Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Music Hall Gallery Dev App regected
casting plaster for sale
only asking £50 ono all bags are sealed in plastic
my mobile number would be the best to use 07929-258867
Jim Sadler
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Call for submissions
WHO: Artists and MA Fine art students working with videoart.
WHAT: Art Video Screening, a video art event.
WHERE: Bio Roxys Café, Orebro, Sweden
WHEN: 18-19th April 2008.
TO SUBMIT: More info and submission guidelines online.
DEADLINE: 22nd February 2008.
Art Video Screening is a private, artist-run and non-profit initiative,
it's an event and platform focusing on video art and aims to support
artists work. Art Video Screening doesn't have its own screening location,
but is instead collaborating with other culture organizers.
New commission for a Designer-maker
A new awards programme for all museums, galleries and heritage groups in the West Midlands, including independent, local authority and volunteer-run organisations, is being launched for 2008. The Renaissance West Midlands Awards will celebrate achievements and reward best practice in the region's museums and galleries.
Designer-makers from the West Midlands are invited to apply for the commission to make a trophy for the awards.
The award ceremony will be held in March 2008.
For a brief and how to apply please contact:
Susannah Penn, West Midlands Hub Office, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Chamberlain Square, Birmingham B3 3DH
T: 0121 303 4778 E: susannah.penn@birmingham.gov.uk
Deadline for receipt of proposals: 14 December 2007
Van Trustees Meeting at the Cornhouse 7.00pm,12th November 2007
Present: David Collingwood, Mike Hatch, Andrew Howe, Pat Jones, Anne McCay, Martin Smith, Dave West.
Apologies: Carola Fielden, Chris Dean, Neil Walker.
Dave West chaired in the absence of Carola.
1. The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
2. From Matters Arising 15/10/07:
In the light of plans for the Questionaire & planned meeting with Shropshire groups Carola suggested that it was not necessary for Sheila Jeavons to become more involved in Van at present.
3. Update on discussions at 15/10/07 meeting
(a)Questionaire & Mailout.
13 local Art Groups had been identified. Carola had emailed the questionnaire to six leaders of these groups with a covering letter explaining what she was expecting them to do. Explaining that we are doing a survey of Artists around Shropshire and wish to go through their group and the information will be shared when we host a group meeting. It was decided to move this meeting from December to January as the Cornhouse may be booked in December.
ACTION ITEM: Carola needs to estimate how many are coming, so that a budget for nibbles can be assessed. She also needs to book the night at the Cornhouse and send out invites.
ACTION ITEM We need to list an Agenda. These are some of the proposals:
(i). This is a good opportunity for networking.
(ii). Artists Directory
(iii). Studios
(iv). Music Hall
(v). Theatre Severn
(vi). Sales Opportunities for Arts.
(vii). The use of Van Website.
(viii). How the groups,'together' would have more impact when dealing with S.A.B.C. and S.C.C.
(ix). S.A.A.D.A. restarting the Shropshire Open and will display at Rowley's Mansion. They are planning to do touring shows around venues in Shropshire. There is a need to find out where to exhibit in Shropshire. There is a study by Shropshire County Council.
Pat was going to look up Merrythought factory which Mike Hatch had exhibited in for the Heritage World Festival Jenny Gunning was in charge of it.
(x). Anne McCay pointed out that there isn't anything equivalent to the,' 31 days' for the Visual Arts and it would include advertising.
(b). Art About Town. We need to act upon this pretty quick as it needs organising. Carola has spoken to Jill Leventon about the future organising of Art about Town Chris Griffin (Art Photographer, member of Made in Shropshire).
ACTION ITEM Carola to ask Julia to contact Chris Griffin.
Made in Shropshire were going to do the Art about Town in the shops. Sarah Lean was proposing a Fringe for the Open around town as she organises the showing venues in the Bars and was considering the possibility of including some of the entries from the Open which did not get in as an alternative venue.
(c) New Theatre
David Collingwood urged that it was imperative that we deal with the new theatre before the plans are finalised to find out where there will be a space to display Art. We need a policy to discuss with the Council. The people to see are Geraint Morgan and Lezley Picton? David collingwood wants Public Art incorporated in the Theatre plans. He would like John Weaver to be recognised for his work as a brilliant choreographer. (Notes distributed to interested parties.)
(d) Membership
We would like these groups who attend the meeting to involve themselves with Van and find a mechanism to build it up, to find a way of linking up as some may not want to join Van.
Dave West emphasised our need to address and discuss membership problems. A membership form had been agreed but had not been done. David Collingwood proposes an individual meeting to work out what we need to say about us as a group to potential members. Our membership is very important. We need to take immediate action about membership.
ACTION ITEM Make membership an agenda item at next meeting.
ACTION ITEM Andrew Howe and Martin Smith will meet on Thursday 15th November to get a clear paragraph or two around what do Artists want and what do we van want. Dave West brought up the visual image of a 70's poster where little fish make up the final picture of the big fish.
(e) SABC Grant In our last meeting Carola had said she would approach Maggie Love about £500 available from S.A.B.C. for development work for Van. Maggie Love has explained that we have missed last year's money but we need to put in for next year before the April deadline.
(f) SAADA.
Anne McCay reported on S.A.A.D.A. meeting on the 17th about restarting the Open. They may be using space at Rowley's House. They will be no theme, as previous Shrops. Opens. It may be widened nationally in subsequent years. John Wragg is believed to have identified a sponsor for a prize.
It was a positive meeting. In 2009 there are plans for a touring Shropshire Open.
VAN may be looking at a funding application linked to the Open.. Andrew has written a business plan based on a previous one done by Martin that can be developed for use with funding applications. Costing need to be added.
Anne McCay is deputising for Carola at S.A.A.D.A meeting
(g) Insurance for Public Liability.
If people want to be covered by our policy there will need to be a record of it in the meeting minutes. People should use our logo on their publicity. They will need to give 3 month's advance notice.
We need to see the Insurance Policy.
ACTION ITEM Ask Chris Dean if he has it.
Dave West suggested that to be covered by insurance artists would need to be members. Is Open Studios Event covered by VAN insurance?
(h)Open Studios.
Is it a part of Van? Do the entrants to the Open Studio's, Art about Town need to be a member of Van?
(i) VAN Meetings
David Collingwood wants to look at policy and not the administration.
Do we need to have a shorter business time with a social bit at the end? Networking basically having a drink . We were thinking of linking it with Sarah Lean's Art in the bar venues. The Art Cafe only happens every 3 months.
(j)Committee Members Roles & Meeting structure
Carola was hoping Maggie Caley would consider being Membership Secretary. She was not at meeting.
And proposed that Dave West act as Meeting Chairperson, to free her from the conflict of presenting information & controlling the agenda & its progress. Dave is considering the suggestion. It would help the flow of the meetings.
Dave suggested that meetings should have regular agenda items such as Membership, Event plans, etc tied to VAN’s activities. And that minutes should indicate Actions required & those responsible for them, which should then be reported on at the subsequent meeting. This should help turn discussion into action & help move things on.
Dave to consult with Carola about agenda for next meeting. May include Membership discussion. Discuss David Collingwood's discussion paper The Role Of Van, and does the constitution need a revue?
(k) Blue Chairs
We have a cheque for £100 for the Blue Chairs, Jules to present it to Giles, Andrew will try to arrange photo for Publicity.
Next Meeting; Monday.7.00pm. Dec. 17th 2007. (Bring a bottle if at Anne McCay's)
south srops arts newsletter
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Two residencies in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, January - April 2008
A Fine Line & Artworks India invite applications from designer-makers in the UK to spend two months at Arts Reverie, a new centre for artists and creative professionals in a restored haveli in the old city.
Ahmedabad is a centre for traditional and contemporary craft and design, home of the National Institute of Design and the renowned Calico Museum. One of India's mega cities Ahmedabad is in a process of dynamic change, the Arts Reverie project is part of the city's cultural regeneration.
Successful applicants will receive full board and lodging, project management and networking support for up to eight weeks. Selected artists will need to find their own travel and per diem expenses.
For further information visit www.artsreverie.com
Please e-mail either one of us to discuss your application which we will need to have received by 26.11.08:
Jeremy Theophilus
A FINE LINE: cultural practice
39 North Street
CO10 1RD
T +44 (0) 1787 882779
M +44 (0) 7939 577858
HAT: Here And There
20 designer-makers' residencies; 16 hosts; 6 countries; 1 website:
Arts Reverie: an artists' house in Ahmedabad, India
Arts debate overall findings
Generationby Joe Hillier at
the headquarters of One NorthEast, the regional development agency
Photo:David Williams
Arts debate overall
findings now available!
The overall findings of the
arts debate are now available on the arts debate
Public value and the arts in England: Discussion
and conclusions of the arts debate brings together the findings from
all the different stages of the arts debate research, providing an account
of how people think and feel about the arts in England and their
priorities for public funding.
The report draws on the hundreds of
responses we received to the open consultation stage of the debate in spring 2007. A separate and detailed analysis of these consultation responses is also now available on the site, entitled The arts debate:
Summary and analysis of consultation responses.
Over the coming months the Arts Council will be sharing and debating the findings
widely and developing a detailed response. We will be incorporating some
immediate actions in our next corporate plan as well as publishing a long-term policy paper in spring 2008.
In the meantime, we'd like
to thank everyone who has taken part in and supported the debate so far. We look forward to continuing the conversation
in the future.
on to read the reports at
Monday, 29 October 2007
Sculpture at Sandford Gallery
1st November 2007 sees an addition to Sandford Gallery 3D work.
Throughout November and until the end of December - Sculptor Michael McEntee joins the regular Sandford art crew of Ros Burns, Tony & Di Purser, David Mace and Steve Vicary, with an exhibition of bronze and ceramic sculptures.
Michael's sculptures consist of fragmented pieces of the human form - reflecting its frailty, subtlety and beauty.
Working in such diverse mediums as bronze, limestone, terracotta, cement and porcelain paper clay, his work shows both his skill and dexterity in the manipulation of the materials qualities. His enthusiasum for his material and subject matter comes across in the various pieces on display which include stone carvings, cast bronzes and moulded ceramics.
After working in the building trade, Michael gained knowledge and skill in the qualities if various materials and he began sculpting in stone in 2000.
In 2004 Michael exhibiting alongside Elizabeth Frink at Lichfield Cathedral.
Michael McEntee's work can also be seen on www.artlounge.com
The Gallery is open from Thursdays to Sundays and Bank Holidays 11am to 5pm
and is manned as usual by the Artist Owners who will be there to explain or answer any questions on the work exhibited there.
in need of a part time short term administrator
Blue Eyed soul are in need of a part time short term administrator.
4-5 months, 20 hours per week, basic administration must be quite good on IT (excel, word, access etc.)
£17,000 pro rata.
If you are interested please contact the company
Tel: 01743 210830
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Project Brief
To achieve an effective and sustainable model for developing the market for contemporary visual arts in the West Midlands
Project Partners/commissioners
Arts Council England West Midlands, Business Link and Birmingham City Council
The interest in contemporary visual art and the market for it has grown apace in the last 5 years, as it has become less the exclusive milieu of artists, dealers and collectors and more that of the general public. The Frieze art fair attracts more than 60,000 visitors annually and Zoo Art Fair attracts 11,000 visitors resulting in sales of more than £1.7million through independent and art-led galleries and initiatives.
Arts Council England has led a number of market-related initiatives in recent years, the most notable of these being the commissioning of Taste Buds: How to Cultivate the Art Market (Morris Hargreaves McIntyre) in 2004 and the subsequent publication Market Matters: The Dynamics of the Contemporary Art Market (Louisa Buck). Complementary to this was Making it to Market: Developing the Market for Contemporary Craft (Morris Hargreaves McIntyre). Meanwhile the Own Art scheme has been rolled out across the nine regions seeking to stimulate a market beyond London and encourage buying and collecting by new audiences.
Following the publication of Turning Point, a 10 year strategy for the visual arts, the Arts Council has now committed specific funds in 2007/8 to develop regional collector and dealer initiatives and strategic partnerships between public and private sector organisations to stimulate market growth, targeting public and private collectors, domestic and corporate buyers, commissioners and patrons. The stated aim of the project is to encourage new collecting, create promotional/selling opportunities for artists and support the development of viable businesses run by creative entrepreneurs, through this meeting Turning Point’s overarching objectives to:
• invest in entrepreneurial individuals and organisations in areas which are favourable to presenting new work
• grow new markets’ and support increased sales for artists and more new collectors in a strengthened private sector outside London
These projects are considered as pilots and the funding is regarded as seed funding towards models that will become sustainable through earned income and partnership working. Alongside the West Midlands’ pilot, there are parallel initiatives in the North West, North East, and East Midlands regions.
Regional Context
Regionally the West Midlands’ market demonstrates potential but remains undeveloped due to a limited infrastructure. Across the region are many initiatives that seek to create a market for artists’ product such as New Art Birmingham, Brilliantly Birmingham, Virtual, New Generation Arts, Hereford Contemporary Craft Fair and Gorgeous. Own Art is currently available through 20 outlets. In addition to commercially-orientated initiatives there have been various other interventions which in different ways contribute to the ‘landscape’, including establishing collector and buyer groups and networks, and making funds available to support artist representation at non-regional events (e.g. Zoo Art Fair) and to encourage commercial galleries to present more challenging contemporary work. However, there is little currently to join up these initiatives by way of real market analysis and intelligence and many of those involved in delivering market-related activity do so in an isolated fashion and with insufficient resources or expertise to ensure that it has a lasting impact.
With core support from the Arts Council, Business Link and Urban Fusion (Birmingham City Council), New Art Birmingham has over two events in 2005 and 2007 sought to create exposure for the best of contemporary visual arts by showcasing the work of national as well as regional artists, encouraging entrepreneurial activity amongst new and emerging artists, galleries and dealers and creating opportunities for potential buyers and collectors.
The core activity for the 2007 event was the ‘art market’, supported by a number of ‘associated’ events, managed and delivered by West Midlands based arts organisations and agencies.
The evaluation report on New Art Birmingham 2007, prepared by Audiences Central, reported that the event provided a high profile exhibiting opportunity for artists who do not have gallery representation and would be defined as ‘pre-market’. However, the report found that more established artists do not currently see the benefits of participating in New Art Birmingham in terms of their representation within the wider national and international art market. The evaluation also suggested that to maximise the event’s potential to increase sales of artists’ work more research is needed to understand the needs of the target market and to involve commercial dealers and gallery owners in attracting and cultivating buyers and collectors.
These findings, coupled with a concern that the current model is not financially sustainable, have led the funding stakeholders to agree that it is not appropriate to embark on a third New Art Birmingham in 2007/8, but to undertake a six month programme of sector development and capacity building. This will incorporate independent market research and feasibility work to identify an effective and sustainable model for developing the market for contemporary visual arts in the West Midlands. Such a model needs to be grounded in an operational structure and business plan that will achieve the desired outcomes with a progressive reduction in the public subsidy requirement. To date, New Art Birmingham has been entirely reliant on public subsidy, a position which for a 'sales focused' initiative is neither sustainable nor strategically justifiable in the current funding climate.
In Market Matters, Louisa Buck argues that the mechanics of the contemporary visual arts market are complex and developing viable markets beyond London requires a coming together of "inspirational art colleges, an established community of artists, pro-actively collecting public galleries, informed critics, committed collectors" working in tandem with a developing commercial gallery sector. Whereas some of these components are in place in Birmingham, and indeed New Art Birmingham has helped galvanize people in the city and region, the West Midlands does not yet have a model for market development which is sustainable and effective in transforming buying attitudes and behaviour.
Core elements of the brief
• To collate and analyse existing data and evaluation reports on New Art Birmingham, Virtual, Own Art and regional buyer/collector initiatives to assess their effectiveness in achieving sales growth and developing the market for contemporary visual arts in the West Midlands.
• To identify and understand the various seller/buyer markets involved and assess their potential for growth in terms of increasing the buyer/collector base in the region.
• To gain intelligence on and critically analyse other market development models that operate at city-wide or regional level, drawing on national and international examples.
• To make proposals on the most effective way to develop markets for contemporary visual arts in the West Midlands to maximise sales potential, and to agree with the commissioners which model to take forward.
• To prepare a sustainable business plan for the agreed new model, for the period 2008 – 2011.
• To launch the new initiative at a buyer/collector ‘cultivation event’ in March 2008.
The work will be undertaken from November 2007 to end March 2008.
Indicative Budget
Research, evaluation and business development costs £25,000
Buyer/collector cultivation event costs £15,000
Project Delivery specification
Individuals interested in delivering this project brief must possess and demonstrate the following knowledge, experience and skills:
1. A broad knowledge of contemporary visual arts practice
2. A detailed knowledge of the structure and dynamics of the national and international art market
3. An understanding of different models for visual art market development
4. A demonstrable awareness and knowledge of issues associated with collecting and buying within the context of the West Midlands region
5. An understanding of the processes involved with devising, initiating, and managing visual arts programmes
1. Experience of devising and delivering visual arts market development activities at city-wide or regional level
2. Experience of carrying out market research and feasibility work relevant to the brief
3. Experience of working with artists, public and private sector galleries, agents and other development agencies
4. Experience of partnership working relevant to the brief either through specific projects or other methods
1. Independent evaluation and critical analysis
2. Ability to plan and deliver visual arts projects of a high quality
3. Business planning and organisational modelling
4. Good skills in advocacy and negotiation
5. Marketing and information dissemination
6. Efficient and effective administrative skills
Tender Process
Please submit your proposal to deliver the project responding to this tender brief by 5pm on Wednesday 31 October 2007, detailing your relevant previous experience, skills and knowledge, an outline of how you propose to deliver the brief, including the personnel, costs and number of days involved. If required, pre-submission advice can be sought by e-mail and telephone (contact David Drake, see below).
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend an interview with the commissioners in early November, which will provide an opportunity to discuss the brief and tender proposals in greater depth.
The proposal documents should be sent to:
David Drake
Head of Visual Arts
Arts Council England, West Midlands
82 Granville Street
B1 2LH
Tel: 0121 631 5751
Email: david.drake@artscouncil.org.uk
Practitioner Wanted
Norbury Primary School is a rural school of 45 pupils aged 5-11 in
Norbury, near Bishops Castle in South Shropshire. Our pupils are mainly
from farming families.
We are currently working with a cluster group of local schools and
Creative Partnerships Black Country on a project which aims to give our
children exposure to a wider range of cultures, experiences and ideas.
As a school we are exploring the question:
"Can learning in ways, and about things that lie outside our comfort
zone lead to greater confidence and achievement in other areas of the
As part of this work we would like to invite an arts practitioner into
school to undertake a self contained project during the spring term
(between January and April 2008) which particularly targets our boys.
This project should use an artform or technique which the boys will not
be familiar with / not imagine themselves doing / initially be
uncomfortable with as we wish to challenge their perceptions and widen
their comfort zones.
It should also aim to include:
* Exposure to different cultures / ways of life / ideas
* Help to back us in fostering the idea that it is "cool to be clever".
The practitioner will be asked to keep a diary / notebook for the
duration of the project to try and track changes in pupils perceptions.
We do not have set ideas about the structure of the project or the
artforms / techniques to be used, but are asking interested
practitioners to send us a short proposal for their ideas based on a
project budget of £1,200 (to include all fees, travel and materials
Practitioners must have, or be willing to undergo a CRB check, and have
their own public liability insurance.
Please send project proposals along with CVs or supporting information
about yourself and your practice to:
Norbury Primary School
Bishops Castle
The deadline for applications is Friday 2nd November.
Sculptures by Down To Earth
A selection of sculptures by Down To Earth, which combine steel with stained glass, is now showing at The Farmhouse Gallery, Iscoyd, Whitchurch, Shropshire.
The gallery is set in the peaceful countryside and they offer an unrivalled service for all art enthusiasts. The gallery features monthly exhibitions by local and national artists.
Opening times
Tues to Fri 10 am – 3 pm
Sat 10 am- 1pm
For more information visit www.farmhouseartcentre.co.uk
Sculptures by Down To Earth
A selection of sculptures by Down To Earth, which combine steel with stained glass, is now showing at The Farmhouse Gallery, Iscoyd, Whitchurch, Shropshire.
The gallery is set in the peaceful countryside and they offer an unrivalled service for all art enthusiasts. The gallery features monthly exhibitions by local and national artists.
Opening times
Tues to Fri 10 am – 3 pm
Sat 10 am- 1pm
For more information visit www.farmhouseartcentre.co.uk
Friday, 19 October 2007
Trustees Meeting Oct 8
Present:- Carola Fielden (chair); David Collingwood; Dave West; Martin Smith; Neil Walker; Chris Dean; Pat Jones; non-trustees Maggie Caley and Lizz Cadd
Apologies from Julia Pim, Ann McCay, Mike Hatch
Summary of Reports and Discussions
a) It’s important for all members to get themselves on the SABC mailing list for the Arts CafĂ©
b) The questionnaire is finished and will be sent to all the 13 local arts groups we have identified (see minutes of Sept 17,).
c) A meeting will be hosted by VAN in December to which the chairs of all these groups will be invited; the idea being that the chairs will bring their responses to the questionnaires to be the basis for discussion of issues such as the Music Hall, Theatre Severn, sales opportunities for art, the use of the VAN website; and particularly whether and how a single collective voice for visual arts should be created, which would have more clout with SABC and SCC. Carola, Chris Dean, Dave West and Andy Howe to represent VAN.
d) Carola had spoken to Jill Leventon about the future organising of Art about Town.
e) Sarah Lean has given up her curating work, mainly it seems because she had difficulty finding artists who wanted to be exhibited.
f) There was discussion of exactly how members renew their membership, or new members join. The need for a combined VAN promotional flier and membership form was agreed.
g) It emerged that there was at one time a sum of £500 available from SABC for development work for VAN; it was stated by Dave Collingwood that it is still available, and Maggie Love is approachable on the subject. Agreed that Carola would contact Maggie Love on this, and that such items as a flier, and website development would be exactly appropriate.
h) There is a SAADA meeting on Oct 17 about the possibility of re-starting the SAADA Shropshire Open. Carola and Ann McCay will attend.
i) Carola will be away from Oct 29 to Dec 12, and proposed that Dave West take over the chair in the meantime.
j) Martin thought it was very important to clarify the position on public liability insurance, as to who is covered and when, and whether VAN itself need be identified, or its logo used. He felt that anyone wishing to use this cover should put a proposal before the committee first, who would advise.
k) There was agreement that the old habit of a shorter business meeting of the Trustees, followed by a socialising/networking time for any members, should be reconsidered, subject to pressure of business.
l) Carola suggested that we need a membership secretary and that we co-opt Maggie Caley (if she is willing) to that post. Decision postponed until more discussion of membership mechanisms.
m) Next meeting; Monday Nov 12, Cornhouse, 7.00 pm
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Film extras wanted - Ludlow
New Prints - Steve Vicary
Currently showing at The Coachman’s House Gallery, 2c New Street, Newport, is a small exhibition of selected sepia etchings by the Shrewsbury based artists Steve Vicary.
This new show features some cartoon etchings by Stephen from his Nursery Rhyme series. The small edition of eight specially produced sepia prints feature all the favourite images from ‘Humpty Dumpty’ to ‘Polly put the kettle on.’ They where initially experiments in testing out some new water based etching inks, which developed into several monochrome print series, framed to give them an old fashion look.
“I have always drawn cartoons, usually as a fast way of getting an idea down and developing it quickly. This series of familiar children’s images came about after seeing Paula Regos Nursery Rhyme series, many years ago at Lancaster University’s Scott Gallery. It has been stewing in my head ever since. I was impressed as to how powerful and disturbing a simple familiar image could be. Influenced by illustrators like Quentin Blake and Babette Cole, these pictures are meant to be playful, and cheeky and a lot more gentle.”
Although known more for his dramatic large-scale colourful abstracts, Stephen has been working more recently with various printmaking methods to create smaller more intimate pictures. The Coachman’s Gallery exhibition is an example of his versatility. Further examples of his recent print work can also be seen at Sandford Gallery in Church Stretton.
Stephen has also produced cartoons for the Shropshire Wildlife Trust Newsletter, Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival Banners, exhibition posters and giant cartoon drawings for Tanners in Shrewsbury.
This new edition of prints at The Coachman’s House Gallery can be seen throughout September and October with framed and loose prints available. More work and information can be found via the websites www.stevevicary.co.uk or www.sandfordgallery.co.uk
The Gallery is open Thursday 10 - 12, Friday and Saturday - 10am to 4pm. 2c, New Street, Newport. Find them on at the free car park behind the music shop. Telephone 01952 813 316 www.stevevicary.co.uk
Artists Residencies at Aberystwyth Arts Centre
Applications are now invited for the new Artists' Residency Programme. Successful artists will be based for a period of either 3 or 6 months at Aberystwyth Arts Centre, part of Aberystwyth University, in newly built studios designed by the award winning Thomas Heatherwick.
The residencies are open to UK visual artists in all disciplines including applied arts. The successful artists will receive studio space of c. 35 square metres, accommodation, and living expenses for the duration of their residency. The residency will be an opportunity for the artist to step away from the everyday constraints of life and experience time in which to develop individual artistic practice, and to exchange ideas in a creative atmosphere with people from other disciplines.
The selected artists will devote most of their time to pursuing their work, but the following will, by discussion with individual artists, be a part of the experience:
- An informal public talk by the artist about their practice
- Social meetings with other artists and arranged visits to other arts venues in Wales
- Open studio morning once per month by arrangement with the artist
- Open Studio exhibition of work at the end of the residency.
The possibility of the work being exhibited for a longer period in one of the Arts Centre Galleries will be discussed during the residency; as will the potential for any outreach/educational work should the artist wish it.
Up to three artists will be offered residencies at any one time. Other Units in the complex will be in use by a variety of creative businesses.
A residency will cover the following costs for the agreed period: cost of the Studio, including heating, lighting etc; accommodation arranged locally. A fixed sum for living expenses and materials will be awarded. Travel to and from Aberystwyth is borne by the artist.
The amounts currently awarded are: £100 per week living expenses to include travel during the residency period; £25 per week materials allowance.
The studios have basic furniture only. Facilities within the Arts Centre will be available by negotiation, eg. digilab equipment, darkroom, ceramics studio etc.
Applicants will be evaluated on criteria including the artistic or professional excellence of the applicant's work; and the extent to which a residency at Aberystwyth Arts Centre will contribute to the artist's development and be consistent with the applicant's creative goals, and professional development.
The first residencies will begin in June 2008. Applications are accepted at any time; selection meetings will take place 4 times a year, the first deadline being December 3rd 2007.
Applicants should fill in the Residency application form and send it to the address listed on the form, together with the visual and printed material and references as requested.
If further copies of the form are required, by post or by email, please email etr@aber.ac.uk
Or call 01970 622887/ 621634
Information can also be downloaded from:
Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth University, Penglais Hill, Aberystwyth SY23 3DE
Thursday, 4 October 2007
touch of creativity required
Looking for a Plum job?
- with a touch of creativity required.
This is a great opportunity for a highly skilled artworker to join an
exciting and creative full service design and direct marketing agency.
Based in Wolverhampton, Plum Ideas have an impressive and diverse list of
clients that even larger agencies would be proud to boast about.
Our ideal candidate will be highly proficient in all the usual Mac artwork
programmes, have good production knowledge, be down to earth, have good
attention to detail, and work well on own initiative and as part of a team.
So, if you're interested in a Plum job and think we would be interested in
you, get in touch with Stuart Marsh, our Creative Director now! Simply email
your CV and salary expectations in complete confidence to stuart@plumideas.co.uk
Roger Adey
Plum Ideas Limited
Creative Industries Centre
Wolverhampton Science Park
WV10 9TG
Telephone 01902 824446
Mobile 0788 7500176
Fax 01902 824447
Call for Designer/Makers
23-25 Sandwell Street
Walsall, West Mids
01922 646724
Call for Designer/Makers, Xmas Art Market in Walsall
Following the success of the Designer Maker Art Market, for the past two years, held at Chameleon Gallery, Alan Cheeseman has now teamed up with The Crossing, St. Pauls, Darwall Street, to provide a bigger and better location in Walsall Town Centre. It is proposed that the Designer Makers Art Market is held on the Saturday 15th December 2007. You will be able to set up your table at 8.30 am and the doors will be open to the public from 10.30am 3.30pm.
Please e-mail your interest and a short C.V. telling me what you have done and do! And any relevant pictures that you may want to see in a press release!
The Crossing location has many benefits, for those showcasing their work. Apart from it being in a warm and undercover location, it is located between the central bus station and the main post office in Walsall town centre, lots of potential customers in this location.
The Crossing has three levels. The ground floor holds an array of shops and the 1st floor has a restaurant that draws in a crowd of people. The Crossing has toilets and wheelchair accessible lifts available. We will be holding the Designer Makers Art Market in the pleasant atmosphere of the second floor. Advertising will be provided at the front of the venue to attract people and direct them to the second floor. There will be a press release in the local newspapers and media.
If you are interested in showcasing your products/art works then forward cheques payable to Chameleon Gallery for £20.00. Please enclose a stamped and self-addressed envelope for your confirmation and receipt of payments. This will secure you a table at this exciting new venue.
Vital information:
Date: Saturday 15th December 2007
Location: The Crossing, St. Pauls, Darwall Street, Walsall.
Price for table: £20.00 cheques made payable to Chameleon Gallery. (Please include a Stamped and self addressed envelope).
Alan Cheeseman
Chameleon Gallery
23-25 Sandwell Street,
Walsall, WS1 3DR
01922 646724
The east side of Stavanger is expanding rapidly, incorporating culture, business and residents. The city’s habits and patterns are changing at a speedy rate but what kind of changes does this imply? Looking at the route that starts at Nytorget, Pedersgata ending up at Tou Scene, this project invites artists, citizens, city planners and local businesses to comment the route, a 15-minute walk. We hope these comments will highlight the route as an extraordinary experience/walk in itself and question and explore this specific environment.
Creative people from all artistic fields are invited to propose work inspired by sites on this route. The selected artists will be offered a 10 days research period developing work in Stavanger followed by a 5-day showing/event and 2 days of aftermath. The artists will be sharing their process and working methods during the workshops and participate in work tasks, lectures and a seminar as a shared process. Each artist selects a site that will be negotiated with the curators and the local residents.
Private homes, shop windows, the public restrooms of the old square, a street corner and a bush can all become hosts for artistic triggers and the work be everything from alternative road signs, ephemeral shops/temporary cafés, people as places/sites, walk in cinema etc. Work can result in installations, interactions, sound pieces and live work, the sky is the limit and we hope to get surprised, shocked or amazed by your suggestions!
1. A 10-day workshop/research 14- 23rd of March 2. 5 days of showing 4th and 8th of June 3. 2 day seminar/aftermath 29th – 30th August
Artist fees: travel and accommodation will be covered. You will also receive payment for workshop, showing and seminar which is €150 (NOK
1200) per day.
The deadline for the proposals is the 5th of November 2007.
Application form can be found at: www.touscene.com/touworks
Anne-Marte Eidseth Rygh: Performance artist and curator of an annual Performance Day in Stavanger, Norway. Project manager of an artist residence and lecturer of art theory.www.annemarte.wordpress.com
Johanna Tuukkanen: Founder and artistic director of the ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival, Kuopio, Finland. An international festival focusing on site-specific work made for public spaces. She is also a practicing artist working in the fields of performance, live art and contemporary dance. www.tuukkanen.net
Tou Works is a series of new-art-productions at Tou Scene, Center for Contemporary Arts, Norway. The project is supported and in collaboration with Stavanger2008 European Capital of Culture.
Artistic board: Nils Henrik Asheim, Anne-Marte Eidseth Rygh, Kenneth Varpe and Hege Tapio.
Geir Lindahl
E-mail geir@touscene.com
Phone +47 51530595 / +47 48191787
Post box 1590 N-4093 Stavanger Norway
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Glass residency Op
Broadfield House Glass Museum & the Red House Glass Cone Residency
This project will provide a glassmaker, experienced in kiln-work, with the opportunity to undertake an exciting residency at Broadfield House Glass Museum & the Red House Glass Cone. Both venues are run by Dudley Museums Service (Dudley MBC).
The residency will enable the maker to develop their own practice and create new work but is also designed to introduce new audiences to the excitement of glass as a creative medium. During the residency the maker will be expected to lead at least 10 workshops at the Red House Glass Cone involving local schools, community and adult groups. The maker will also be expected to open their studio, at Broadfield House Glass Museum, to the public for part of the time.
The residency will last for a period of 13 weeks from January - April 2008. The maker will be expected to be in residence for approximately 2.5 days per week. The artist's fee is £6,000. Additional funding is available for materials and equipment.
For expressions of interest please send your current CV, complete with images of your work and a proposal of how you might use the time available to:
Kate Figgitt
Broadfield House Glass Museum
Compton Drive
West Midlands
Venue websites: www.dudley.gov.uk/museums
For further information please contact: Kate Figgitt
E: kate.figgitt@dudley.gov.uk
T: 01384 815571
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
VAN Minutes meet 17 Sept
Present:- Carola Felden (chair), Neil walker, Dave West, Andrew Howe, David Collingwood, Chris Dean
Apologies from:- Pat Jones, Ann McCay, Julia Pim, Wren Miller, Martin Smith
1 Notice was given of the next Arts CafĂ© at Belmont on Oct 15 at 7.00pm. Carola encouraged all members of VAN to attend if possible, because there will be a presentations by Mary White on how the plans for the new museum and visitor centre fit into the “overall cultural aspirations” for town and county; and by Adrian Plant on visual arts exhibition programming past and future. We assume this includes discussion of the proposed gallery space. And possibly some more concrete information on what will be available in the Theatre.
2 Carola repeated our agreed view that there should be a strong voice for Visual Arts, intervening now; and suggested that therefore we should be encouraging all relevant organisations of “artistic makers” to “affiliate” themselves to VAN in some way, so that VAN can be a representative channel of opinion to SABC and SCC.
A long list of such organisations was accumulated, and a letter to be sent to them all was approved by vote. The letter will suggest co-operation and invite opinions so that we can speak with some collective authority.
3 A covering letter to be sent out with the questionnaire (see minutes July 2) was also approved by vote.
4 The chair proposed, and the meeting approved, that Sheila Jeavons should be invited to be co-opted on to the committee, as a highly rated artist and leading organiser locally; and that Maggie Caley should also be invited to be co-opted as administrative secretary of VAN because she is a “maker” and has huge administrative experience. (Chris Dean to continue being minuting secretary).
5 It was decided that Maggie Love and Adrian Plant of SABC should always be informed of our meetings, invited to attend if they wish, and sent copies of the minutes.
6 The final form of the questionnaire was approved subject to changes to be made after consultation with Sheila Jeavons of Secret Hills Arts CafĂ©, and Chris Griffin of “Made in Shropshire”.
7 Next meeting:- Monday Oct 8, the Cornhouse, 7.00 pm
Agenda to include
Preparations for mailout of questionnaire by SCC
Thursday, 13 September 2007
big Big draw
The event is backed by the Royal Inst of Engineering and takes it theme from Shaping the Future and sustainable science.
Claire is interested in hearing from artisits who are interested in being involved for the day.
Please let me know if you are interested asap.
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Culturing Connections Newsletter
September issue
2012 Roadshow
The L2012 Roadshow made two stops in the West Midlands region earlier this month. The first was on 16 August at the Main Event in Stafford with world record holder and Olympic gold medalist, Jonathan Edwards and Commonwealth Gold medal winner Adam Whitehead both in attendance. The second stop was at the UK School Games in Coventry on Sunday 26 August, where Olympics Minister, Tessa Jowell, made an appearance. This year, the Roadshow was based on a Join In theme which aims to encourage participation in sport and showcase the nationwide value of the Games. Further information on L2012 from: www. london2012.com
UK School Games and 2012 Coventry & Warwickshire
Coventry hosted a hugely successful 2007 UK School Games from the 23 to the 26 August. 1300 competitors, 8 sports and 5 venues across the City took part in the event now in its second year since the inaugural games in 2006 in Glasgow. In addition to this major sporting event a huge cultural celebration of the City called Celebrating Coventry was developed and ran alongside the UK School Games. Led by Imagineer Productions and Kinetika Art Links International, 200 performers from both the City and Nationally brought alive key open spaces with free music, dance and performance. The event also saw the Coventry and Warwickshire 2012 Partnership launch its cultural journey as the countdown towards the 2012 Cultural Olympiad which starts on August 24 2008. Coventry City Council was delighted to stage the games and be part of this unique opportunity as one of only six cities in the UK to host the event in the lead up to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Coventry and Warwickshire 2012 Partnership would like to thank all partners above and especially the event managers Fasttrack, in delivering a fantastic event that showcased the best of what the City can offer and enhances our reputation as a place for staging successful major sporting and cultural events. Further information from culture@performancefromtheheart.com.
Regional Cultural Forum Equality and Diversity Action Group (RCF-EDAG)
Leading on from the Regional Equality & Diversity Review undertaken by the West Midlands Regional Assembly in 2005, the Regional Cultural Forum set up an Action Group to aid better cooperation and knowledge transfer across the cultural sector in relation to Equality & Diversity issues. Made up of a range of partners and equality specialists, this group has just completed the first phase of a review of equality and diversity evidence. Over 100 reports and resources have been identified and submitted to the West Midlands Regional Observatory online catalogue. To be kept informed of similar research projects you can subscribe to the Cultural Research & Intelligence Network (CRAIN). All enquiries should be forwarded to Laura Venn at laura.venn@wmro.org.
Culture and Climate Change.
The West Midlands Regional Assembly is seeking feedback on a regional action plan for tackling climate change. The deadline for comments is 14 September. Culture West Midlands is working with the Regional Assembly on a response. If you would like to contribute please contact s.stephens@culturewm.org.uk.
Meanwhile, the Cultural Observatory is developing support for the cultural sector on climate change issues and has recently published a call for expressions of interest from suitably qualified organisations to produce a discussion paper. The discussion paper is intended to act as a catalyst for engaging partners in the region in a meaningful dialogue about culture and climate change and will be followed by an event to discuss the paper in November 2007. For further information contact Laura Venn at laura.venn@wmro.org
West Midlands Regional Observatory Annual Conference 2007.
Friday 19 August, from 9.15am, Chesford Grange Hotel, Warwickshire. This year the conference is based on the changing face of the West Midlands region and provides a focus on population changes and the implications this has for policy makers and the region as a whole. As well as the launch of the State of the Region 2007 update report, the conference will include a number of workshops on subjects ranging from the economic impact of migrant workers to planning for new economic futures. Further information and detail on remaining sponsorship and promotion opportunities from www.wmro.org or Vanessa.latty@wmro.org/ 0121 202 3329.
Screen West Midlands Announces New CEO
Screen West Midlands has appointed Suzie Norton, former founding director of Film Birmingham, as the new Chief Executive of Screen West Midlands. As part of her role at Film Birmingham, Suzie has led the proposal to establish an international digital film event for Birmingham and the region in 2008 that has received support from Screen WM, AWM, ACEWM, BCC, Business Link WM, Marketing Birmingham, DCMS and UKFC. Suzie takes up her role at SWM from 10 September. For further information visit www.screenwm.co.uk
Culture On Demand
DCMS commissioned a six month investigation to answer a single question - what drives demand for culture among disabled people, Black and Minority Ethnic groups and lower socio-economic groups? The research aimed to move from thinking about barriers and ultimately to help identify ways of stimulating demand in the future. The research indicated that there are six themes that drive demand
- children and families
- socialising and social networks
- identity
- place
- experience
- trust
Detail of the full findings have now been publishied in a report called Culture On Demand. Further information from www.culture.gov.uk
Physical Activity Network West Midlands (PAN WM) Coordinator Opportunity.
PAN WM, the independent network for physical activity in the West Midlands region, is recruiting for a part time coordinator to oversee and manage the day to day business of the Physical Activity Network in the West Midlands. The post is a 21 hour per week secondment opportunity and the closing date for applications is Friday 7 September 2007. Further information from Suzanne Gardner on 07875 684834 or Suzanne.gardner@sportengland.org.
Play England supports Charter for Children
Compass, the influential left-of-centre think tank, has proposed a Charter for Children, which contains strong new measures to promote play. The Charter, launched by Helen Goodman MP in June, calls for government mechanisms to promote play as a priority, including national performance indicators and funding streams. Further information from www.compassonline.org.uk
Play England Birmingham Seminar
Play England is holding a series of free regional events to promote innovation in play with one in Birmingham on the 13 September. As well as promoting innovative play provision and design, these events will support voluntary organisations to make the most of the Big Lottery Fund Playful Ideas funding stream before it closes at the end of the year. These informal seminars are for individuals involved in the voluntary and community sector that are interesting in providing innovative play services or spaces. Further information and booking www.playengland.org.uk/events or call Paul Taylor at NCB conference on 020 7843 6041 or email conferences@ncb.org.uk.
Playday 2007
The organisers of the 20th annual Playday welcomed a record attendance of more than 100,000 children at nearly 300 free play events up and down the UK. Childrens Secretary Ed Balls also attended saying that the government is ready for a serious debate about the need to balance concerns for childrens safety with their need for freedom to play outside. To find out more about the Playday campaign, including research and events, visit the Playday website at www.playday.org.uk
Big Lottery Fund Equality Matters guidance.
The Big Lottery Fund is pleased to announce the arrival of Equality Matters, a good practice guide for small to medium sized voluntary or community sector organisations. The guide is designed to help applicants think about equality issues and incorporate them into the planning of their projects, whether they are applying to BIG (or another funder) for a grant. It also sets out the equality standards BIG expects from grant-holders. www.biglotteryfund.org.uk The guide will be formally launched this autumn when it will also become available in printed format. For further information please call the West Midlands Regional Office on 0121 345 7700.
EUCLID European Culture Programme 2008.
The detailed specifications, application form and related documentation for the 2008 Calls have been published on the official EC Culture website at www.culturefund.eu. In addition, EUCLID is looking to organise some half-day workshops for interested applicants to go through the application form. These will be held in London (probably morning of 18 Sept), Manchester (probably morning of 3 Sept), Edinburgh and Cardiff (also in September). Further information from www.culturefund.eu.
EUCLID Guidance for Culture Programme
EUCLID has prepared two guidance notes, available in PDF, to help you apply for the latest call for Culture Programme 2007-2013 including a general Guidance Note on the criteria and application process, and a Tips Sheet to help you complete the application form. Forthcoming deadlines under the Culture Programme are
Strand 1.1 - Multiannual projects (3-5 years, minimum 6 partners) - 31 October
Strand 1.2.1 - Co-operation projects (1-2 years, minimum 3 partners) - 31 October
Strand 1.2.2 - Literary translation projects - 1 October (and 1 April 2008)
Strand 1.3 - Co-operation with China or India - 1 October
Strand 2 - networks, festivals, "ambassadors" - 5 November
Strand 3 - research studies on networks - 1 October
Further information and links to all the relevant pages to download forms are on www.culturefund.eu.
VeloDream Competition Registration
As excitement around London 2012 continues to build, the VeloDream competition is a unique opportunity for schools to capture the spirit of the Olmypic and Paralympic Games. As part of L2012 commitment to inspire young people across the UK, L2012 is asking pupils up to the age of 16 to think big and creatively and design their dream VeloPark to host the cycling sports of a future Games. Winning pupils will get the chance to see the designers of the 2012 VeloPark at work and lear how to create a world class venue. To register your school and receive a free information pack with resources that complement the curriculum see www.london2012.com
Belgrade Theatre Reopening
The Belgrade Theatre in Coventry will reopen on 3 September. With a completely new fully flexible second auditorium known as B2, new rehearsal rooms and facilities and a rejuvenated commitment to exciting and originally-produced theatre, the Belgrade is set to become a thrilling new cultural presence in the West Midlands, and the UK. People will be able to get a first glimpse inside the Belgrade from 3 September with the official opening Gala Night following on 7 September. The Gala Night will be a ticketed event featuring jazz legend Humphrey Lyttelton on the main stage and the Tommy Whittle Band in the theatre foyer. Further information from www.belgrade.co.uk
Town Hall Birmingham Reopening
Town Hall, Birmingham will re-open on Thursday 4 October 2007 following a 35 million pound renovation, funded by Birmingham City Council, Heritage Lottery Fund and European Regional Development Fund. The major construction phase is now complete and work has begun on re-commissioning the Organ and testing all the in-house facilities and systems. Acclaimed at its opening in 1834 as the finest music hall in the country, this Grade 1 listed landmark has been lovingly and painstakingly renovated by a dedicated team of conservation and construction professionals. Further information from www.thsh.co.uk
WMRA Regional Programme Director Opportunity
WMRA is looking for a Regional Programme Director to head up the West Midlands regional Health and Wellbeing portfolio entitled Living Well in the West Midlands. The post is funded through the Big Lottery Well-being Fund and the successful candidate will be responsible for a team consisting of a regional project manager and a support officer. The closing date for applications is 21 September For an application pack and further informaiton see www.wmlga.gov.uk or telephone 0121 678 1012.
Arts Council England Dance and Music Administration Officer Opportunity
ACE Dance and Music, one of the UK's leading contemporary black dance companies, is looking for an experienced person to develop & maintain the administration of the company. This is a multi-faceted position in a dynamic, forward looking developing dance company. Download an application pack from www.acedanceandmusic.com call 0121 314 5830 or email info@acedanceandmusic.com
Application closing date 10th Sept 2007.
Motherland. A story of being and belonging.
Audiences Central havs been working with Sampad South Asian Arts on the campaign management of their forthcoming production, Motherland. A story of being and belonging. Presented by Sampad in association with Tara Arts, Motherland is a specially commissioned dance theatre production to remember the 200th anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act. Vibrant dance, live music and lyrical poetry come together to create a compelling story of love, conflict, revenge and resolution set in a world of slavery and forced migration. Tour dates run throughout Autumn. Full information is available by visiting www.sampad.org.uk
Sport England Promoting Sport Toolkit
Sport England has developed a toolkit to help partners to promote sport. As well as advice on skills and materials to help partners produce higher quality sports marketing campaigns, posters and adverts, it also delivers real value for money by suggesting economies of scale to negotiate better deals for photography, poster designs and so on. The Toolkit includes
1. A photo library with over 500 high-quality photos of community sport
2. A series of guides explaining how to promote sport in different ways and to different audiences
3. A calendar of sporting events throughout the year and ideas on how to use them to promote sport.
The Toolkit is available at www.sportengland.org/promotingsport .
Photography and new media advice sessions
Arts Council England, West Midlands is offering the opportunity to discuss future projects and work plans for artists and arts organisations looking to apply for Arts Council funding. The sessions are aimed at photographers and new media artists (visual arts, performance practices, interdisciplinary activity, etc) living in the West Midlands and will give advice on how funding from Arts Council England can support a project, rather than a general portfolio session. You will need to bring examples of your work and have downloaded and looked at the new Grants for the arts information pack prior to your appointment. The sessions will be held on 24 September 2007. To book a half hour appointment with Anna Douglas (Officer) or Meave Haughey (Assistant) phone Lucy Browster, Arts Administrator on 0121 631 5708.
Heritage Lottery Fund Launches Strategy.
The Heritage Lottery Fund has just launched its new strategy Our Heritage Our Future, The Heritage Lottery Funds Third Strategic Plan 2008-20013. As well as outlining budgets for the forthcoming period, the strategy commits to simplification of processes, new initiatives to support applicants and grantees and a commitment to remaining a locally responsive organisation with grant making teams and decision making committees throughout the UK. Further information from www.hlf.org.uk or for a hard copy contact HLF on 020 7591 6255.
A Match Made In Heaven?
Wednesday 10 October 2007, venue tbc. 5.30 until 8pm. A panel of business leaders and media experts are presented with a range of the best arts sponsorship opportunities for 2008 and ask questions in a live Dragons Den style event. Four selected sponsorship proposals have a five minute pitch presentation slot followed by ten minutes Q and A with the panel of experts and audience members. The four main selected pitches will be eligible to win a cash award of one thousand pounds as well as a marketing and media deal to the value of three and a half thousand pounds awarded by Travel West Midlands. Further information from Sophia Tarr, Urban Fusion Project Manager at Sophia.tarr@birmingham.gov.uk
Audience Central B2B website
The 2nd Phase of the Audiences Central website has now been launched. Now with more interactive and more resources than before, the launch of phase 2 offers users an opportunity to stay informed about current news, trends and opportunities within Audiences Central, the West Midlands region and the arts and cultural sector overall. Visit www.audiencescentral.co.uk. New features include
1. New Downloadable Content
2. RSS Feeds for regular updates
3. Interactive content with users able to upload news, articles, jobs, events and press releases
4. Blog
5. New Image Gallery System
6. Ability to add popular content or pages to your 'favourites'
7. Privileged access areas, features and documents for subscribers
8. Newsletter sign up
International Mask Festival
19-27 October 2007. Audiences Central has been conducting the campaign management for the International Mask Festival. Bringing over 15 companies of International Mask Theatre Performances, a 150 strong mask exhibition, puppetry shows and internationally acclaimed mask production workshops to the hear to the West Midlands. Further information from www.internationalmaskfestival.com
Faiths for the City launch.
Tuesday 11 September 2007, Great Hall, Aston Webb Building, University of Birmingham. Faiths for the City is a partnership which brings together the University of Birmingham Multi-Faith Chaplaincy, the Birmingham Faith Leaders Group, academics from the University of Birmingham and leaders from the City of Birmingham for a dialogue focused on specific issues related to the welfare of the city and rooted in a discussion of scriptural texts. All communities are invited to attend the Launch of Faiths for the City. Coaches leave from Sparkbrook, Saltley, Handsworth and Highgate. To book a free seat on the coach please contact Nicholas lo Polito on: 07813 937 756. www.faithsforthecity.org.uk
©2007 Culture West Midlands.
£30,000commission 4 sculptures
This commission is to produce 4 sculptures and 4 seats/benches incorporating artwork.
Total budget £30,000 (excluding installation)
British Waterways and its Partners aim to appoint an artist to work with the local communities of place and interest to design and produce a sculpture trail and seating incorporating art along the Powys length of the Montgomery Canal from Llanymynech to Newtown in Wales. The Powys Canal Tourism Art Project will focus on the celebration of the Montgomery Canals modern recreational usage, while recognising its past. In short Remember yesterday and celebrate today.
The development of the sculptures and seating should involve communities and individuals through workshops, which the appointed artist will be required to plan and manage. The workshops should engage with both communities of interest and place.
The aims of the project are:
To contribute to the creation of a distinctive and attractive canal and recreational route.
To encourage visitors to explore and discover more about the canal by following the sculpture trail.
To help visitors of all ages, physical and intellectual ability to engage with and appreciate something of the built and cultural heritage of this canal and its neighbouring area.
To build upon, and enhance the existing sense of place of the Montgomery canal.
To further promote a unique identity for the Montgomery Canal and its neighbouring areas.
To draw existing and new visitors from further afield and promote a sense of discovery along the canal length from Llanymynech to Newtown.
To raise awareness of the existence and attractiveness of the Montgomery Canal to individuals and communities from further afield of the immediate area through which the Montgomery Canal passes.
Further information please contact Chris Smith: Tel: 07825 357596 or email:chris.smith@britishwaterways.co.uk
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Last week to catch Hockney at Qube
pandy mill glass studio
presents Flowers For Mother, My Gift To You
2 new beautiful stained glass windows designed and created by Jan Singleton

The windows represent Mothers Love.
All over the world, in everyday situations, Mothers give freely and willingly to their children.
Sometimes sacrificing their own emotional needs.
Unconditional love.
Jan and Richard
warmly welcome you to the unveiling.
Have a drink with us and celebrate all Mothers.
16 September 2007 at 2.30-4.30pm
If you cant make the unveiling,
pandy mill glass studio & gallery is normally open
Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays 11.00-16.30
Or anytime by appointment. Just phone 01691 718382
Pandy Mill Gallery, Pandy, Glyn Ceiriog, Llangollen LL20 7NT
'Then & Now'
An Exhibition of sculptural wall panels and small constructions
made from discarded pianos and other reclaimed materials
by Jane Wilson
at Gallery 3, Gateway Arts Centre, Chester Street, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.
Exhibition starts 8 September 2007 and continues until 1 October 2007
Voluntary Arts England’s FREE weekly e-newsletter
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Liz Hancock, Gill Crozier & Judith Harrison

Christine Kardasz & Heather Prescott
An Exhibition of figurative work
Gateway Education & Arts Centre
Chester Street, Shrewsbury
September 5th—28th … Mon—Friday 9.00—9.00
(Weekends vary—to check opening Tel Gateway 01743 355159)
Private View … Friday September 7th … 7—9 pm
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Digi Camera Training +
If you answered yes to any of these questions Qube Multimedia is running a series of courses for you.
Click this link to find out more
Fine Art - Morning After Director
Lara Ratnaraja Lead Mentor: Nicola Shipley Guest mentors: Helen Legg, Melissa Nisbett, Matt Price, Dom Murphy
The Morning After Fine Art programme will explore the genres of fine art practice, and how to develop your professional arts practice and develop a group catalogue to profile the artists work to curators, galleries and commissioners.
Who Is It For? New and emergent fine art practitioners - who are looking to develop their professional art practice and build a reputation in the fine art world. We aim to grow their skills to develop the freelance business of being a professional artist.
What Is It? ·
A 12 week, 60 hours practice led mentoring programme for fine artists. ·
Practice led mentoring and seminars using curators and arts professionals providing experiential advice and guidance ·
Development of freelance skills using models of good practice. ·
A catalogue the artists can use as part of their professional portfolio. o
Group Sessions and seminars o
Portfolio Review
Helen Legg Ikon o Introduction to contemporary fine art
Helen Legg Ikon/tbc o Approaching galleries
Helen Legg Ikon o Catalogue Design
TAK! Design o
Marketing for the contemporary fine art market
Melissa Nisbett Ikon o
Confidence building and how to approach galleries
Nicola Shipley/Matt Price
Previous artists have developed tools to identify galleries and curators and increased their confidence in their practice. In addition, they have developed a catalogue to use as part of their professional portfolio and learnt how to present their work to galleries and commissioners. Previous participants have gone on to show work at: Ideas Factory V & A Event, New Art Birmingham, The Event, Virtual, Ten4 Magazine, The Out Crowd, Fused Magazine, Rhubarb-Rhubarb International Festival of the Image How do I get involved? Please send your CV, personal statement and representative images of your work to annie@creativealliance.org.uk by Monday 27th August 2007.
For more information see the attached biographies or call 0121 224 7308. Annie Laughrin Project Manager West Midlands Creative Alliance R018/019 Custard Factory Gibb Street, Digbeth, Birmingham B9 4AA Tel: 0121 224 7308 Mob: 07793 557322 Email: annie@creativealliance.org.uk
Skills training project wins funds to take local young people to Tr
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
What's Your Next Move?
As the national development agency for contemporary crafts the Crafts Council aims to nurture and support makers at all points in their practice.
Next Move is an innovative, setting-up scheme designed to put newly graduated makers on the fast track to developing their own businesses. Placements are now available in England and Wales, as 2007 marks the beginning of a new partnership with the Arts Council Wales to take Next Move to Welsh colleges.
The two-year placements offer selected makers residencies within higher education institutions. The benefits include free studio space, a maintenance grant of £6000, an equipment grant of £1000, professional development and business training, plus extensive support from the Crafts Council and the Arts Council Wales.
The following six The Next Move placements are available to start in December 2007:
School of Jewellery, UCE, Birmingham, one placement (jewellery)
University of Sunderland, two placements (glass and ceramics)
Cardiff School of Art and Design, UWIC, two placements (ceramics and textiles)
Plymouth College of Art and Design, one placement (ceramics, glass, jewellery or large scale metals)
For information on application criteria and an application pack please visit the Crafts Council website http://www.craftscouncil.org.uk/ or contact Liz Webster, Maker Development Officer on E: e_webster@craftscouncil.org.uk , T: 020 7806 2584.
Deadline for Applications 6pm 10 September 2007
Monday, 6 August 2007
looking for someone who has the skills
CCL are looking for someone who has the skills, professionalism and enthusiasm to raise the profile of CCL and the events already planned for SpArC in the coming months. Bishop’s Castle is the market town for SW Shropshire serving a rural hinterland of scattered communities; employment is predominantly in agriculturally related industries, with an increasing retired and elderly population demographic. The local Community College (<700 pupils aged 11-18) has a catchment of several hundred square miles.
The new SpArC centre has a well equipped studio theatre and several events are programmed in but there is no one person in post to develop these opportunities, market these events or create more opportunities. CCL is applying for longer term funding for this post but in the interim seeks a p/t coordinator to get the ball rolling for this pilot season.
To liaise with all people who have booked forthcoming events into SpArC or who are regular users e.g.
Jenny Henrywood - (Arts Dev officer for District)
Gwyneth Owen - SpArC manager
Sian Kerry - Arts Alive/CCL/Community College young promoters group
Julie McGivern – Hd. of Drama at Community College
Di Morris - administrator at Community College
Irene Stelfox –Youth Service
Publicity & Marketing
To issue press releases and create photo opportunities
To create publicity material and distribute widely throughout town and wider area.
Distribute information to local groups – YFC, WI, Churches, Youth bus, youth service, primary schools, playgroups, etc to make sure wide network of people hear about the programme
Exhibition space
To follow up work commenced on getting the walls in gallery space clad with board suitable for mirror plating exhibitions
Attendance at CCL meetings during contract period and any other appropriate ones that arise from time to time.
Collection of audience statistics for each event (Need to record these for funders.)
Promote and recruit volunteers for Front Of House steward training opportunity (already booked and funded) on September 19th
Attend performances already booked, organise publicity display for future events, work of CCL etc.
Support Hyperlinks project, digital media project fro young people, in partnership with Belmont Arts Centre
Person Specification:
Skills and knowledge
Relevant arts experience
Computer literate in Excel, Word, Outlook and a DTP programme
Good at writing copy
Generating press coverage
Generating in house publicity
Good at communication and negotiation with different parties, brokering deals and keeping everyone ‘on side’
Diplomatic, persistent, self motivated, organised
Experienced in dealing with situations where there is a multi-agency interest
The contract
The coordinator will answer to the CCL trustees in the first instance, (sub committee to manage post and support worker).
Office facilities will be provided by CCL
Office space will be provided in SpArC building as support in kind by SSDC
CCL will provide worker with a laptop and printer
The contract is on a freelance basis and will be paid as a fee for services. The contract is for 24hrs per week for four months, hours and pattern of work to be flexible. The development worker will be self employed and manage their own hours. The contract will be reviewed after 1 month. The fee will be £4200 (an hourly rate of approx £11).
Start – As soon as possible
Application Procedure
The deadline for receipt of submissions is 5pm Friday 17th August 2007, preferably by email to sian@artsalive.co.uk . Please include:
A current CV
Contact details - Please supply a mobile contact number as well as a land-line.
Names and addresses of two referees.
A letter of application, which indicates how you meet the person specification and details of relevant experience, and availability to start
Applications to be received by 5pm Friday 17th August.
Shortlisted candidates who are to be interviewed will be contacted on 20th.
Interviews will take place on 21st August in SpArC, from 4pm.
Queries and applications to: Sian Kerry, CCL Secretary, sian@artsalive.co.uk
01588 620883 (away till 12th August) Blue Barn, Green Lane, Churchstoke SY15 6EN
Exhibitions Curator wanted
16 hours per month
to co-ordinate and develop the existing visual arts programme
£6.33 per hour + tickets for some films and live shows
Closing date for applications 12 noon Tuesday 28 August
Interviews Thursday 6 September
Further information and application form from Christine Underhill,
Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 1 Mill Street, Ludlow, Shropshire SY8 1AZ
Tel: 01584 813704 or e-mail christine@ludlowassemblyrooms.co.uk
Ludlow Assembly Rooms is committed to promoting equality of opportunity and particularly welcomes applications from people with disabilities and from minority groups with suitable qualifications and experience.
looking for 3 American amateur artists
I am working on a Sky TV documentary, and I’m looking for 3 American amateur artists of any standard (drawers or painters) who live in Britain who can take part in one day of filming where they will be trained all day by a world renowned artist in attempt to create a masterpiece by the end of the day.
I thought you may know of someone who may be interested to partake, as I realise you work with a lot of artist contributors at your festival.
We are filming within the next month so feel free to pass my details on, I would greatly appreciate it : Daniela.Carson@ITV.com
Saturday, 4 August 2007
Minutes of VAN Trustees meeting
The Cornhouse, Monday July 30 2007
Present:- Carola Fielden: Martin Smith: Julia Pim: Dave West: Mike Hatch: Chris Dean: Andrew Howe: Neil Walker. Apologies from David Collingwood.
Minutes approved subject to one alteration; the sub for the rest of the year is £10 not £12.
Matters arising from the minutes
1 Art About Town. Jules said that feedback forms have recently gone out to shops; a few are back, so far positive reactions. Shops had experienced low numbers of shoppers generally in this period (the weather?). Feedback forms for artists will go out soon. There had been 1 or 2 instances of mis-communication between artist and shopkeeper.
Around 9000 leaflets had been distributed. Donations towards Blue Chairs Charity stand at £30.03 and still growing. A photo-op and press release around a cheque presentation will be organised by Jules and Carola.
Jules felt that in future the job of organising Art about Town should be split into 4 roles. Her final summary of the event will be available during August/Sept/
2 Lobbying Carola met with Sue Goodwin (SCC), (who is not leaving, and will probably be senior arts officer in the Unitary authority when it arrives).
She could not give us their list of artists, (data protection) but instead offered to print and post our questionnaire to all 260 names on the list.
She gave us a copy of the Arts Council report on their national questionnaire, in which Shropshire had the highest rate of responses returned (57%). Also she gave us a list of addresses of Shropshire Arts Partnerships which Carola will use a) to contact b) to invite to publicise themselves on the VAN website.
Apparently in the SCC arts policy, visual arts in Shrewsbury are prioritised, presumably because they are seen as in need of more support than other areas.
Sue Goodwin thinks that if we want to ask for money to develop the website, we must prove the need for it. Dave and Carola both emphasised that this means we need a thought out business plan, and therefore means we have to clarify what we think VAN should be/wants to be doing.
Carola has also tried but failed so far to make contact with Maggie Love (SABC arts development officer), who apparently has expressed great willingness to help us..
3 Membership We have 36 paid up members at the moment. It was decided that membership application forms (which Carola will produce) will go out with the questionnaire; we also need to start sending receipts.
4 Finance Andrew said we need £600 pa to cover our costs (i.e. to survive but not do anything that means paying out money). Thats the equivalent of 60 members at present rate. The address for bank and other stuff will be changed from Belmont to Andys. Co-signatories for cheques are Neil Walker, Mike Hatch, Pat Jones, and Wren Miller.
5 Website Much discussion, ending with general agreement that the website is a priority for the next year. Martin is to link our site to Shropshire Community Directory. Carola asked trustees to look at the Axis website (a national arts site) for comparison and inspiration. She also said that Russell Parry, although not a member, is very willing to work on our website, as long as we pay him something.
General discussion
*That VAN must be, and be seen to be, professional in its activities, was expressed strongly by Andy, Carola and Martin and others during the evening.
*Martin reported back from a seminar on Culture in Shropshire and Telford which he attended both as Qube and VAN. Out of that, he said, a group is to be set up called SHAG (Shropshire art Group) to organise if possible outside local authority constraints and financing, and to act as a discussion forum. The groups includes Art Alive;Pentabus;DASH;VAN;Qube;BorderArts;Blue Eyed Soul. This obviously is a broad group; it was emphasised that locally the profile of visual arts within culture is low compared to say drama or music. Carola will use the list of attendees as another set of targets to contact.
*Carola is to produce a list of the local great and good in the arts scene and local authorities, so that trustees know more clearly who we are talking about.
*Comment relayed by Dave from Andy Down of Creative Industries Hereford:- the unique thing about VAN is the Art about Town (in comparison to other local arts groups).
Future Activities
Various decisions about the summer festival were taken:-
a) every exhibitor in Art about Town must be a member of VAN; (prop Carola, sec Dave, passed unanimously)
b) There was discussion about artists and shopkeepers fees, but nothing was decided.
c) Artists in the Open Studios must also be members (prop Dave, sec Carola, passed unanimously)
d) There should be one leaflet and trail map, which should include both the shops in Art About Town, with names of the artists, and the Open Studios
e) We should avoid the clash of the public events for the opening of A around T being on the same weekend as the Open Studios
f) If possible the Open Studios should run for 2 weekends; Ann McCay to be consulted
g) The finances of Open Studios ought really to be included in VAN accounts, but this will obviously be discussed first with Ann McCay.
It was decided by unanimous vote that VANs basic development work for the next year is to prepare a business plan in order to make funding applications to support the work and extension of:-
1 The website
2 Sarah Leans curating function
3 Art Around Town
4 Open Studios
5 The Open
6 Administration
as well as continuing with our existing work.
Sarah Lean, who took over Caspars curating operation, says she has problems finding artists who want to be exhibited!! We should have her details on the website; and the chair encouraged trustees to get to all her PVs and take other people with us, make more contacts, get networking. (Sarah Lean. leancreations@hotmail.com and www.leancreations.co.uk )
Next Meeting Monday Sept 10, The Cornhouse, 7.00 pm