tommy Whittle Band in the theatre foyer. Further information from www.belgrade.co.uk
Town Hall Birmingham Reopening
Town Hall, Birmingham will re-open on Thursday 4 October 2007 following a 35 million pound renovation, funded by Birmingham City Council, Heritage Lottery Fund and European Regional Development Fund. The major construction phase is now complete and work has begun on re-commissioning the Organ and testing all the in-house facilities and systems. Acclaimed at its opening in 1834 as the finest music hall in the country, this Grade 1 listed landmark has been lovingly and painstakingly renovated by a dedicated team of conservation and construction professionals. Further information from www.thsh.co.uk
WMRA Regional Programme Director Opportunity
WMRA is looking for a Regional Programme Director to head up the West Midlands regional Health and Wellbeing portfolio entitled Living Well in the West Midlands. The post is funded through the Big Lottery Well-being Fund and the successful candidate will be responsible for a team consisting of a regional project manager and a support officer. The closing date for applications is 21 September For an application pack and further informaiton see www.wmlga.gov.uk or telephone 0121 678 1012.
Arts Council England Dance and Music Administration Officer Opportunity
ACE Dance and Music, one of the UK's leading contemporary black dance companies, is looking for an experienced person to develop & maintain the administration of the company. This is a multi-faceted position in a dynamic, forward looking developing dance company. Download an application pack from www.acedanceandmusic.com call 0121 314 5830 or email info@acedanceandmusic.com
Application closing date 10th Sept 2007.
Motherland. A story of being and belonging.
Audiences Central havs been working with Sampad South Asian Arts on the campaign management of their forthcoming production, Motherland. A story of being and belonging. Presented by Sampad in association with Tara Arts, Motherland is a specially commissioned dance theatre production to remember the 200th anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act. Vibrant dance, live music and lyrical poetry come together to create a compelling story of love, conflict, revenge and resolution set in a world of slavery and forced migration. Tour dates run throughout Autumn. Full information is available by visiting www.sampad.org.uk
Sport England Promoting Sport Toolkit
Sport England has developed a toolkit to help partners to promote sport. As well as advice on skills and materials to help partners produce higher quality sports marketing campaigns, posters and adverts, it also delivers real value for money by suggesting economies of scale to negotiate better deals for photography, poster designs and so on. The Toolkit includes
1. A photo library with over 500 high-quality photos of community sport
2. A series of guides explaining how to promote sport in different ways and to different audiences
3. A calendar of sporting events throughout the year and ideas on how to use them to promote sport.
The Toolkit is available at www.sportengland.org/promotingsport .
Photography and new media advice sessions
Arts Council England, West Midlands is offering the opportunity to discuss future projects and work plans for artists and arts organisations looking to apply for Arts Council funding. The sessions are aimed at photographers and new media artists (visual arts, performance practices, interdisciplinary activity, etc) living in the West Midlands and will give advice on how funding from Arts Council England can support a project, rather than a general portfolio session. You will need to bring examples of your work and have downloaded and looked at the new Grants for the arts information pack prior to your appointment. The sessions will be held on 24 September 2007. To book a half hour appointment with Anna Douglas (Officer) or Meave Haughey (Assistant) phone Lucy Browster, Arts Administrator on 0121 631 5708.
Heritage Lottery Fund Launches Strategy.
The Heritage Lottery Fund has just launched its new strategy Our Heritage Our Future, The Heritage Lottery Funds Third Strategic Plan 2008-20013. As well as outlining budgets for the forthcoming period, the strategy commits to simplification of processes, new initiatives to support applicants and grantees and a commitment to remaining a locally responsive organisation with grant making teams and decision making committees throughout the UK. Further information from www.hlf.org.uk or for a hard copy contact HLF on 020 7591 6255.
A Match Made In Heaven?
Wednesday 10 October 2007, venue tbc. 5.30 until 8pm. A panel of business leaders and media experts are presented with a range of the best arts sponsorship opportunities for 2008 and ask questions in a live Dragons Den style event. Four selected sponsorship proposals have a five minute pitch presentation slot followed by ten minutes Q and A with the panel of experts and audience members. The four main selected pitches will be eligible to win a cash award of one thousand pounds as well as a marketing and media deal to the value of three and a half thousand pounds awarded by Travel West Midlands. Further information from Sophia Tarr, Urban Fusion Project Manager at Sophia.tarr@birmingham.gov.uk
Audience Central B2B website
The 2nd Phase of the Audiences Central website has now been launched. Now with more interactive and more resources than before, the launch of phase 2 offers users an opportunity to stay informed about current news, trends and opportunities within Audiences Central, the West Midlands region and the arts and cultural sector overall. Visit www.audiencescentral.co.uk. New features include
1. New Downloadable Content
2. RSS Feeds for regular updates
3. Interactive content with users able to upload news, articles, jobs, events and press releases
4. Blog
5. New Image Gallery System
6. Ability to add popular content or pages to your 'favourites'
7. Privileged access areas, features and documents for subscribers
8. Newsletter sign up
International Mask Festival
19-27 October 2007. Audiences Central has been conducting the campaign management for the International Mask Festival. Bringing over 15 companies of International Mask Theatre Performances, a 150 strong mask exhibition, puppetry shows and internationally acclaimed mask production workshops to the hear to the West Midlands. Further information from www.internationalmaskfestival.com
Faiths for the City launch.
Tuesday 11 September 2007, Great Hall, Aston Webb Building, University of Birmingham. Faiths for the City is a partnership which brings together the University of Birmingham Multi-Faith Chaplaincy, the Birmingham Faith Leaders Group, academics from the University of Birmingham and leaders from the City of Birmingham for a dialogue focused on specific issues related to the welfare of the city and rooted in a discussion of scriptural texts. All communities are invited to attend the Launch of Faiths for the City. Coaches leave from Sparkbrook, Saltley, Handsworth and Highgate. To book a free seat on the coach please contact Nicholas lo Polito on: 07813 937 756. www.faithsforthecity.org.uk
©2007 Culture West Midlands.
September issue
2012 Roadshow
The L2012 Roadshow made two stops in the West Midlands region earlier this month. The first was on 16 August at the Main Event in Stafford with world record holder and Olympic gold medalist, Jonathan Edwards and Commonwealth Gold medal winner Adam Whitehead both in attendance. The second stop was at the UK School Games in Coventry on Sunday 26 August, where Olympics Minister, Tessa Jowell, made an appearance. This year, the Roadshow was based on a Join In theme which aims to encourage participation in sport and showcase the nationwide value of the Games. Further information on L2012 from: www. london2012.com
UK School Games and 2012 Coventry & Warwickshire
Coventry hosted a hugely successful 2007 UK School Games from the 23 to the 26 August. 1300 competitors, 8 sports and 5 venues across the City took part in the event now in its second year since the inaugural games in 2006 in Glasgow. In addition to this major sporting event a huge cultural celebration of the City called Celebrating Coventry was developed and ran alongside the UK School Games. Led by Imagineer Productions and Kinetika Art Links International, 200 performers from both the City and Nationally brought alive key open spaces with free music, dance and performance. The event also saw the Coventry and Warwickshire 2012 Partnership launch its cultural journey as the countdown towards the 2012 Cultural Olympiad which starts on August 24 2008. Coventry City Council was delighted to stage the games and be part of this unique opportunity as one of only six cities in the UK to host the event in the lead up to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Coventry and Warwickshire 2012 Partnership would like to thank all partners above and especially the event managers Fasttrack, in delivering a fantastic event that showcased the best of what the City can offer and enhances our reputation as a place for staging successful major sporting and cultural events. Further information from culture@performancefromtheheart.com.
Regional Cultural Forum Equality and Diversity Action Group (RCF-EDAG)
Leading on from the Regional Equality & Diversity Review undertaken by the West Midlands Regional Assembly in 2005, the Regional Cultural Forum set up an Action Group to aid better cooperation and knowledge transfer across the cultural sector in relation to Equality & Diversity issues. Made up of a range of partners and equality specialists, this group has just completed the first phase of a review of equality and diversity evidence. Over 100 reports and resources have been identified and submitted to the West Midlands Regional Observatory online catalogue. To be kept informed of similar research projects you can subscribe to the Cultural Research & Intelligence Network (CRAIN). All enquiries should be forwarded to Laura Venn at laura.venn@wmro.org.
Culture and Climate Change.
The West Midlands Regional Assembly is seeking feedback on a regional action plan for tackling climate change. The deadline for comments is 14 September. Culture West Midlands is working with the Regional Assembly on a response. If you would like to contribute please contact s.stephens@culturewm.org.uk.
Meanwhile, the Cultural Observatory is developing support for the cultural sector on climate change issues and has recently published a call for expressions of interest from suitably qualified organisations to produce a discussion paper. The discussion paper is intended to act as a catalyst for engaging partners in the region in a meaningful dialogue about culture and climate change and will be followed by an event to discuss the paper in November 2007. For further information contact Laura Venn at laura.venn@wmro.org
West Midlands Regional Observatory Annual Conference 2007.
Friday 19 August, from 9.15am, Chesford Grange Hotel, Warwickshire. This year the conference is based on the changing face of the West Midlands region and provides a focus on population changes and the implications this has for policy makers and the region as a whole. As well as the launch of the State of the Region 2007 update report, the conference will include a number of workshops on subjects ranging from the economic impact of migrant workers to planning for new economic futures. Further information and detail on remaining sponsorship and promotion opportunities from www.wmro.org or Vanessa.latty@wmro.org/ 0121 202 3329.
Screen West Midlands Announces New CEO
Screen West Midlands has appointed Suzie Norton, former founding director of Film Birmingham, as the new Chief Executive of Screen West Midlands. As part of her role at Film Birmingham, Suzie has led the proposal to establish an international digital film event for Birmingham and the region in 2008 that has received support from Screen WM, AWM, ACEWM, BCC, Business Link WM, Marketing Birmingham, DCMS and UKFC. Suzie takes up her role at SWM from 10 September. For further information visit www.screenwm.co.uk
Culture On Demand
DCMS commissioned a six month investigation to answer a single question - what drives demand for culture among disabled people, Black and Minority Ethnic groups and lower socio-economic groups? The research aimed to move from thinking about barriers and ultimately to help identify ways of stimulating demand in the future. The research indicated that there are six themes that drive demand
- children and families
- socialising and social networks
- identity
- place
- experience
- trust
Detail of the full findings have now been publishied in a report called Culture On Demand. Further information from www.culture.gov.uk
Physical Activity Network West Midlands (PAN WM) Coordinator Opportunity.
PAN WM, the independent network for physical activity in the West Midlands region, is recruiting for a part time coordinator to oversee and manage the day to day business of the Physical Activity Network in the West Midlands. The post is a 21 hour per week secondment opportunity and the closing date for applications is Friday 7 September 2007. Further information from Suzanne Gardner on 07875 684834 or Suzanne.gardner@sportengland.org.
Play England supports Charter for Children
Compass, the influential left-of-centre think tank, has proposed a Charter for Children, which contains strong new measures to promote play. The Charter, launched by Helen Goodman MP in June, calls for government mechanisms to promote play as a priority, including national performance indicators and funding streams. Further information from www.compassonline.org.uk
Play England Birmingham Seminar
Play England is holding a series of free regional events to promote innovation in play with one in Birmingham on the 13 September. As well as promoting innovative play provision and design, these events will support voluntary organisations to make the most of the Big Lottery Fund Playful Ideas funding stream before it closes at the end of the year. These informal seminars are for individuals involved in the voluntary and community sector that are interesting in providing innovative play services or spaces. Further information and booking www.playengland.org.uk/events or call Paul Taylor at NCB conference on 020 7843 6041 or email conferences@ncb.org.uk.
Playday 2007
The organisers of the 20th annual Playday welcomed a record attendance of more than 100,000 children at nearly 300 free play events up and down the UK. Childrens Secretary Ed Balls also attended saying that the government is ready for a serious debate about the need to balance concerns for childrens safety with their need for freedom to play outside. To find out more about the Playday campaign, including research and events, visit the Playday website at www.playday.org.uk
Big Lottery Fund Equality Matters guidance.
The Big Lottery Fund is pleased to announce the arrival of Equality Matters, a good practice guide for small to medium sized voluntary or community sector organisations. The guide is designed to help applicants think about equality issues and incorporate them into the planning of their projects, whether they are applying to BIG (or another funder) for a grant. It also sets out the equality standards BIG expects from grant-holders. www.biglotteryfund.org.uk The guide will be formally launched this autumn when it will also become available in printed format. For further information please call the West Midlands Regional Office on 0121 345 7700.
EUCLID European Culture Programme 2008.
The detailed specifications, application form and related documentation for the 2008 Calls have been published on the official EC Culture website at www.culturefund.eu. In addition, EUCLID is looking to organise some half-day workshops for interested applicants to go through the application form. These will be held in London (probably morning of 18 Sept), Manchester (probably morning of 3 Sept), Edinburgh and Cardiff (also in September). Further information from www.culturefund.eu.
EUCLID Guidance for Culture Programme
EUCLID has prepared two guidance notes, available in PDF, to help you apply for the latest call for Culture Programme 2007-2013 including a general Guidance Note on the criteria and application process, and a Tips Sheet to help you complete the application form. Forthcoming deadlines under the Culture Programme are
Strand 1.1 - Multiannual projects (3-5 years, minimum 6 partners) - 31 October
Strand 1.2.1 - Co-operation projects (1-2 years, minimum 3 partners) - 31 October
Strand 1.2.2 - Literary translation projects - 1 October (and 1 April 2008)
Strand 1.3 - Co-operation with China or India - 1 October
Strand 2 - networks, festivals, "ambassadors" - 5 November
Strand 3 - research studies on networks - 1 October
Further information and links to all the relevant pages to download forms are on www.culturefund.eu.
VeloDream Competition Registration
As excitement around London 2012 continues to build, the VeloDream competition is a unique opportunity for schools to capture the spirit of the Olmypic and Paralympic Games. As part of L2012 commitment to inspire young people across the UK, L2012 is asking pupils up to the age of 16 to think big and creatively and design their dream VeloPark to host the cycling sports of a future Games. Winning pupils will get the chance to see the designers of the 2012 VeloPark at work and lear how to create a world class venue. To register your school and receive a free information pack with resources that complement the curriculum see www.london2012.com
Belgrade Theatre Reopening
The Belgrade Theatre in Coventry will reopen on 3 September. With a completely new fully flexible second auditorium known as B2, new rehearsal rooms and facilities and a rejuvenated commitment to exciting and originally-produced theatre, the Belgrade is set to become a thrilling new cultural presence in the West Midlands, and the UK. People will be able to get a first glimpse inside the Belgrade from 3 September with the official opening Gala Night following on 7 September. The Gala Night will be a ticketed event featuring jazz legend Humphrey Lyttelton on the main stage and the Tommy Whittle Band in the theatre foyer. Further information from www.belgrade.co.uk
Town Hall Birmingham Reopening
Town Hall, Birmingham will re-open on Thursday 4 October 2007 following a 35 million pound renovation, funded by Birmingham City Council, Heritage Lottery Fund and European Regional Development Fund. The major construction phase is now complete and work has begun on re-commissioning the Organ and testing all the in-house facilities and systems. Acclaimed at its opening in 1834 as the finest music hall in the country, this Grade 1 listed landmark has been lovingly and painstakingly renovated by a dedicated team of conservation and construction professionals. Further information from www.thsh.co.uk
WMRA Regional Programme Director Opportunity
WMRA is looking for a Regional Programme Director to head up the West Midlands regional Health and Wellbeing portfolio entitled Living Well in the West Midlands. The post is funded through the Big Lottery Well-being Fund and the successful candidate will be responsible for a team consisting of a regional project manager and a support officer. The closing date for applications is 21 September For an application pack and further informaiton see www.wmlga.gov.uk or telephone 0121 678 1012.
Arts Council England Dance and Music Administration Officer Opportunity
ACE Dance and Music, one of the UK's leading contemporary black dance companies, is looking for an experienced person to develop & maintain the administration of the company. This is a multi-faceted position in a dynamic, forward looking developing dance company. Download an application pack from www.acedanceandmusic.com call 0121 314 5830 or email info@acedanceandmusic.com
Application closing date 10th Sept 2007.
Motherland. A story of being and belonging.
Audiences Central havs been working with Sampad South Asian Arts on the campaign management of their forthcoming production, Motherland. A story of being and belonging. Presented by Sampad in association with Tara Arts, Motherland is a specially commissioned dance theatre production to remember the 200th anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act. Vibrant dance, live music and lyrical poetry come together to create a compelling story of love, conflict, revenge and resolution set in a world of slavery and forced migration. Tour dates run throughout Autumn. Full information is available by visiting www.sampad.org.uk
Sport England Promoting Sport Toolkit
Sport England has developed a toolkit to help partners to promote sport. As well as advice on skills and materials to help partners produce higher quality sports marketing campaigns, posters and adverts, it also delivers real value for money by suggesting economies of scale to negotiate better deals for photography, poster designs and so on. The Toolkit includes
1. A photo library with over 500 high-quality photos of community sport
2. A series of guides explaining how to promote sport in different ways and to different audiences
3. A calendar of sporting events throughout the year and ideas on how to use them to promote sport.
The Toolkit is available at www.sportengland.org/promotingsport .
Photography and new media advice sessions
Arts Council England, West Midlands is offering the opportunity to discuss future projects and work plans for artists and arts organisations looking to apply for Arts Council funding. The sessions are aimed at photographers and new media artists (visual arts, performance practices, interdisciplinary activity, etc) living in the West Midlands and will give advice on how funding from Arts Council England can support a project, rather than a general portfolio session. You will need to bring examples of your work and have downloaded and looked at the new Grants for the arts information pack prior to your appointment. The sessions will be held on 24 September 2007. To book a half hour appointment with Anna Douglas (Officer) or Meave Haughey (Assistant) phone Lucy Browster, Arts Administrator on 0121 631 5708.
Heritage Lottery Fund Launches Strategy.
The Heritage Lottery Fund has just launched its new strategy Our Heritage Our Future, The Heritage Lottery Funds Third Strategic Plan 2008-20013. As well as outlining budgets for the forthcoming period, the strategy commits to simplification of processes, new initiatives to support applicants and grantees and a commitment to remaining a locally responsive organisation with grant making teams and decision making committees throughout the UK. Further information from www.hlf.org.uk or for a hard copy contact HLF on 020 7591 6255.
A Match Made In Heaven?
Wednesday 10 October 2007, venue tbc. 5.30 until 8pm. A panel of business leaders and media experts are presented with a range of the best arts sponsorship opportunities for 2008 and ask questions in a live Dragons Den style event. Four selected sponsorship proposals have a five minute pitch presentation slot followed by ten minutes Q and A with the panel of experts and audience members. The four main selected pitches will be eligible to win a cash award of one thousand pounds as well as a marketing and media deal to the value of three and a half thousand pounds awarded by Travel West Midlands. Further information from Sophia Tarr, Urban Fusion Project Manager at Sophia.tarr@birmingham.gov.uk
Audience Central B2B website
The 2nd Phase of the Audiences Central website has now been launched. Now with more interactive and more resources than before, the launch of phase 2 offers users an opportunity to stay informed about current news, trends and opportunities within Audiences Central, the West Midlands region and the arts and cultural sector overall. Visit www.audiencescentral.co.uk. New features include
1. New Downloadable Content
2. RSS Feeds for regular updates
3. Interactive content with users able to upload news, articles, jobs, events and press releases
4. Blog
5. New Image Gallery System
6. Ability to add popular content or pages to your 'favourites'
7. Privileged access areas, features and documents for subscribers
8. Newsletter sign up
International Mask Festival
19-27 October 2007. Audiences Central has been conducting the campaign management for the International Mask Festival. Bringing over 15 companies of International Mask Theatre Performances, a 150 strong mask exhibition, puppetry shows and internationally acclaimed mask production workshops to the hear to the West Midlands. Further information from www.internationalmaskfestival.com
Faiths for the City launch.
Tuesday 11 September 2007, Great Hall, Aston Webb Building, University of Birmingham. Faiths for the City is a partnership which brings together the University of Birmingham Multi-Faith Chaplaincy, the Birmingham Faith Leaders Group, academics from the University of Birmingham and leaders from the City of Birmingham for a dialogue focused on specific issues related to the welfare of the city and rooted in a discussion of scriptural texts. All communities are invited to attend the Launch of Faiths for the City. Coaches leave from Sparkbrook, Saltley, Handsworth and Highgate. To book a free seat on the coach please contact Nicholas lo Polito on: 07813 937 756. www.faithsforthecity.org.uk
©2007 Culture West Midlands.
£30,000commission 4 sculptures
Powys Canal Tourism Art Commission
This commission is to produce 4 sculptures and 4 seats/benches incorporating artwork.
Total budget £30,000 (excluding installation)
British Waterways and its Partners aim to appoint an artist to work with the local communities of place and interest to design and produce a sculpture trail and seating incorporating art along the Powys length of the Montgomery Canal from Llanymynech to Newtown in Wales. The Powys Canal Tourism Art Project will focus on the celebration of the Montgomery Canals modern recreational usage, while recognising its past. In short Remember yesterday and celebrate today.
The development of the sculptures and seating should involve communities and individuals through workshops, which the appointed artist will be required to plan and manage. The workshops should engage with both communities of interest and place.
The aims of the project are:
To contribute to the creation of a distinctive and attractive canal and recreational route.
To encourage visitors to explore and discover more about the canal by following the sculpture trail.
To help visitors of all ages, physical and intellectual ability to engage with and appreciate something of the built and cultural heritage of this canal and its neighbouring area.
To build upon, and enhance the existing sense of place of the Montgomery canal.
To further promote a unique identity for the Montgomery Canal and its neighbouring areas.
To draw existing and new visitors from further afield and promote a sense of discovery along the canal length from Llanymynech to Newtown.
To raise awareness of the existence and attractiveness of the Montgomery Canal to individuals and communities from further afield of the immediate area through which the Montgomery Canal passes.
Further information please contact Chris Smith: Tel: 07825 357596 or email:chris.smith@britishwaterways.co.uk
This commission is to produce 4 sculptures and 4 seats/benches incorporating artwork.
Total budget £30,000 (excluding installation)
British Waterways and its Partners aim to appoint an artist to work with the local communities of place and interest to design and produce a sculpture trail and seating incorporating art along the Powys length of the Montgomery Canal from Llanymynech to Newtown in Wales. The Powys Canal Tourism Art Project will focus on the celebration of the Montgomery Canals modern recreational usage, while recognising its past. In short Remember yesterday and celebrate today.
The development of the sculptures and seating should involve communities and individuals through workshops, which the appointed artist will be required to plan and manage. The workshops should engage with both communities of interest and place.
The aims of the project are:
To contribute to the creation of a distinctive and attractive canal and recreational route.
To encourage visitors to explore and discover more about the canal by following the sculpture trail.
To help visitors of all ages, physical and intellectual ability to engage with and appreciate something of the built and cultural heritage of this canal and its neighbouring area.
To build upon, and enhance the existing sense of place of the Montgomery canal.
To further promote a unique identity for the Montgomery Canal and its neighbouring areas.
To draw existing and new visitors from further afield and promote a sense of discovery along the canal length from Llanymynech to Newtown.
To raise awareness of the existence and attractiveness of the Montgomery Canal to individuals and communities from further afield of the immediate area through which the Montgomery Canal passes.
Further information please contact Chris Smith: Tel: 07825 357596 or email:chris.smith@britishwaterways.co.uk
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Last week to catch Hockney at Qube
The David Hockney exhibition currently on show at Qube in Oswestry will be closing Sat 15th at 12,30pm so if you haven't seen it please go. The comments book raves anout it so please don't miss out.
pandy mill glass studio
pandy mill glass studio & gallery
presents Flowers For Mother, My Gift To You
2 new beautiful stained glass windows designed and created by Jan Singleton
The windows represent Mothers Love.
All over the world, in everyday situations, Mothers give freely and willingly to their children.
Sometimes sacrificing their own emotional needs.
Unconditional love.
Jan and Richard
warmly welcome you to the unveiling.
Have a drink with us and celebrate all Mothers.
16 September 2007 at 2.30-4.30pm
If you cant make the unveiling,
pandy mill glass studio & gallery is normally open
Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays 11.00-16.30
Or anytime by appointment. Just phone 01691 718382
Pandy Mill Gallery, Pandy, Glyn Ceiriog, Llangollen LL20 7NT
presents Flowers For Mother, My Gift To You
2 new beautiful stained glass windows designed and created by Jan Singleton

The windows represent Mothers Love.
All over the world, in everyday situations, Mothers give freely and willingly to their children.
Sometimes sacrificing their own emotional needs.
Unconditional love.
Jan and Richard
warmly welcome you to the unveiling.
Have a drink with us and celebrate all Mothers.
16 September 2007 at 2.30-4.30pm
If you cant make the unveiling,
pandy mill glass studio & gallery is normally open
Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays 11.00-16.30
Or anytime by appointment. Just phone 01691 718382
Pandy Mill Gallery, Pandy, Glyn Ceiriog, Llangollen LL20 7NT
'Then & Now'
'Then & Now'
An Exhibition of sculptural wall panels and small constructions
made from discarded pianos and other reclaimed materials
by Jane Wilson
at Gallery 3, Gateway Arts Centre, Chester Street, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.
Exhibition starts 8 September 2007 and continues until 1 October 2007
An Exhibition of sculptural wall panels and small constructions
made from discarded pianos and other reclaimed materials
by Jane Wilson
at Gallery 3, Gateway Arts Centre, Chester Street, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.
Exhibition starts 8 September 2007 and continues until 1 October 2007
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