From March 28th there will be a major exhibition of commissioned monumental Sculpture at the Mere, in Ellesmere Shropshire.
The title of the exhibition is Extramuros 2007- Art outside the Walls and is an exchange of sculptures and ideas between rural areas of Shropshire in England, Andalucia and Asturias in Spain, and Beira Interior in Portugal. Extamuros (outside the walls), coined in Spain, evokes the idea of art outside the city walls. The focus of Extramuros 2007 is sculpture in the landscape and culminates with this major touring exhibition which after Ellesmere will tour to Southern Spain then Portugal and in 2008 be finally shown at Cabo Penas in Northern Spain.
The launch day will be marked by a Seminar - Extramuros 2007 - Commissioning Art and Ideas for the Landscape. Take a look at the leaflet for more details.

Click on the leaflet pages to get bigger pages
The Seminar is free to artists just contact the reservation number.
If you want a ticket to the opening on March 28th so you can get some tea and tappas email your address details to
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