Tuesday, 24 April 2007

A prehistoric dorment image forum needs life

Many years ago there was a bright idea and funding was gained to create an image forum and thus it was created. After some tests and grumbles the bright idea lost its shine and for years it slept till 2007 when the idea flickered again. Its a fun thing if a little wordy but anyone can join in share images and post messages - it does work I have just tried - give it a go artists

image forum


Casper said...

Bloggin’ hell

Where have you thundercats been – the closing date for the Shropshire Art Open is May 4th! Entries wanted! And we also would like 2 VAN members to join the selection commitee for Monday May 14th and potentially May 15th. As we have secured this we would like a member or two to help; I did it last year and it was interesting and lively!!
Please contact me soon
Oh and the application form for the exhibition is available on the web!
Casper Macindoe

Martin said...

Where on the internet? If google can't find it apart from 2004/5 info?? who can??????? - top entry for 'open art shropshire' is Visual Art Network - Shropshire - who are they??????

Anonymous said...

Excuse me Caspar; that's a bit off-thread isn't? Oh well... back to the original subject!

I'd noticed said image forum and idly wondered about it (can't quite remember what though). Looks to have possibilities if enough people can be arsed to post something. I'll do so and keep an eye on it. Perhaps the beast will stir once again... hmm. lovely. it's porridge.

Anonymous said...

Stirred and amused - or just a pebble thrown in??