Friday, 30 March 2007
Artists work opp
I have been contacted by Coleham County Primary School to see if there are
any artists out there who would like to work for 1 hour to 1 day at the
school during their Art week which they hold most years.
Working with up to 10 students
I hour to 1 day
Pay on discussion -?£100+ per day
Art Week June 4-8th
If anyone is interested ,or if you know anyone else who might be interested,
please contact Judith Scholfield at
I have worked there in the past and it's amazing fun and has been running
for many years
Regards Barbara
Thursday, 29 March 2007
Extramuros Art Outside the Walls is here!!
Friday, 16 March 2007
New 8k commission opp for sculptors
Wednesday, 14 March 2007
Monday, 12 March 2007
EXTRAMUROS coming to Ellesmere
From March 28th there will be a major exhibition of commissioned monumental Sculpture at the Mere, in Ellesmere Shropshire.
The title of the exhibition is Extramuros 2007- Art outside the Walls and is an exchange of sculptures and ideas between rural areas of Shropshire in England, Andalucia and Asturias in Spain, and Beira Interior in Portugal. Extamuros (outside the walls), coined in Spain, evokes the idea of art outside the city walls. The focus of Extramuros 2007 is sculpture in the landscape and culminates with this major touring exhibition which after Ellesmere will tour to Southern Spain then Portugal and in 2008 be finally shown at Cabo Penas in Northern Spain.
The launch day will be marked by a Seminar - Extramuros 2007 - Commissioning Art and Ideas for the Landscape. Take a look at the leaflet for more details.

Click on the leaflet pages to get bigger pages
The Seminar is free to artists just contact the reservation number.
If you want a ticket to the opening on March 28th so you can get some tea and tappas email your address details to
Saturday, 10 March 2007
Ecosystem - Networking Artists
Roadshow West Midlands: Ecosystem
A NAN event – Networking Artists’ Saturday 24 March 12.30 – 6pm
Staffordshire University Activity Space
College Rd
How do artists relate to the art market?
Why is there no significant commercial system in Birmingham or the West Midlands?
Are regional networks over-reliant on the current art funding structures?
What are the alternatives to the commercial gallery system?
A NAN event organised with artist-led organisation Matt Roberts Arts, Roadshow West Midlands: Ecosystem will see curators, artists, art market experts and groups from across Britain join in the debate about development and sustainability of the arts market in the West Midlands. Through knowledge sharing about projects and strategies, success stories, recurring problems and strategies, the event will discuss ideas for future support structures in this area of the UK.
The event will also offer a chance for participants to shape future NAN events by suggesting themes and issues that matter to them.
Roadshow West Midlands: Ecosystem is the third of a series of events for artists organised by NAN in collaboration with arts organisations and artist-led initiatives in the UK, exploring how artists in different areas of the country relate to the art world and market in light of current and future trends in state funding, as well as probing new ways in which the NAN initiative can respond to the needs of artists.Speakers include:
Ruth Claxton Birmingham-based artist. She has shown widely in the UK and is represented by Arquebuse in Geneva. She is also a member of artist-led group Self Service, whose current project is Pub Conversations
Tom Godfrey artist and co-curator of Moot, a Nottingham-based artist-led gallery and also Gallery and Exhibitions Coordinator for Wilkinson Gallery, a commercial gallery in East London.
Susan McNally Art Consultant and Project Manager and Co-Producer of New Art Birmingham
Matt Roberts Founder of Matt Roberts Arts, a not-for-profit artist-led organisation founded in December 2006, to create opportunities for early career artists in new locations and new contexts, and to link London networks with potential partners across Britain.
Ian Vines Exhibition and Programme Coordinator at the Potteries Museum in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent The event will also exclusively feature a NAN-commissioned performance by Ayling & Conroy - artists and curators of My House Projects
Ayling & Conroy will present ‘Our Survey Says’ a performance based on their research into the commercial art market. After the performance, cabs will be available to take invitees to the AirSpace Gallery for AirVideo: “The World Around You”, a curated video event. Airspace Gallery is at Falcon Works, Old Town Road, Stoke on Trent ST1 2LB
How to book
Please send your CV along with a short statement on why you would like to attend Roadshow West Midlands: Ecosystem to Please include details of any special arrangements you may require to enable you to participate in this event. For example, we can provide a signer, material in large print and cover special transport costs.Places are awarded to artists who best demonstrate the event’s benefit to them, rather than on a first-come-first-served basis.
Deadline for bookings: Thursday 15 March
Cost: £15, or free if you’re a current a-n subscriber (returnable deposit required)
Only fifty places available.
NAN (Networking Artists' Networks) supports artists' exchange and dialogue through events, peer-awarded bursaries and research by artists, for artists. YOU make NAN happen! NAN is made possible by artists who subscribe to a-n. NAN is also supported through:Arts Council England Revenue support to a-n The Artists Information Company with project funding from Esmee Fairbairn Foundation for specific projects.
To know more, go to Roadshow West Midlands: Ecosystem is also supported by Matt Roberts Arts and Airspace Gallery.
a-n The Artists Information Company First Floor, 7 - 15 Pink Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 5DW, UK T +44 (0)191 241 8000 T +44 (0)207 655 0390 (for advertising, NAN)F +44 (0)191 241 8001 E
Thursday, 8 March 2007
Call for Makers
The Shropshire Guild of Contemporary Craft is holding a selling exhibition “Gorgeous” at the Ironbridge Gorge Museum on October 13th & 14th 2007. They are inviting designer makers working in the West Midlands region to apply, as well as offering two free stands to recent graduates based in Shropshire.
Additionally the guild is seeking makers to demonstrate/lecture for £150 per day. “Gorgeous” is an annual event showcasing the best of applied art in the region and has been assisted by a substantial grant from the Arts Council.
Send SAE for stand application packs by April 23rd to:
Shropshire Guild of Contemporary Craft
Unit 15 Rednal Ind. Est.
West Felton
SY11 4HS