Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Artists Invited to try out for exhibition

Artists fron across Shropshire are being invited to take part in an exhibition at Ironbridge.
They are invited to hand in a piece of artwork that represents the heritage site in some way as well as representing themselves as an artist.
A judging panel will choose a number of pieces to include in the exhibition from September 6 to October 6 at Merrythought Teddy Bear Factory.
Jenny Gunning, exhibition organiser, said: "When handing work in, artists are reminded that if there work is chosen, they will be allocated an area which will offer as much room as they can fill with an estimated number of 20 to 50 pieces per artist.
"It is estimated more than 3000 people will visit the world famous heitage site over the weekend of the world heritage festival, giving local artists the perfect opportunity to show off their own interpretations of the Gorge."
Artists interested in the event should call Jenny on 01952 434020

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